2011-01-18-Great Things
Topic: Great Things
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “What are the really great things in life? Some are concerned because they are not doing anything worthy of renown – nothing of importance to the history of humanity. Is this true? In the light of a spiritual awakening, the falsehood of this belief becomes self-evident.
“When mortals are ‘assigned’ to this world, or any other material world, the only thing that is expected of them is that each discovers the Father in an individual and personal fashion. This is all that God, the universe, and a host of creatures involved with evolution, expect of you. To find God there is no need to do anything spectacular that merits the praise of men. Only by making consistent individual decisions to go to the innermost of your being and explore the link with the Father you will grow in faith as true children of God. In this world, all human beings with a normal mind can achieve this. Everything else, whatever you do to make a living, how famous you are, or how much in material goods you accumulate, have nothing to do with the reason why you are here.
“Didn't your family do a wonderful job so you could grow to be interested in exploring the spiritual side of your being? Perhaps you don’t believe that their job was in any way memorable. They could well have done plenty to prevent you from having an experience of spiritual progress, but they didn’t. Thanks to their dedication and their prolonged efforts, you are here now reading these words. It is thanks to the love of those who took care of you, without asking for anything in return, that today you have a real opportunity of attaining eternal life. In a world where children at times lose their lives by the hands of their parents, it is clear that your parents did a good job.
“Similarly, you have a responsibility with those that will come after you. Will you do for your children everything your parents did for you, and even more? Will you help in creating individuals with the potential for eternity? It would be wise to do so, because you would be working in harmony with the will of our Father.
“The great danger facing society today is the selfishness of the later generations. The sacrifice of the previous generations to raise their children is worthy of praise, but it has also contributed to the creation of a false sense of self-importance in people of today. Many are so focused on being great that they forget to be useful. See where you are today and realize how you can help; what great things to the eyes of the Father you could do. Sincere examination will show you that these things are the very reason why our Father has placed you here and now. In truth, the will of the Father is not hard to grasp, when not obstructed by the desires of a shortsighted and confused ego.
“You are all important to our Father. Each one of you has a function, a reason. Maybe you will not achieve your full potential in this world. However, accept that you are where you are for a reason and if you make yourself useful and become an ‘agent’ of the Father, to His eternal vision you will indeed be doing great things.”