2011-03-19-The Uncreation Option
Topic: The Uncreation Option
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: So, there is to be a No Fly Zone set up in Libya by European Governments, the US Government and the United Nations, and some Middle Eastern nations. When is a war not a war? When it’s a No Fly Zone!!!
The people must be protected from their nasty government apparently, but why now, after decades of rule by the same nasty governments? Who said the USA, Britain and France had the right to interfere in the internal matters of a sovereign nation? The USA, Britain and France, is the answer to that question; oh yes, and the Illuminati controlled United Nations.
Despite the media manipulation which has become quite blatant, their plans will be laid bare and seen for what they are, which is a grab of Libya’s vast oil reserves by Western powers. They don’t care one jot for the people, just the oil, the money, and the power. That’s because they are spiritual paupers, and fools as well.
There is a new reality dawning in which those people plugged into, or hardwired, with God; can spot the real reason behind these moves to grab vast reserves of natural resources, and every other morally bankrupt scheme the Dark Ones come up with. It’s like watching naughty children trying to hide confectionery from their mothers; mum always finds out the truth. It doesn’t matter the vast array of “experts” being trotted out to misinform on global TV news and current affairs, what they are doing is wrong, and many of you can now see this where you couldn’t before.
Well, a major earthquake, followed by a major tsunami, followed by a nuclear meltdown is a fairly rare event in the modern world, but the potential exists for many more major events which will add to the dysfunctionality of human civilisation in the very near future. Only so much can be swept under the carpet to try and sanitise the darker aspects of the global economy, but the point approaches where many other events will occur and overlap; making the present Japanese scenario seem mild in comparison. It is no exaggeration to say this, as you will see soon enough.
The Dark Ones have done pretty much what they wanted to over the millennia, some of which has had to be moderated by the Spiritual Hierarchy, both direct and using assigned personnel from the dimensions which are mostly invisible to you. They may still think they can continue in the same vein, but they can’t; and discovery of their true dealings is assured in the near future, as you shall see soon enough.
Anyone who regards large quantities of money as riches, is a bigger fool than a court jester, and is setting themselves up for a fall of massive proportions, once their crimes against the rest of humanity are exposed to all of you. You are at the end of a cycle, when things must and will change for the better, and those who wallow in wealth and deceit will be unable to find a place to hide from the truth.
When you see what some internationally famous people have done to children, you will be sickened and horrified. Then when you are informed as to how you have been “farmed” and your resources have been taken away from you, you will see how these people regard you as “shit” and worse. I use one of their milder words here, not one of mine.
In every square inch of every country on Earth, the atomic structure has begun to resonate differently to how you have always known it, and we are in the early stages of a very large series of changes coming as each wave of new sonic energy arrives in your reality. You probably won’t see it or be able to measure it yet, but it is already beginning to open the eyes of some to the vile charade operated on your planet by the Dark Ones for many thousands of years, and this new transparency is getting stronger all the while.
Now, they don’t care too much what anyone else thinks of them, ‘cos they’ve got the money and the power, but you know what, they “ain’t got Jack Shit”, as one of their very own sayings goes. Fundamentally they are near to the end of their game, and they haven’t even got the common sense to have a strategy in place for that final moment, except for the one of “uncreation” and that just further indicates the negativity of their whole beings, for rather than try and save their God created hides by turning to the light, many of the top ones have decided upon the “uncreation” option.
The news is that although they want uncreation, it may not be granted to some of them, or even any of them. When their God created them it was done with unconditional love; so even though they are naughty kittens and puppies, drowning them in the well isn’t the favoured course of action. Uncreation means that they would escape the process of rehabilitation by positive actions on their part, and it is a waste of created life; and we don’t do that.
Better still, they shall be placed in an environment, in a dimension specially designed and set aside for the purpose of rehabilitation. They shall not be able to peddle their vile wares where they will be going, and the only way forward is by spiritual uplift, and there is no further distance to fall, for they are at the very bottom layer of existence. There are no Saville Row suits there, nor Champagne or Caviar; just the darkness, damp, and sense of continual unease. They will be guarded at every turn, and allowed to progress spiritually if they have earned it, but material progress through corruption and deceit, and vile acts with children, shall there be none; for their rehabilitation has been decreed, and uncreation is a last resort.
Free will
It has been said that they can use their freewill to request uncreation, and this is true; but it doesn’t mean it will be granted. Then, if they think that they will demand it, and carry out vile acts much worse than they are already have done, they will find that their remedial punishment will just be even higher up the scale than it is currently intended to be. There is no alternative; give yourselves up you fools, because you won’t enjoy some millennia down in those dark places, and that is what you have brought upon yourselves. Leave it alone; walk away from it, and ask God to help you. He loves you unconditionally, even though you may have been naughty, and the sooner you do this, the sooner can your remedial treatment begin. You are going to experience it anyway, so why not negotiate a better situation for yourselves while you still have a chance. The end times are upon you; don’t make it worse for yourselves.
To those of you who are of the light, the most helpful thing you can do as far as the Dark Ones are concerned, it to think of them; pray for them; and help them become rescued from their own actions; that is the wisest course of action.
Bye, bye for now my dear ones; and God bless you all.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince.