2011-03-16-What is Love
Topic: What is Love
Group: At Large
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Paul Conklin
My dear child this is your mother Nebadonia. On this planet there are questions concerning love and what love really is. You have all learned conflicting lessons concerning this topic. It is no wonder that you are all confused. You all receive confusing messages concerning love and concerning love’s application. I would like to answer your question my child. I would like to answer your question concerning love.
Have you ever floated down a river? Have you ever floated down a river on a raft? Have you ever floated down a river on a raft while you were young? Have you ever floated down a river as a young child? Have you ever floated down a river as a child with your head on the lap of your mother? You have your eyes wide open as you look up into the sky. You see the clouds up above floating lazily by. You see trees that line the river bank flourishing and alive as they soak in the nutrients from the soil. You hear the water lapping up against the raft as you float gently down the river. All the while you are nestled in the lap of your mother. Nothing can harm you and nothing can hurt you. You are safe and secure. You are free from want and free from harm. That is what love is.
Love is dynamic and alive. It looks for opportunities wherein to express itself. You may think that a lazy ride down a river in a raft is hardly a time when love is being expressed. But I tell you that in those moments are the times when love’s expressions are at its fullest. Love’s expressions are at its fullest in the quietest of times when love rides on a raft with its mother.
Love is tender and kind. Love is gentle and sweet. Love is patient and forbearing. Love is mother cradling her child in her lap while floating lazily down a river. It is at these times when loves foundations are being laid. These types of foundations will never crumble. What you may not know my children is the building work taking place by both parents as they guide their child down the shores of Urantia. As necessary as food and water are, so love is like the lifeblood that flows through one’s veins. Deprive one of love and watch that one slowly die. Give out love freely and liberally and watch as that one comes to life, comes to life again.
What is love my children? What is love? Love is everything. For it is for this reason that we live and breathe and exist. Love is the reason for being. Love is the reason for living. Love powers the cosmos and propels galaxies through their prescribed orbits. Love resides at the center of all things. Love looks for others to share itself with. It is constantly on the lookout to give of itself freely and eternally.
Can you imagine it my children? Can you imagine if everyone on the face of the earth practiced love and gave it away without expectation of payment? There is nothing that would be impossible for you. All of your hopes and dreams can be realized if you become that which you are aspiring to. If you become that which you are aspiring to you shall become love. If you shall become love that benign virus shall spread. It shall spread throughout the earth. It begins with you my children. You are the doctors, so to speak. You have the antidote to all the travails of this world and that antidote is love.
Have you ever floated down the cosmos? Have you ever floated down the cosmos on a raft? Have you ever floated down the cosmos on a raft while you were young? Have you ever floated down the cosmos on a raft when you were a child? Have you ever floated down the cosmos on a raft while your head is in the lap of your mother? You have your eyes wide open as you float lazily down the galaxy as you watch, as you watch stars go by. All the while you are nestled, you are nestled in the lap of your mother, in the lap of mother Spirit.
You see my children, loves expressions are at its fullest in these quiet times that we spend together. You are in me and I am in you. When you find me you are able to learn how to give of your love freely. For in me there is love’s expressions in its fullness. Float lazily down the cosmos with me and let us watch as stars gently glide by. Sit on my lap and learn from me. I will teach you patiently and lovingly. For what I teach you cannot be learned from the pages of a book. It can only be learned by opening the pages of your heart. And when you open the pages of your heart you will find me, you will find me there.
I am love’s foundation as you get your start, as you get your start down life’s highways. If we build together the foundations of love will grow stronger until, until, a building will arise sturdy and strong. A building created out of the materials of unconditional love. In these quiet moments let us build together. Let us build together with indestructible materials that shall never perish.
I know what love is my children and I am willing to give of myself without reservations. If you come to me I shall give to you what you are seeking. Then what you seek you shall become. Love is dynamic and alive. It is dynamic and alive in me and in you. Can you feel it? Can you feel it moving within you? That is what love is. Love is energetic. Love is playful. Love is floating down the cosmos together with your head on my lap. You are safe and secure. You are free from harm as we raft past the stars together. That is what love is. Come with me and I shall show you what love is now and forevermore. My children, now and forever, be in my love.