2011-02-13-N. Idaho TeaM

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Topic: Expanding Force of Light

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: LIGHT, Michael. Siraya, Machiventa

TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers



LIght: [Henry] Greetings to you all this morning, this is Light. It is good to be here to witness the awareness and revelation within the group, to witness the functioning of thought, the holding of intention, and the ability to correctly discern the situation you have to know that in all talk of light you immediately bring me into focus. My abilities have a much more profound nature when I am consciously called in and focused on. The tremendous metaphors for light which are available as a resource on this planet are tremendously varied. For example, almost every belief, religious group, has sacred texts which contain nuggets of light, nuggets of truth and awareness and it is these nuggets of gold which carry the whole weight of these sacred scriptures for all of these various religious factions existing presently on your world.


It is the effort of spirit to illuminate, to stoke the embers of these golden nuggets, to flame enthusiasm, consciousness, and awareness at this time within all of these groups. Of course, any time truth is highlighted at the forefront it is usually competing with what isn't true, demanding a tremendous amount of patience to allow the misbelief to express itself to the point that it may be viewed as empty, thereby requiring that it is aligned to the nugget of truth. Light is a tremendously powerful phenomenon. It is not only the intense reflection of radiation, it is the means by which infinite and eternal truths and revelation is able to minister to the worlds of time and space.

Light at its source is brilliant, light at a distance illuminates, and light to the misconception creates shadow. So many are hiding in the shadows, it is time to step into the light. You will begin to notice the light begin to illuminate on your world. This is the intention of spirit. As it begins to illuminate it will create intense confusion and polarization. This is to be expected. Before things become one they must accumulate in diametrically opposing force or polar opposites. So you will begin to see factions begin to posture themselves in a positive and negative light. Know that this is the time when the light grows stronger and when the angle of the light begins to dispel all shadows.

This is truly the entrance into Light and Life, when the light becomes greater than the shadow. Hold fast the light, may it ever shine brilliantly in the hearts and minds of all illumined indwelt mortals on earth. Thank you this morning for allowing me to give voice to light and continue in your ability as a group to work through ideas and to seek resolution in consciousness. Thank you.

Michael: [Mark] Hello my dear ones, I am Michael. It is my great pleasure to come among you once again on this day and to gather you close to me, that I may express my words of affection to you. I recognize that at this time of year for you there is an occasion that you observe, that you refer to as Valentine's Day in which it is observed that individuals make overt gestures of affection to one another. And so it is that I embrace your tradition and would make such an overt gesture to you my dear ones.

This thing that we have between us, which we use the word love to describe, is such a deep and profound force that certainly no word alone could ever be used to symbolize such a potent, powerful, and real force as we feel between us and among us. Yet in this life that you are engaged in at this time and that you so willingly welcome me to share with you, this force of love while being unseen, may be observed in the tenderness of the gestures you offer to one another and the gesture that you offer when you come to Me and your Mother as your Divine Parents, when you exercise your intention to approach us and bring to us in every way that you know how to demonstrate it, your sincere desire to show your affection in our direction. Please welcome the acknowledgement I bring to you now that we receive these gestures and in turn as you are growing to feel in your own experience, we continue to shower you with ours.

There has been some discussion of perhaps a rearranging or changing of the guard as it were, for who or how many or by what authority things may appear different to you from your perspective. But certain things will remain forever a constant. The relationship of parents and children remains forever a constant. Throughout many ascensions and even an eternal career, this relationship is indelible, never to be removed from your condition or mine. So I ask for your trust when I tell you that I shall never be far from you and that we shall never have a diminished relationship. We shall always remain tied to each other as families are tied in this way.

It is true that there will be many shifts and changes as we move through this process together but there will always be a constant thread of love that binds us and ties us together forever. And so I bring you these tidings on your upcoming Valentine's Day and ask you all to expand those who you would demonstrate your affections to, to include us, your Divine Parents as well because we are always connected. We have this bond between us which shall never be broken and I shall never forsake you nor be too far from you at any time. Even in moments of your personal distress it can be said then, I am the closest, we are the closest. We are wiping your brow as it were, as you undergo the process of mortal life and we are ever there to bring our love to bear in the equation in relationship to your capacity to receive it.

So once again, it is my great pleasure to utilize this avenue to bring you this affirmation and to gather you ever closer to us in this process. I pray that you may be in peace and in certainty and conviction of this truth. Let it be so Father, even now. I am with you on Valentine's Day and always with an equal affection as I know you look to me and to us with the same fond regards. I take my leave but as I have said, I do not retreat far from you ever. Let us have peace together, so be it. Thank you.

Siraya: [Henry] Greetings to all of you this morning. I come as a Master of Light. I am that which is called Siraya, here not as a teacher but in a functional capacity, to shift the quality of light that it may more greatly reveal what is hidden by the shadow. The shifting of this light will become evident as grounded light workers begin to experience a supercharge in light, giving them more and greater power to be anchors and beacons of the light grid, like the net which surrounds your orb. My capacity in this manner is called forth at this time as your universe begins to move into a greater frequency of light and energy currents. At this time I thank you for allowing me to present this information as to my functioning and as it specifically relates to this world in the universe of Nebadon. Thank you.

Machiventa: [Henry] Greetings to you today, this is Machiventa. I am here today to draw a distinction between the work of spirit on your world and the functioning of Siraya. The greater portion of spirit on your world works within the shadows. True, we work to bring people into the light which necessitates us going into the shadows for the largest part of our work. Therefore we do not focus exclusively on those which do work with the light as our task mainly deals with bringing the light out inside of those who would cover it up with a bushel, for is not this where the greatest work is to be found?

As your Master said on the earth: "I have not come to serve the righteous but to seek out the sinner." Continue in all that you do and trust that greater revelation will be able to reveal itself the closer you get this civilization [to] crawl towards LIght and Life. You are still children. Much of the workings of the universes are not revealed to you. There is so much fight and conflict over the little light that you do have it would be ridiculous for us to turn it on full blast when you can handle so very little. Know that as your Divine Parents, we also hold the peoples on your planet as a family, a loving family and a loving brotherhood reflecting the Fatherhood of God. Know that we continue and will continue to be here in an endeavor to move the consciousness of the races forward.


I thank you this morning and continue in all of your efforts to serve the light.