2011-02-23-I Will Show You the Way
Topic: I Will Show You the Way
Group: At Large
Teacher: Siraya
TR: Paul Conklin
[From The T/R 02/23/11: Dear Friends, I knew since yesterday that Siraya had something to say to me. A very beautiful message came through that I would like to share with all of you. Each one of the celestials has a distinct energetic signature and I feel that differentiated strongly in each one. I don't know why or how it works, I just know that it does work. ]
Good evening my child, this is Siraya. I always enjoy our talks that we have. It brings me great pleasure that I can awaken a finite mortal. It brings me great pleasure that you are sharing these things with your friends.
Tonight we will discuss the way. When you walk down a path there are usually markers along the way. Have you ever been in a forest where there was a blaze mark splashed on a succession of trees or perhaps upon a rock along the path? You know that if you follow these blazes that you will reach your destination.
There is great excitement as you walk the path and follow the markings laid down for you by those that blazed the trail before you. But as much as you long to get to your destination you stop frequently along the way to admire the beauty that you see all around you. As you climb a mountain path with the customary tree blazes you stop alongside a mountain stream. You listen quietly to the sounds of the stream as it babbles and hurtles downward. You look up and you are surrounded by massive trees. It is a very old growth forest. The trees are of all varieties and sizes. There are sycamores and pines, maples and sassafras trees. Some of the trees are one hundred feet tall or more. They reach so high above you that just a little bit of light reaches down to the forest path that you are walking on.
You continue your journey. There is a man made walking bridge that crosses the stream. You stop briefly on that walking bridge to listen for the sounds of silence that are coursing through your heart and soul. This time you enhance your listening skills. You close your eyes and you hear the winds up above you blowing through the tall trees. In the distance you hear the sounds of cars on a highway distant and indistinct. You hear the muted sounds of an aircraft flying overhead. You hear its sound, but you cannot see it. The forest canopy occludes any chance for an actual sighting of it.
After a few minutes you stride on down the forest path. You are careful to follow the blazes that appear periodically. You do not want to get off the path. You do not want to get off the path because you are unsure of the terrain. You fear getting lost if you deviate from your route. You know that something special is up ahead so you trudge on with eagerness and excitement.
You stop again. This time you stop at a waterfall. It must be at least one hundred feet tall. You watch as an unending stream of water cascades over the cliff and down upon the rocks below, below where it meets the stream again. You stand and stare. You are mesmerized. You are hypnotized. You close your eyes once more and you envision that you are filled with the peace that this waterfall and this forest path are engendering in you.
After a few minutes you journey on. You feel compelled to reach your destination. You now feel rejuvenated. You pick up your pace up the mountain path. The terrain is getting increasingly steep and treacherous, but you will not stop. Each step, each footfall, you keep trudging on. You put one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination.
You are now on a high mountain top. You look over the horizon. You can now see it all. You have never had this perspective before. There are no tall trees or distracting sounds to preclude you from having a clear vision of all of your surroundings. You breathe deep inhaling the refreshing and exhilarating air all around you. You decide that you will camp there on the mountain top overnight. You will watch as the sun goes down.
Tonight is a particularly beautiful night. You watch as the sun sinks below the horizon. You see the spectacular colors splash across the sky like a laser light show performed for your benefit. As the day fades and the sun disappears you stare at the fire that you started earlier. You have made it this far up a high mountain top because you refused to get off of the path. You followed the blazes left behind your by your compatriots. Because of that you now stand on a high mountain top. Because of that you now have a clear and unobstructed vision. When you awaken and the sun arises once again it is the first day of eternity. You have made it and you are not going back.
The journey to the Father is like a walk down a beautiful forest path. There are blazes everywhere. There is no way to get lost because The Father Himself is like the blazes that you find on every tall tree. Your vision is clear and unobstructed because you are following a light. You are following the eternal light that was always there blazing a trail for you on the path down a universal lane.
Let us continue. You remember that along the way you stopped and breathed deeply. You spent time in silent contemplation as you watched in silence the beauty all around you. This is how the Father speaks to you. When you quiet the mental chatter and listen for that still small voice. That still small voice that ever calls out to you. Taking a walk in nature is an appropriate metaphor for finding the Eternal Father. Because there is something inexplicable and there is something indefinable about that experience. That is because you shut off all outside interference. When you shut out that outside interference you can hear a steady stream of space signals pouring into your mind from the Eternal One.
My dear child as you walk the paths in this life take time to go into the stillness. Take time to connect with the Father of us all in the stillness. He will continually go ahead of you blazing that trail. He is the pioneer that has blazed that trail so that you can walk upon it. He is the grass that you walk upon and the dirt beneath your feet. He is the waterfall and the tall trees. He is the high mountain path and the wind blowing through the trees. He is the sun shining brightly and illuminating your path. He is the sun that arises each day. He is there as you lay your head down to sleep and as you arise each day.
“I will show you the way,” the Eternal One says. Keep walking down that forest path for there, for there you will find me. Hear me in the deafening silence. Follow my voice my child. Stop along the way and appreciate that beauty is always in front of you and also around every bend."
"When you finally reach the high mountain top after your long and arduous journey I will be the sun that arises. In this grand universe of mine there are blazes everywhere guiding your path. Look for them atop every tall tree. Look for them under every rock and in the mountain stream that rushes by. Because there I am my child awaiting for you."
"Inside of your mind I have implanted a forest path where there are blazes everywhere. I sent you a piece of myself to dwell in your mind. This piece of me is the trailblazer that I have sent ahead of me to find you and to bring you back home. You need not go into the wilds to find me, because inside of your mind is a forest path with blazes everywhere. I say to you, 'this is the way, walk in it you people.' Walk down that forest path where there are beauties unimaginable awaiting you. Stop periodically and smell the roses. Quiet your mind while you imagine that you are standing before a majestic waterfall. There you will find me, laying down a path that leads down an eternal road."
I am Siraya, the voice of the Father crying out. And the Eternal One says, “I shall show you the way children, walk in it.” Go in peace my child and walk in the way of the Father.