Topic: Acceptance
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Mentori
TR: Lytske
Spokesperson: “Thank you for your willingness to be my mouthpiece, so I can impart another lesson for your instruction. We acknowledge the struggles you mortals go through to become respectable humans in your own right -- learning to know right from wrong, and honesty from deceit.
“This planet you live on is not one of ease, and indeed, life can be quite rugged. The main fact in life is that of self-acceptance, because if you cannot accept yourself for whom and what you are, and what you are becoming, how would it be possible for you to accept others, who often are so very different from you.
“The acceptance of self, with an honest and sincere appraisal of self, is mandatory for healthy spiritual growth. This is the most important work you can engage in, as many have hidden grievances and resentment, perhaps grudges in their hidden closet, and of which they are not aware. When they come across others who have similar issues, instead of recognizing these limitations in themselves, such limitations, and for no apparent reason, can hinder what could have become a useful and meaningful exchange between people.
“It takes real courage to be honest with the self to discover these hidden obstacles, which prevent you from loving yourself, just the way you are. This is a huge lesson, which if you desire to accept and love others unconditionally, needs to be learned. You can now well imagine that the most important work in this life is acceptance of yourself on the road to perfection in eternity.
“This is not always an easy thing to do, as you are surrounded by brothers and sisters who are having their own individual struggles to become more real. It is by this opportunity for growth that you can help each other.
“It is a wonderful thing for us to observe the gains that are being made on this planet. It is not through ease seeking that these inner battles are won. No, indeed not. It takes effort and struggle to overcome the baser tendencies of human nature, to truly aspire to become what you are designed to become according to the divine blueprint, placed in you at conception, at which time God gifted you with your personality.
“Perfection is inherent in people as this represents the goal of the ages to attain. In order to achieve this goal, God has given you free will choice, so that you are experientially able through the decision making process to attain the goal of eternal life. This is so ordained as the method in which God, being perfect, experiences Himself through you.”