2011-01-13-Is There Something Wrong
Topic: Is There Something Wrong
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Is there something wrong in your life; are there bad things going on around you locally or in the wider community? Perhaps there are cruel, immoral, illegal, or evil things going on and these are bound to have a detrimental effect on the whole of your society and how it functions.
Increasingly in your world there are all kinds of such unpleasant things happening, and whereas in days gone by people would have stood up to the perpetrators and tried to have these activities stopped, in recent times so many people just shrug their shoulders and do nothing, feeling they are powerless to intervene.
There has been a creeping malignance throughout your civilisation, where generation after generation find conditions are worse for them than they were for their parents and grandparents. The gadgets you all use are more advanced than anything your grandparents would have dreamed of, but the social fabric which binds your communities together has deteriorated significantly.
This is no accident, for the bankers, corporations, governments and others who run your world have constructed a society in which your power has generally been taken away and the banking, industrial and military complex have you just where they want you; for now. But it doesn’t stop there, as their current and future plans will see your freedoms reduced further until you are little more than battery hens. What they don’t tell you however, is that you have more power available to you than many of you are aware of, and if you will pay heed to my words I will explain, how to use it.
There are people who write letters and protest; issue writs where necessary, attend marches and other street protests, and engage in many other kinds of activity, but they are in a minority. Most people just shrug their shoulders and let the current status quo remain in operation. But there is an even smaller minority who engage in the procedure with the most powerful force, which is targeted creative thought. Before anything can be constructed, produced or enacted by people it is first created by thought and then the physical system which delivers the outcome or product swings into action.
Well, you have the ability to think, don’t you? Are your thoughts any less powerful than the collective thoughts of corporations or governments? I must tell you that they need not be, if they are used correctly. But first there is a warning which I must give you and that is to make you aware of the difference between positive and negative thought patterns. Positive thought has a spiritual basis and is constructive, whereas negative thought is not spiritually based and is corrosive. If you give out negative thought, sometime in the future it is going to come back and hit you hard and it will be magnified tenfold or one thousand fold, in this current incarnation or a future one and when it hits you, you aren’t going to like it. Yet it is the product of the individual’s own thought process which caused the eventual pain.
Positive thought being spiritually based, will also have an effect on its creator, and those good vibrations, if I can thus describe them, come back to the creator of the original thoughts and actually enhance their being. Thus you have a virtual circle of positive thoughts, which is very powerful, but it doesn’t end there. If more than one individual would band together, and project the same positive thoughts to change a situation for the better, then those thoughts are all the more powerful. The greater the number of people, the greater the positive power; but don’t forget your God and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy like myself. If you link to us, and construct your thoughts in our presence, then the magnitude of positivity is greatly increased.
You must not expect instant results, for although they can be instant they are more likely to happen over time as you measure it. For us with our overview, it all happens in the now, for there is no past, present, and future although you won’t see it like that in your world of time and calendars. No amount of positive thought is ever wasted; even though you may not see an instant result, or a result at some time in the future, or any result at all. If you light a firework, the chances are pretty good that you will see this wonderful display of colour in the sky, but with positive thought it may be that you will observe no effect at all, and yet you could have shot a hole in below the waterline in the dark ship of negativity.
If you would like something changed in the world, then you must consider the size and permanence of what you want changed. Does it impact on you personally; on your immediate circle of friends and family; on your locality; on your country or on the world? The bigger it is and the longer it has been established, the more powerful the positive thoughts must be. When you create your positive thoughts they must be spiritual and for the benefit of mankind, so don’t ask for $1000 so you can go to the casino or the racetrack, for that’s not the kind of thing I’m talking about.
People think in different ways; some construct an image, some a sentence or more of words, and for others it will be a prayer to God. It matters not how you think, only the purity and spirituality of your intention. If you can visualise the changes required then use that method, but if it is a few words with your God during a quiet moment, this is just as effective.
Some people treat God as a stranger; as a great power to be bowed down to, but I tell you in all honesty that if you had spent a hot and dusty afternoon on the trail and went into a place where God happened to be, then he would bathe your tired and painful feet. You are of Him and He is within you, so no special words or ceremony are required; just show to Him the respect you would wish to have shown to you. Do not be a stranger to Him, for you are His children and He is your Father and he loves you all unconditionally. He knows you personally, do you know Him?
I’ll leave you to work out the best way to proceed, because if it is all done for you, then you will have learned very little. But I say to you truthfully, that you can help make a vast improvement to your planet and the population with projected positive thought, and the Dark Ones don’t want you to know that.
Will you then join with us the Spiritual Hierarchy in thought at any time of your choosing and together we can make a vital difference to how things are in your world?
Bless you my dear ones.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you my words through Vince. 13th January 2011