2011-02-26-A Simple Thought
Topic: A Simple Thought
Teacher: Mary
TR: Diana
Mary Magdalena: Dear Children, we gather together yet again and it is my pleasure to join you, to sit with you, to pray with you; to be here.
I ask for a few minutes of your time. It would be nice perhaps just to have a few thoughts from each of us to go to those on your planet at the moment who are in unrest, who are hungry, who have no roof over their head, who are in fear of their lives, who do not understand what is going on in the world; for your world at the moment is a very complex and unhappy place. Let us send a few thoughts in their direction, for as you know, thought sounds a very simple thing; it is a very simple thing, but it is a very powerful thing.
One thought; a positive thought I will add, goes into your atmosphere. It is magnified a thousand times; a million times; and it becomes a very powerful tool and one thought can go a long way to helping these individuals in their time of need, in their time of fear. Perhaps it is the time that they are to pass over and join us on the other side of life; perhaps they are to go through one of the things they have chosen to go through for this incarnation. But one thought is all it takes to spark off a lot of help; a lot of love and a lot of positivity. It is that light that goes on at the end of the tunnel.
To send out one of these thoughts, however simple, is a very generous and giving and loving thing to do. Many of your people call these thoughts “prayers”. Be they prayers, be they thoughts; be it love, be it compassion, be it understanding; it is all the same thing, it is simply a way to help one another through your time of trouble, and troubled times there are at the moment, as you know.
Take heart from what you know within; take heart, because inside you know what is right. You know it makes sense to look at the values you have, to go back to the basics; for the basics will always get you through. As we spoke last week about simple things, again it is the basic thoughts, the basic principles, the basic tenets of life that will make you strong, remove you from all the trivia and glitz, and media that surrounds you. The basic things are what you know, what is right and what is wrong; for you do know what is right and you do know what is wrong, each and every one of you. You know not to do each other harm; you know to do each other only good. Yes, we all lapse; you all lapse; it is nature to lapse, that is how you learn your lessons in life, but to go back to the basic things is good, it is pure and when you go back to the basic things in life that is a good time for us to draw close and to help you; to help you mould yourselves and help you develop yourselves so that when you come to the time in the future when you are ready to join with us, life will be easier for you. The transition will be smoother and the time will be right.
To go back to what we were talking about earlier, every day I ask of you a simple thought for those in need, be their need physical, spiritual, mental, whatever; a simple thought can go a long way to healing; not just the human, the animal and your Mother Earth or Gaia, whatever you wish to call her. Thought is a very, very powerful tool and should be used positively, with love, for the benefit of all.
And on that note my dear children, I give you my blessing and I take my leave of you.