2011-03-10-Current Events
Topic: Current Events
Teacher: S333
TR: Vince
This is the transcript of a Voice Message from S333, which took place just after 9:30pm Greenwich Mean Time on Thursday 10th March 2011, before we had heard the news about the Japanese earthquakes and tsunami.
S333: Hello my dear ones, I am David who you will know as S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy. I started channelling with Vince about a year ago and we did between us a copious amount of channelling, more than 100 messages, many of which were targeted at the dark ones, for it was, and still is important to try and get them to change their ways and tread the path of light rather than the darkness; and so I am here to issue a word or two of wisdom which I hope you will understand and appreciate.
There is much talk of the wave of energy heading in the direction of your beautiful planet and it is correct, there is a wave. It has also been said that the Earth will tremble and every particle of everything and every being on the planet will tremble, so that not a single soul, or plant, or house, or table, or chair, will be excluded from the exercise; and yes it is imminent and that is the point I wish to discuss.
For, if you were to look at a nest of ants scurrying across a tiled floor, you would be looking at them with an overview as we look at you. The ants’ lives happen much faster than yours and yours are much faster than ours. You live in the linear timeframe of your own making and what seems to be a long period of time is, in fact by our standards, ‘now’ or just a moment ago, or just a moment in the future; for there really is no difference between the past, the present and the future. It is the ‘now’.
So when the great beings who are in charge and project managing the Ascension or your planet and as many of your people as qualify, this is a big exercise and it is happening, it is now. So does that mean by tomorrow lunchtime cities will have crumbled, people will have died and your lives will never be the same again? Well my friends, it is impossible to be precise when pinning a time or date label to these events. Monjoronson has said many times before “it happens when it happens, just be ready”.
Get involved with your project, take it forward, learn, develop, evolve; so that you are ready when the time happens. You will know, you will not be left out, nobody will. My friends of the light, just be ready.
Will it happen next week? I could not say. Will it happen it two months time? I could not say. How about over the weekend? I could not say; for when translated into your linear timeframe, it happens when it happens. There it is, we see it quite clearly, it is in the ‘now’. It is happening as I speak these words; but in your linear timeframe your perception is different and so will it happen by this coming Christmas? Should you book your summer holidays, for you may be on a beach in an exotic part of the world during your summer vacations? It happens when it happens.
It is important that every one of you prepares yourselves. Find your God, develop your spirituality. If you are one of those who followed the dark path, shun it. Turn and walk away, become of the light; for that is your salvation. Alas, there will be many who are nowhere near ready for harvesting, and will have to continue elsewhere in another life in a more appropriate dimension.
Even if it did happen by next Sunday, think how many days you have to find your God within; to turn from the darkness to the light. It is your choice, but there are many who will not take that choice. They are happy to deride any mention of there being a God. They are happy to put chips on the table in a casino; to drive their luxury air-conditioned limousines in the big countries and in the desert. They fly around the world in their planes; cruise on their ships and they have met their God. It is the Dollar, or the Pound, or the Euro or the Yen; Renimbi is a very difficult word to say and that is the currency unit of China. That is their God; money.
Well my friends, time is nearly up and there’s about three choices; change for the better; stay the same; or bury your heads in the sand. The best option is to change, find the light; find your God. Once you have done so, you will have made the biggest positive step that you could possibly do, and it will save you many hundreds of thousands of years until the opportunity arises again, where you are ready. It is a shame; there are so many people who do not know their God.
The substance of this message is: The events which will happen and which are heading in your direction will land at a certain time on a certain day, but no-one can say which hour and which day. So it is going to be a surprise when it happens and I suggest the best thing to do is to prepare for yourself, and now I must take my leave of you and I say God bless you all my children and bon voyage.