2011-04-17-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, this is Michael, your Universe Father. Be in my peace as you sit and read this message for it contains an energy presence for you to experience being with ME. There is a circuit within your beings which allows for the free-flow of love to emanate into you from ME. This is your Spirit of Truth connection that I share freely with my universe, and you are spiritually hard-wired to me through this. I am with you. I am here in you. I am holding you close to me. Feel me through your desire to be in ONENESS with ME.
The attributes of peace, patience, forbearance, compassion, tolerance, and understanding are all a part of my being. These qualities of personality are what I share with you, and what you will continue to need and deepen as the world goes through more change and receives more light. Know that more of the shadows of the past are being exposed to the LIGHT OF TRUTH, and that there are some individuals will not be able to open to their Father in trust and desire.
Therefore, I look to you to help soften them…to help their hearts yield to my PEACE by anchoring yourselves more fully in me. This is an experience that you feel in your bodies, a knowing of my presence that supersedes any conceptual understanding of who I am. As you feel me, know that this is the love I have for all of my children, and I ask you to send this out through your heart to others so in need. BE in my peace!