2011-04-07-Stand Up

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Topic: Stand Up

Group: At Large


Teacher: Siraya

TR: Paul Conklin



My dear child this is Siraya, Master Spirit of super universe number one.


My child, my child, you are verily bursting at the seams. You are bursting at the seams because you feel it. You feel that a new life and a new way is coming. This new way of life is coming to your world and it comes on apace. It is like you have embarked on a treacherous and perilous journey. You will not stop until you reach your goal. There is something inside of you driving you forward. No matter what tragedies befall you along the way you will stand up. If you fall you will stand up.

That is what this life is all about. You are faced with insurmountable problems and impossible odds. It seems that at times this life is so meaningless, so worthless. Why, why, why, you ask? You feel like giving up. But then when you want to end it all something rises up in your hearts and propels you forward. There is something glorious, there is something heroic in the task that is set before you. There are not enough pages that can be written that can adequately describe your life. There is no epic novel that is up to the task. Your life is a never ending story. A story of amazing feats of daring do.


There is a drama unfolding on your world. A drama that trumps any man-made movie put together by artists and directors, producers and actors. For on this stage there is a battle for all the hearts on your precious world. The dark forces that hold sway over you are beginning to lose their power and their effectiveness. In your heart of hearts there exists the heart of a lion because you are buoyed by the Eternal One. That One is your rock and your fortress. His castle is built high upon the highest mountain. His place of dwelling is an impregnable fortress that only can be entered by those that are sincere of heart. His place of dwelling can only be accessed by those that have discovered the truth. To the ones that have discovered the real reason for living, the real reason for life.

Will you take out your swords and strike? Will you slay the dark forces that even now attempt to rob you of your freedoms? But the weapons of war at your disposal are the weapons that exist in your heart. These weapons are masterful at breaking up war and violence and hatred and bloodshed. Unsheathe these weapons that are carried within your hearts. Because when you unsheathe those weapons and unleash them upon the world you will begin to break up the works of the darkness.

Stand up and fight! Stand up for what is right! Stand up for the Eternal One! Feel His strength enter into your hearts because when His strength truly enters your hearts you are indestructible. You are an impregnable fortress. You are on a high mountain far out of the reach of the enemy. But what are the enemies that you are fighting my children? These enemies are not those enemies that you fight on a battlefield. These enemies are on the inside of you. These enemies are a very part of you. Will you stand up and fight? Will you stand up and fight those forces that try to vanquish you from the inside?

Conquer the enemies of intolerance. Vanquish the enemies of prejudice. Slay the enemies of hatred. Destroy the enemies of greed. Kill all the enemies that dwell within you. These enemies are worse than any enemy that you may encounter on the battlefield. This day, this day my children, will you promise me, will you promise me, that you will refuse to hate? This day, this day, my children, will you promise me, will you promise me that you will not succumb to intolerance? This day, this day my children, will you promise me, will you promise me that you will not drink the cup of prejudice? This day, this day my children, will you promise me, will you promise me that you will not give in to the mesmerizing power of greed? This day, this day my children will you promise me, will you promise me that you will slay these enemies that exist inside of you? Will you stand up and say enough? Will you say enough? Will you say no more? Will you say from this day forward I refuse to hate, I refuse to hate anyone? Will you promise me my children, will you promise me?


For there is a victory on the horizon. This victory I see with my own eyes. I see you conquering the enemies within. No longer will these enemies control you. No longer will you be their slaves. You will stand up! You will stand up! You will say enough! Enough! From this day forward I will refuse to hate anyone. I unsheathe my most potent, my most lethal weapon. I unsheathe the sword of my love and I knight all of those that I encounter in my daily life. I no longer curse anyone, I simply refuse to do that. I have travailed across thousands of miles of dangerous and treacherous terrain. I have climbed to the highest mountain top. I have prevailed.

When you get to the top of the mountain you are victorious. Because you have slain the enemy within. You stood up! You stood up to greed and intolerance, prejudice and hatred. You said, enough, enough! For you the victory is in sight. The weapons inside of you grow stronger by the day. An army of millions are not able to wrest these weapons that are on the inside of you. For you wield the power of Infinite love that the Eternal One keeps in His arsenal.

Today, this day, you stand up! You stand up! Walk in silent procession towards the Almighty One. Bow your heads and receive your reward. Rise up and look all around you. There is a sea of your brethren looking upon you. They cheer and holler and shout, “Well done!” Well done indeed. For on this darkened world you refused to bow to the hatred that was all around you. And especially you refused to bow to the hatred that exists inside of each of you. You said, “ I shall stand up, I shall stand up!” I shall stand up and raise my sword of unconditional love.

This day, this day you promised something that gave you victory. You refused to hate. You refused to hate. The darkness fades and your enemies flee. The enemies that kept tormenting and harassing you for so long have fled. They have fled and they shall never return. Your enemies have fled because you stood up. You stood up and have slain your enemies at last. The universe watches and cheers you on. Stand up children of Urantia, stand up, for the victory is in sight. Can you hear the deafening roar as your brethren cheer you on?


This is the voice of the Father crying out. Oh children of Urantia, will you stand up? Will you stand up?