2011-01-31-The Gathering
Topic: Acceptance
Teacher: Monjoronson, Marcus, Mary
TR: Vince, Diana
Here are the latest transcriptions of channelled voice messages received by group members from members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and selected others. Voice messaging is a different procedure to normal telepathic channeling, whereby a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy channels the words which appear in the recipient’s brain and are then typed out. With the Voice channeling, the being concerned sits with the channeler and uses their voice box to speak the words which are recorded and transcribed from the recording at a later time.
In this batch of recordings, we have Mary Magdalena and Christ Michael Aton from the Spiritual Hierarchy, and their selected helpers in the form of Marcus the Scribe and an elderly gentleman with a military background. I’ve put these on the Blog, and the Front Page as well as The Gathering page, so that more visitors to Erethea get the opportunity to read them.
Session 1
- 28th January 2011
Marcus: Hello, My name is Marcus, Marcus the Scribe.
I am fascinated with your world and its’ complexity. Christ Michael and Monjoronson were looking for somebody to work with Vince and so I was dug out of my studies and I volunteered for the task. It was rather daunting because, from the outside, Vince looks very, very fierce at times, and yet now I have got to know him more he’s just like a big cuddly bear.
If you go back to the days when I was walking the streets in London, and I had occasional business to attend to in Plymouth in connection with naval matters, although I used to study much, there was still the need to do other things of a more material nature; life was every bit as venal as it is now in your world, and for its time there was much hustle and bustle, and speed; but it was still slower than your expectations of today are.
The whole business of shopping, and in particular for food, is utterly fascinating. You shop in giant cathedrals with vast quantities of food and other goods on the shelves; and it just makes the mind boggle as to the variety of it all. I have been with you when you have shopped for the last two weeks and I’m still amazed. In fact, I will be with you tomorrow morning when you go. I’m looking forward to the coffee house and other aspects of your Saturday morning.
Unfortunately those who were in control then are still in control now even though they are in many cases different people, they are of the same families; they are of the same mind. They are sadly misguided and very evil people. Only a few hundred years has passed between my last incarnation in your dimension and your present incarnation; but although the technology has improved the quality of peoples’ lives in many ways has deteriorated. Yes you can buy clothes cheaply; yes you have a vast array of food, but at the centre, where is the spirit, where is the understanding, where is the knowledge of your God?
The artificial religions are always there; the bottle shop and the whorehouse are always there; you no longer have horse-shit in the streets; but if I may use the same word again, the shit in the street is the pollution from the cars, the trucks, and the buses; and the aircraft passing overhead. My word there’s so much of it, and you are forced to breathe it in. Thank God I’m dead!!! Vince is laughing here, he finds the concept of me speaking because I’m “dead” very, very funny, and that is part of why I am here; for with his state of health he finds it quite difficult and I am here and can help jolly things along a little.
I have many purposes and am here to help with the receipt and the transcription of messages from this side, principally from the Spiritual Hierarchy but as you heard yesterday the first one from a much loved member of your family; but I am also here to nudge him along a little when there are bottlenecks of various kinds in the day, or in the night. This is my pleasure to serve and I feel honoured.
And now, I must bid you a very good evening; with my love and I say to you, God Bless you all.
Vince: God Bless you too, Marcus.
Session 2
- 29th January 2011
Diana: Mary Magdalena is here and wants to speak through me.
Mary Magdalena: My Dear Children, I come and join your Gathering and bring with me love, light, healing, wisdom and understanding.
Vince: Thank You.
Mary Magdalena: In your world there is much unrest; there are people fighting; there are people rioting; there are people killing each other. This is not the way it was ever intended to be; in every individual somewhere, there is a spark of light. Christ Michael and His disciples, for they still are, love each of you and enfold you in their embrace; and they wouldn’t do that if there wasn’t a spark. Unfortunately people who are fighting and going through the traumatic unrests have become this way because of what has happened to them in their life.
A babe is born and it is a blank canvas; that babe is then exposed to impressions of people that surround it; religion so-called, ways of life; what other stronger individuals believe is correct, and then that babe becomes a child who becomes a youth and eventually an adult. Along the way there is your media and your so-called hierarchy of people with knowledge and learning, who brainwash the babe and along the line this individual turns to violence and crime; but somewhere inside each and every one of you is a spark, and that spark has the innocence and the love that you started off with.
Each of you chose a path that you would take before you came into this incarnation and then what is around you shapes and moulds that life, and along the line there is free-will and what shall we say, fate has in store for you, and in some societies and some areas of your Earth this becomes sparked into unrest, into war, into rioting, into crime; added into which you will have things like drugs and alcohol, and corruption; and is it any wonder that these souls become amiss and go astray.
My request to you; all of you, is that you spare a moment and you look at these people and try and find that spark of light and send your love, ask for them to have healing and guidance, for we love them, we embrace them, we know that whatever they are doing, within them is the spark; for you are all from the same pot of spirit, and you are all human beings and it takes but a moment to give a little bit of healing to those who need it, for even the hardest and most toughened criminal has that spark; and my request to you today is to send your love, that you may help them back onto the path, back towards the light, that when they come home we can then take over and give them the healing and help that they need to return to the fold.
And on that note, I give you my love and my blessing, and I withdraw.
Vince: God Bless you Dear Lady and thank you very much.
Diana: I have a gentleman being introduced to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy, he is an elderly gentleman with a moustache who has a military background and he is going to be helping us by bringing a sense of authority to the proceedings. He wishes to bring with him respect, because he has enjoyed what he has seen and heard tonight.
Then Marcus the Scribe comes forward and speaks through Vince.
Marcus: It’s me again; I’m Marcus your friendly Scribe. I have enjoyed being with you today; I have been with all of you at various times; it has been a great pleasure.
The gentleman of the military nature, with the polished shoes and the moustache was around here and I brought him into your arena, for he was very nervous. It is quite a daunting thing sometimes; you have to understand that what you are doing here is not a mainstream activity in your world and when both members of the Spiritual Hierarchy; family, friends and others hear about what’s going on, of course it attracts people.
Now, it has to be said that there will be no one attracted here who is below a certain level of spirituality, for that is most important. Those who come here do so because they are permitted to; this is very much under the control of Christ Michael and Monjoronson and nobody gets in who shouldn’t. In any event if there was somebody with or without a material body, and they tried to get in you would feel the vibration. It would be low; it would be irritable and negative, so again it is like attracting like.
The authorities, shall we say, of the Spiritual Hierarchy come here because they see promise in all of you; you all have something magnificent to give, and as was said; every child of God has a spark. They are not discriminated against because they steal from you, and beat you up, and shoot you; they have a problem, but everybody is loved unconditionally. That is a concept which many people would find very difficult to understand; I know you probably will, but if this goes out to a wider audience I would say look at your dog, or your rabbit, or your cat, or your budgie and any domestic animal you care to mention; they love you unconditionally.
If you ill treat them, they still love you unconditionally; they cannot do anything but. It is the human who does not understand unconditional love very often; in one form it is the love of the mother for her children, be they a saint, be they a murderer. The mother will still love the child; so should the father. Your Father and your Mother love you unconditionally; I am talking here, your Father as your God and your Mother in the form of Mary Magdalena; I love you unconditionally, there is nothing finer. It is a state of perfection; it is all encompassing and wraps you in the warmth of their love. It is mankind who cause the problems; dish out the hurts; grab the money and resources; play the silly political games and everything else you know already besides; but, they are still loved.
It is a message we want to deliver everywhere we possibly can; unconditional love is perfection and is the keys to the castle; there is nothing finer.
Thank you for listening to my sermon, it pleases me greatly to be here and I begin to wonder why I ever doubted you. However, now is the time for me to go and so I say; God bless you all.
Session 3
- 30th January 2011
Christ Michael: Good Evening my Dear Ones, it is I Michael of Nebadon or as you would say, Christ Michael. Calling me Michael is fine, for as I call you by your names, so you may call me by my name without the rank; for we are in your home; I feel very welcome and this is how I wish to address you and I would ask you to address me.
I wanted to make it quite clear to everybody both outside of this group and within, that it takes place under my authority. It is, if you like, an official project of Michael of Nebadon. People who are of the wrong vibration will not be here; we have security procedures in hand which only ensure that those I permit to be here will be here.
I gave you Marcus, for he is a very learned man, a very kind and loving man, and he’s willing to serve. Then there was the military man who, shall we call Nigel. He will bring a touch of authority and officialdom to the output of this group. I would say to you all; do not compare this group and this project with any other groups, projects, web-sites; for they are all different; they all have completely separate purposes, and here I am speaking of the ones I am directly associated with.
I cannot say to you that this group we call Erethea and The Gathering will do this or that or something else, for the possibilities are many. The limits are your own fears or inabilities, for I have set no limits, and your client group is humanity, your brothers and sisters and my children; very much is possible. You cannot climb a mountain if you haven’t mastered the foothills. At the moment you are in your infancy and beginning to find your feet; do not expect major revelations; do not expect vast tracts of text which will build into a huge volume, into an even bigger book; for the purpose is to reach what I will call the common man. That is not a derogatory term, it is ordinary people; it is those people who are disenfranchised. I am passionate about attracting people who would not normally wish to be associated with anything to do with “God”, the “G” word.
My how it frightens some people, but if only they knew their God was not wrathful but me, who is mild mannered and gentle, and speaks to you so nicely. It is unfortunately their loss, but we need to attract them; we need to reach them, we need to make them understand that they can turn their back on violence and theft, and greed. They can walk to the light; I will help them along the way; this is why we are here, we are here to help them.
This project which is a tender sapling has the potential to grow into a vast and long living oak tree and with it you dear ones will grow too; both the ones here in the material body, and the ones here without the material body; you will all grow as a result.
Let no man or woman say that Erethea and The Gathering are not of God, are not of the light; they are very much my passion and my dear friend Monjoronson regards this as a very important project too. We are united in our desire to make this work and we will do whatever is required to achieve it.
It gives me great pleasure to visit you with your positive and refreshing attitudes, for there are so many who have the eye on the money and the glory, and the power; and none of you give a fig for these!! You are not materialists; I understand, and so we may unite upon this task, which will go on for a very long time picking up poor lost ones here and there as we go and bringing them back into the fold, with dignity and with love, and light.
This is the first time I have sat with this one (Vince) in the chair, and we are both sitting in the same spot, but in different dimensions. He is at peace and I am at peace and we are as one; and that is how everyone should be, for I am your Father, you are my Son or Daughter; there is no difference; we are all one.
Thank you for your hospitality this evening and I bid you a very good night and send you my love and the light; thank you.