2011-04-03-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Human Condition of Action
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: Henry Z.
Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you this morning my brothers and sisters, this is Michael.
Human Condition
As I partake in the discussion around this table, I sense the pulse of human nature present. I detect an immediacy to the human condition and a willingness within the human condition to begin to allow us as spirit to meet you on your journey to act as interpreters and guides along the way, not necessarily taking charge but lending assistance where it is necessarily recognized. And if asked to would delightfully take a more aggressive role in the dynamic of your earth lives and earth predicament.
It is within our power to correct. It is also towards you that this power has been placed that you also may get a sense that you also have the power to do something about the predicament in which you find yourselves in. The power relies upon your understandings and the refocusing of energy to redirect it in a way in which it will become reciprocated. This is also the domain of spirit, that once you do take control over that which you have control, that you will allow the overlay, the input of spirit slightly making adjustments to your calculations.
Always as humans you have the spiritual tools of trust and faith at hand to really give yourself credit where it is due, that yes, you can make a difference and yes, through your actions you just did make a difference. To credit the actuality it is not necessary for us as spirit to always give permission for you to act upon that which is necessary. It is an obvious thing that if you feel strongly enough to be prompted to act that nothing, especially reasoning, should come in between the thought of acting and the doing of acting.
This is part of understanding the statement, "the act is yours, the consequence is God's." In essence, the Father accepts all action, even misdirected action will eventually direct itself properly for this is the nature of action. Even on a world as yours where there is tremendous misdirected action, know that the momentum of this action inherently contains a stabilizing, balancing, and re-directing function that in the moment may not appear to be so but in an overall outcome, certainly will contribute to a growing resolution of all action.
Even in the discord of sound one can detect harmony. The discord to harmony happens when purely personal choices with indecision motivate those actions. Harmony truly exists when those actions begin to build a greater action which exemplifies the harmony on spirit level, not that there is not pure harmony on a human level but the harmony of action has not always been so pure. It is our desire and our prayer that the Father does extend tremendous mercy and forgiveness to the times which are upon you in an effort to help you understand that where you are and what you do is tremendously important to the overall direction and course of action which the human races will proceed in.
Right now there is tremendous momentum on the planet. Learn to capitalize on this momentum. It is easier to shift something when it is in motion. You cannot shift something that is static and not in motion, yet as a stream of liquid coming down a hillside, it takes a path of least resistance. This is the spiritual paradigm to the human momentum. Know that all small parts play into the greater functioning of the whole. Most of the time it is your small part which you overlook as having any importance. Trust that it does, that as you give voice to your will and its action that it is coordinated in a spiritual harmonic sense. Trust that you do make a difference. Begin seeing yourselves as valuable, as reflections of qualities in your lives, as representatives of spirit here on the material plane. Begin to own that which you are. You do not need to wait for acknowledgement or an indication by others. Take it within yourself, within your heart to show forth this great effort which you truly do possess.
As you go about your daily tasks know that we are truly a part of your ongoing effort at living the best quality life that you can, that you are making the best decisions with what you have to work with from around you and that you are actually contributing to the direction of the great mass momentum of human action on the planet. You truly do live in the times in which every action counts, it counts for something and do not get bogged down and confused by the momentary pedantic actions of the seeming human progress in motion but trust that in the larger picture, it is all reflecting the will of the Father for it is the intention that sets the direction and we certainly intend that all of you will get it correctly in time and you will become a living example of the cooperation and harmony of spirit and humans.
As my children, I extend the tremendous love of your Parent. Make your Father proud. Go in peace. My ears are never shut to the voice of my children. Thank you.