2011-03-25-The Coming Transition
Topic: The Coming Transition
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Paul Conklin
My dear friend and brother this is Monjoronson. I am pleased that you are reaching out. Your circuitries have indeed been enhanced. Serena has enhanced your circuitry so that you can “hear” messages coming from the spirit.
Let us talk today about the coming transition. In reality we are already in the transition era. But there are yet many cataclysms to come. The recent volcanic and earthquake activity is one sign that these things are coming to fruition. These temblors are most active in what your scientists have called the ring of fire. As you all just witnessed there was an earthquake that started off of the northeastern coast of Japan. Historically Japan has witnessed countless destructive earthquakes. These things are not unusual except for the fact that there are so many persons now living in the coastal areas. Tsunamis are a real threat to life and limb. As a result of that threat more persons will be swept away by destructive waves than by the effects of the earthquake.
Now, you all have heard that the Japanese coast was moved eight inches by the earthquake and tsunami. You have also heard that the earth’s axis has moved about four inches. These cataclysms will continue to wreak havoc on various earthquake prone areas of your globe. We have already told you that these cataclysms were forthcoming. We also told you that we were “speeding” up the process. We are able to manipulate time. By “speeding” up the process we are alleviating mankind from a long drawn out period of relentless geological activity. Geological activity that will continue to bring in its wake destruction and chaos.
Not only will these things awaken mankind in a way to the earth’s turbulence, but it will awaken mankind to the importance of all things spiritual. Because when all these things come on apace there will be many millions that will wonder what is happening. These events will be many and will be varied. You have already seen how these events are coming at increasing frequencies. You will see these things increase yet more.
What will you do my brethren? This is what we have been preparing you for. We have been preparing you for this time. You have the answers that your brethren are seeking. You can comfort them now and in the future when more cataclysms break forth. Take heart my dear brothers, these things are just temporary. These things will open this earth to the beginning stages of light and life.
You all have heard that my appearance in the flesh, must of necessity, be delayed. I am sure that you all understand my friends. I cannot just appear without proper preparation. As you can imagine my appearance will have major consequences if I do not do this with the appropriate ducks in a row. Everything must be just right so that my appearance will not cause more woe to mankind. I do not want to cause more global breakdown. Of course, this would be a reaction to my presence here. It is not that I bring anything evil here, it is just that mankind has been for so long in the dark as to the real happenings of the universe. It is what you call “culture shock.” You are used to a particular way of life and a particular reality. Damage that reality and you have real problems. That is why your reality, or your perception of it, must be gradually changed. So you can see, my brethren, that we are moving forward cautiously. We do not want to upset the apple cart, so to speak.
That is what all of you can do now and in the future. You can be like a buffer against the approaching storm. You can assure your brethren that all is well. You can assure your brethren that these things will pass. These geological changes will end. These cataclysms will end. The end result will be the light shining through in a way that it has never shined in before. Again, you can all be the light for your brethren as they stumble through these changes sure to come.
We have told you in the past that a half to two thirds of man’s population could suffer death in one way or another. Such things can be seen with accuracy to a degree. There are many factors that I won’t go into that could change things. That is why there are no ironclad figures on population loss. But know this, that your friends that suffer death will be well cared for. They will continue their ascent to the Father if they so choose.
But you my friends, if you happen to stay behind, will see amazing changes on your beloved earth. This world will become a beacon to the Father. It may not seem so now, but I can assure you that it will come about. But don’t suppose that this will come about as if by magic. It will come about because of the hard work of men and women that want to witness a change on this planet.
Continue to become attuned to your Thought Adjusters. They are guiding you all at this time. They are laying down a path that leads to the Eternal One on Paradise. Continue to work with us if you so choose. We appreciate your enthusiasm and zeal as you cooperate together with us to create changes on Urantia. Your Father Michael leaves you in his peace, I leave you in my mercy and love. Call on me my brethren when you feel the need. I will be here to assist you whenever you need me.