2011-03-13-Struggle Between Spirit and Flesh
Topic: Struggle Between Spirit and Flesh
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Paul Conklin
(Preface by the Transmitter: Dear Friends, This is encouragement from our Creator Son to keep moving forward despite our errors. We all have this struggle, but we do not give up.]
My dear child, this is your father Michael. I am so pleased with your progress. You are struggling yes, but you are moving forward. On such a world as this, the world of my final bestowal, you are moving forward, moving ahead.
As long as you live and breathe upon this planet there will be a duality. There will be the struggling of the flesh against the spirit. So many of my children continue to struggle, to cry out in their struggling because the struggle is so intense, so unrelenting. But I tell you my child that this struggling will have success as its end point.
You feel that you have blocked all approach. Nothing can penetrate that veil that you have created. Yet my children there is nothing that can block my love. I understand your struggles. I understand your pain. These things are just temporary. For as you walk this life you will experience deep pain and sorrow. But I assure all of you that this too shall pass.
One day you shall look back upon all of your struggles and you shall marvel. You shall marvel that such a one as yourself was able to overcome all of these things. But my son, you need to believe in yourself. I believe in you. Why don’t you believe in you? I have faith in you. Why don’t you have faith in you? I love you. Why don’t you love yourself? My dear child, you are now contending with the wild beast. The wild beats that now vies with urgings of the spirit. The spirit sings to your soul. This singing is what can soothe the soul of the savage beast. But despite these struggles I still love you unconditionally, just as I love all of my children unconditionally.
On such a planet as this you had a very unfair beginning. Do you not think that I am aware of this? Do you not think that my reason for choosing this sphere was as a result of the things that humankind have suffered due to the Lucifer rebellion? My heart was always breaking for you my dear children. You were all in pitch darkness and it seemed that there was no one to help you. But I tell you that you were always close to my heart. Don’t you remember that the first shall be last and the last first? It really does seem that all of you Urantians have suffered abysmally. But your seeming stay at the bottom rung, so to speak, was just an illusion. It was an illusion because you have always been first in my heart.
When you err you think that I cannot possibly love you. When you err you think that your Paradise Father cannot possibly love you. My dear child and all of my dear children never believe that. You are all cherished beyond measure. For all of you parents out there consider this. When you witnessed the birth of your child did you ever think that you would ever stop loving them? No matter what your child did you would always love that child. Now if you, children of the realm, children of mortality, can love your children in such a way, what makes you think that your divine parents would not love you even more so? How could our love ever be less so than the love that you show your own children? Are we not the ones that opened the way so that you could learn what it means to love? So, never doubt my child. Never doubt my children. We know you will err. We know that you will struggle. You have been forgiven ahead of time. You have been shown mercy ahead of time. Never think that for one minute that you are not loved because you err at times.
Have you ever considered this my children? He that is forgiven much loves much. Do you suppose that someone not prone to error could understand? Could they understand the relentless struggle? Could they understand the never ending hardships? You that have been forgiven much are learning to love much. There is so much love in your hearts because you have been forgiven in a large way. Could you have learned this if you had a more normal upbringing? Could you have learned this if you lived on a planet that had not experienced rebellion? Yes, you could have learned these lessons on more normal planets of evolution. But your contributions are much more earnest because you have lived through relentless darkness and yet you still found the light.
You are all so eager to learn. You are all so eager to learn about the things of the spirit. Your determination is admirable. Despite your inauspicious beginnings you still reach out for spirit. Don’t you think that your struggles will result in a compassionate being that will also shine that compassion on others? Whereas other persons may look down on others when they stumble, you will look on with understanding and love. You will say, “ I have been there.” “I was at that place once.” “Don’t give up dear brother or sister?” “The struggle may be intense but the rewards are unsurpassing.”
A seed once implanted in the earth struggles to find the light. For a long time this seed begins to sprout looking for the surface. It is buried in many layers of dirt and mud. The seed begins to weep because it thinks that it is not worthy to reach the surface and to find the light. Finally, after a long period of struggle this seed breaks through the surface and a little leaf is seen aspiring for the light. After more time passes a bud appears. The bud aspires to find the sunlight that began its journey eight minutes prior. Each day this bud begins to feed on the light from the sun and the nutrients from the soil. It soaks in the refreshing rains from the heavens. Until one day the seed that became a leaf that became a bud becomes a flower. This flower was once beneath the earth in the darkness cut off from the light. But now this little seed that became the leaf that became the flower is basking in the light of heaven.
My dear children you are the seeds that are becoming the buds that will bloom into the beautiful flowers. These flowers that have developed will have been forged on a world buried in the darkness for so long. I am the sun that shone upon you while you were yet underground. Because of me you have started out as a seed that became the bud that became the flower. You responded to my light and to the light of the Eternal One. The fact that you all have erred has actually made you into flowers more beautiful than you otherwise would have been.
My dear children weep not. When you find yourselves loathing your progress and regretting your errors come to me. Come to me and I will upbuild you. Come to me and I will uplift you. Come to me and I will love you. One day all traces of the wild beast shall be found no more. Until that time call upon me and I shall be there. I shall be there to comfort you and to urge you forward. Pick yourselves up and continue going forward. Your struggles are a thing of beauty to me because, despite of those struggles, you do not give up. I am ever proud of you my children. I forever love you. Go and be in my peace.