2011-04-10-Building the Mercy Circuit
Topic: Building and Focusing the Mercy Circuit
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come to you to be woven as one heart and one mind, one intention and one purpose, to be guided by our Magisterial Son in the transformation of our world. We take this time to form an energetic circle, connecting our hearts and minds together. We ask that you amplify our energies that we may be very focused and guided to send our heart energies and our mind energies to the planet. We are so grateful to be able to perform this service for our brothers and sisters and for our world. We thank you for your ever-abiding care of us during this very tumultuous time.
MONJORONSON: My brethren, greetings to each one of you. This is Monjoronson welcoming you to this exciting form of planetary transformation. The energies of MERCY are bringing openings into the hearts of many citizens of this world, but as I mentioned to you several months ago, we would be laboring in this field of MERCY for many weeks and months to come as this is the quality of spirit that will enhance the furtherance of change on this world.
Today I invite you to open yourselves to me more fully, to engage your heart energy into the language of MERCY that codes new information into your mind of loving service, selfless service to your brothers and sisters. We will focus your thoughts in a few moments after you have been more ingrained into this field of MERCY. Receive us now as you ask for these energies to stir in you more deeply. (Pause)
A new house is being built on Urantia. This house is truly the domicile for the awakened sons and daughters of the Father. You are creating a new planetary home for those individuals who choose to cast aside the legacy of the rebellion and to join in the great celebration of life as the planet continues to move in the direction of light and love.
Today I invite you to feel your desire for more of Michael’s PEACE to take residence in the hearts and minds of your brethren, particularly those individuals who have been very attuned to the energies of war, competition, and greed. This level of PEACE that Michael shares with his children is a derivative, you might say, of the MERCY field and it is very helpful for you to envision Michael’s PEACE now pervading the planet as we enjoin these energies, these languages of spirit into the collective mind field of Urantian thought.
So as we move in these arenas where the attachment, or the lure of war has long held sway in the minds of certain individuals, we will add certain desires for PEACE and MERCY into these areas. Let your hearts be light with the revelation of the quality of Michael’s PEACE in your bodies that you may indeed focus this for us to use. Feel now your desire for his PEACE penetrate deeply into Urantian thought and we will focus the rest. (Pause)
Draw on his PEACE, my brethren. Let your own houses of your physical, emotional, mental selves be full and rich containers of this quality of your Father. Let your hearts soften with this PEACE and then feel your desires for all Urantia to be bathed in this quality of who Michael is and what he wishes to share with his children, not only of this world, but with his universe. Let yourselves expand and receive. (Pause)
Now take a few moments and allow the energies of COMPASSION to be further enjoined into your minds and hearts. COMPASSION is the attitude to bear toward your brethren who are so very much attached to the environment of war that has been played such a large part in Urantian life. As we have said to you before, it is time to lay down these weapons of mass destruction that take root in the human heart: competition, greed, adherence to ideologies that are essentially self-oriented and selfishness. Have COMPASSION for your brothers and sisters who are still very much influenced by these mindsets.
As you focus on COMPASSION, allow your thoughts to gravitate to those individuals who are close to you who may still be suffering under these delusions and also to extend this to arenas where mindsets hold larger influential energies that move the planet into certain areas of warfare. We will engage your heart. We will amplify your energies and send them to those places where COMPASSION, mercy and PEACE are widely needed. Do your best with focusing and we will augment your efforts. (Pause)
The aggressive, competitive strains of your genetic makeup has led to an institutionalization of war. This institute of war was carefully crafted by many individuals who were influenced slavishly to the mindset of the Lucifer rebellion. We invite you now to focus on the dematerialization, if you will, of this institutionalized war energy. As you feel your desire for Michael’s PEACE to reign supreme in the hearts of humanity, we will add our efforts to dismantling this machine. It is a very important focus for you now, to generate your desires for Michael’s PEACE. Focus only on his PEACE only as we work in the arena to dismantle what we can. (Pause)
And now we ask you to focus your prayerful desires for the institutionalization of PEACE on the planet. There is, contained within your government, a growing desire for political institutionalization of PEACE. We encourage these efforts. We ask you to pray for what was begun by certain spiritually-awakened individuals who were instrumental in creating a Department of Peace in the executive branch of your government. We encourage you to pray for this, that more energies be placed for the development for more minds and hearts to open and awaken to the urgency and need for this level of government to grow. In your mind’s eye, focus on the word DEPARTMENT OF PEACE. Visualize it looming large over the White House. Feel your desire for this to manifest at the material level and we will add our energies into it. (Pause)
Add the word MERCY into your visualization. In your mind’s eye, envision the word MERCY being seeded into the energies of the Department of Peace and ask for this to be blended into the growing desires for this to be manifest on the material level. (Pause)
And now let us expand the focus for the words MERCY, PEACE, COMPASSION and FORGIVENESS to envelop all of Urantia. My hands and the hands of Michael, hold this world in spiritual gravity. Feel your desires for these attitudes of heart to continue to grow, continue to shift the mindset for those individuals who have been holding erroneous beliefs and erroneous attitudes of sorts. Envision the world being held in our hands with these words vibrating deeply into the field of thought. (Pause)
Many hearts will be awakened through your efforts. Sometimes it will seem as if the gains are small. To us, we celebrate the awakening of each individual heart to Michael’s PEACE and the truth of the Father’s LOVE and FORGIVENESS. As you go about your week, continue to focus on these areas where you feel you are being guided. Remember to include your brethren in Japan, and pray for the healing of their country, for the containment of the radiation, for the purification of the air, the land and the water. We need your prayerful efforts engaged in these arenas each and every day. Much rehabilitation can be made now. We rely on you to turn your thoughts toward healing, toward planetary transformation. Think not of your own individual lives and problems. Send your thoughts to the world and know that you will receive a great amount of support and help to guide you through your day.
We will leave you now in this manner. We ask that you continue to engage your minds from time to time with the desires of Michael’s PEACE to grow, for the circuits of MERCY to weave their net through the growing arena of Urantian heart energy.
We leave you in our Father’s LOVE, and I thank you for what you are doing to bring more light and love to this world. Good afternoon.