2011-01-25-Being Available
Topic: Being Available
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Prolotheos
TR: Valdir Soares
Prolotheos: “As I conveyed to you earlier, I want to talk to you, at this late hour about ‘Being Available’.
“Being available for service is one of the most precious secrets of ministry. You cannot be of service to anybody, if you are not available. What I mean by ‘being available?’ Being available, from a spiritual viewpoint is to be willing to engage or be engaged in an activity that is not primarily for your personal gain. It is the disposition for being a channel to minister to others -- to bestow goodness upon others. Your benefit from being available will be a consequence of the fact you made yourself available, that is, the spiritual satisfaction that it grants.
“Let me be clear that God doesn’t need your service for Himself. God needs nothing from anyone. However, He does want to use you to minister to others that are in need. Every genuine desire to help others comes from God, since He is the One who knows every human being, and knows them so well as to take notice of every small need they have. So, when a neighbor’s need is pointed out to you, know that this prompting comes from God, most often through your Thought Adjuster that lives in our mind and is able to put these leadings in your heart.
“However, the leadings and insights of your Thought Adjuster will not be noticed by you if you do not hold in your heart the determination to be available -- the very important decision of putting the needs of others even before your own needs. Becoming available doesn’t come from a decision of a passing moment. It is, in fact, a life-decision that imparts an attitude, a state, a disposition in your life towards others, making you ever ready to help others when prompted about their problems.
“In fact, it is more a question of spiritual readiness, than going out to look for somebody in need to help. There is an intention, but such readiness flows so naturally in your walk of life that you cannot miss a needy human being on your way. When you have this spiritual readiness, there will be no conflict, doubt, internal debate, if you should or should not help your fellow human being in need, because you know you must, and you simply will.
“Again, being available is not a momentary decision. It comes from the adoption of the value of goodness in your life. All who have committed their lives to spread goodness will be enabled with the readiness for it. It is a sensitivity and ability that grows within, which empowers you to naturally, effortless, do the will of God. You will not need anybody to teach you or to instruct you, because you will know what to do, naturally, spontaneously.
“Are you available to minister goodness to others? It doesn’t come without an attitude of putting aside the self and your immediate interests. The self is important only in the way it is a channel to help others. Remember that your current self is only temporary -- as is your mind -- and will cease of exist after death. It is a personal tool you have in this life, so you can produce and progress with the help of the Adjuster by making decisions that lead to truth, goodness and beauty, through which to build up your soul, destined to survive beyond this life.
“I am Prolotheos, glad to spread this word of instruction to you all who are in the beginning of your celestial career. Carry on, my friends. As I was available to you this night, be always available to others, my friends.”