2011-03-17-Everything Is Well in Hand
Topic: Everything Is Well in Hand
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Paul Conklin
Magisterial Mission
My dear friend, this is your brother Monjoronson. You want to know about the status of your world and what progress is being made as concerns the ruling elite of your world. That is what I am here for my friend. I have been sent to reclaim this world for your Sovereign Christ Michael and for our Eternal Father. To reclaim a world such as yours cannot be accomplished overnight. It took thousands of years for things to develop as they have developed. It will take a long time for things to turn a corner and even begin to resemble a world that is in the beginning stages of light and life.
I think that it is difficult for humans in general to understand the process of mercy and what that process actually entails. You all want to see results and you want to see them now. Although I do understand all of your frustrations, this process of mercy and the reclamation of your world will take a significant amount of time. Those that rule your world have dug themselves in, so to speak. They have buried themselves in a huge hole so that no one may enter. It may seem to you that showing such ones mercy is a contradiction. It goes against every fiber of your being. How could I possibly forgive those that have ruled without mercy? How could I possibly love those that have brought so much woe on all mankind? I know that this is not easy my brethren, but this is what our Eternal Father desires.
How can anyone of us learn what it is to be merciful and yet not show mercy? Isn’t it true that when it seems impossible to show mercy that these are the occasions when mercy should be shown? Yes, it is true that so many of these elitist rulers know full well what they are up to. They are not in the darkness as to their actions and as to their deceptions. They do what they do with deliberateness and full consciousness. Haven’t you all done some things with full consciousness and awareness that those things were wrong and yet you continued to practice those things? You appreciated how you were shown mercy. Now, how about those that are doing something similar? Perhaps your course did not rise to the level of their course, but they will still benefit from having mercy shown them.
It is quite possible that some of these persons will be reclaimed for the Father. The Eternal One wants to reclaim these ones. Who am I to quibble with the Eternal One? If the Eternal One feels that these ones are worthy of reclamation then shouldn’t we view them in that same way? Imagine if the Father’s love could reclaim those persons that have ridden so far off the rails, so to speak. So, my dear friends, try to look at these persons in a different light. I know that it is not easy my friends. And I am not suggesting that you should sit by and just accept everything that they may do to you. But I am asking you to consider a proactive approach. How can I solve these problems forthrightly and amicably? How can I cover their actions with the love and forgiveness of the Father.
There is never just one way to approach a problem. There are an infinite variety of ways that any problem can be tackled. This particular problem seems to be a thorny one. How do you reclaim this world for the Father while living on a world where all these things are taking place? I say to you my friends, use the wisdom of your Thought Adjusters. They are ready, willing and able to give you suggestions that will go a long way in reclaiming this world for the Eternal One. Go in to the stillness and listen for the answers that they will give you. These Father fragments are eternally deep. They are infinitely deep. There is no problem that is too deep for them. They have the answers that you seek. But this is a partnership my friends. They want your cooperation. They want your input.
I know that it is difficult for you all to see the big picture. You do not see the whole ocean, so to speak. I have the experience that will enable me to effect changes on this world. But as you know I do not work alone. I have a big staff that is also assisting me. I have so much help that you are not aware of. We all know how to put the pieces in their proper place on the board. We know how all the ducks in a row fit in just the right way. We know when it will be the proper time to act. If we were to act before that proper time it could precipitate chaos. We want to act when all those reactions will be at a minimum. Please trust us dear friends. I know that it is hard to trust persons that you cannot see. But can you feel our energetic signatures? Can you sense our sincerity and our deep love? You are all like our little brothers and sisters that are being bullied by dark ones and we have come to help.
Thought Adjusters
But remember that you all have always had the power to overcome these things. Your Thought Adjusters have always kept you connected to the Eternal One. You may have been disconnected from the local system circuits, but you have never been cut off from your Eternal Father. Does any caring and loving Father ever cut off His beloved children? He searches for them high and low until he finds them again. He has found you my brethren and he hoists you up on his shoulders.
My dear brethren everything is well in hand. This world will be reclaimed for the Eternal One. What you have dreamed about will come true one day. Your deep desires will be fulfilled. And whether or not you see it with your own eyes as a human matters not. What matters is that it has been your intent to reclaim this world for your beloved Eternal Father. One day the angels on high will be singing your praises. They will sing about how little children on a deep and dark planet rose above their origins to ascend to the Eternal One. No matter how deeply they were in the darkness they found their way out. What a beautiful love story! Children of mortality finding the Father on a darkened world.
It will take hard word and perseverance, but let’s work together to effect a change. I want to work with you my friends and I already am working together with you from my unique perspective. We may work together in the flesh when I eventually materialize. I look forward to meeting all of you in person. I know that you feel the same way about me, but the feeling is mutual. Let us work together to reclaim this sphere for our dear Eternal Father. He loves you all so much as do I. Working together we can reclaim this sphere for the Eternal One. I bid you all a good evening.