2011-04-21-Aspire to Greatness
Topic: Aspire to Greatness
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Paul Conklin
[Preface from the Transmitter: Dear Friends, I just received this beautiful and inspiring message from Michael. He inspires us to achieve greatness. When we have the Eternal One as our anchor who will not achieve greatness? We have so much potential my friends and when we release that potential greatness will ensue. Dear Eternal One let it be so as you inspire us all to aspire to greatness.]
My dear child, this is your Father Michael. Within my mind’s eye I see such greatness. This greatness causes my heart and my soul to soar. I see an eagle flying high atop the mountains, up above the clouds so high, flying majestically through the atmosphere. There is something so moving, so beautiful about the eagle. It often builds its aerie upon the highest crag. What a better way to have far seeing vision. What a better way to aspire to greatness.
My dear ones you are like the eagle that flies, that flies so high. You are like an eagle soaring high atop the tallest mountains. You catch the best air currents and you glide, glide, glide. Down below, far below on the good earth a child looks up. With excitement in the child’s voice he tells his mother, “Look, look mom! There is an eagle! There is an eagle!” The little child cranes his neck and looks up so high. He decides to lie on his back and look at the mighty one soaring overhead. As the child watches the eagle spreads its massive wings and continues its leisurely journey.
When I see you dear ones I see such greatness. You children are performing far greater works than I ever could while living among you all as Jesus of Nazareth. I am so proud of you my dear children. You are beginning to reclaim this world for our Father. What a beautiful thing that you are doing. You saw the need and you wished to fulfill a need. You could no longer bear how your brethren were suffering so the Goodness that dwells in your hearts inspired you. This Goodness is a master motivator. This Goodness ever works within your own hearts to inspire you all to greatness.
Do you see my children? That mighty eagle flying so high is a pertinent metaphor for the fragment of the Father that dwells within your minds. You are the children looking up when you discover that One dwelling within your hearts. Oh, how that discovery rocks your world! Oh, how that discovery renews you! Oh, how that discovery inspires you! Look mom look! An eagle flying high, high atop the highest mountain! We are those parents, albeit your divine parents that tell you, “Look up, look up my children!” Look up atop the faraway galaxies. Fly where the mighty eagle flies. Soar to infinity. Glide, glide, glide upon the currents of Paradise. Roost on the tallest aerie in the universe. For there you will find the One. There He is my children! There He is! There is that One soaring high and filling the universe with so much majesty and so much glory! You lie down on a star and look up, you look up. For there is a mighty eagle flying high, flying so high.
This One my children, this One inspires you to aspire to greatness. For in your heart of hearts that One lives within you. Can you feel His glory and His majesty? Can you see the One that dwells on the highest crag? This One invites you to soar with Him. Will you accept the invitation? Will you rise up and fly? Fear not for you are all fledgling eagles. The mother eagle will show you the way. Just let go and fly upon the air currents and feel those currents raise you up. Look down at all the children down below, far below. They are looking up at you! They are looking up at you now!
There is a stirring in all of your hearts that cannot be stopped now. Once this stirring has started there is no turning back. For the beauty of the Eternal One has entered your hearts. And when that happens you soar among the clouds so high. Oh that the whole word could soar above the clouds so high! Oh that they would release all of their fears and just let go. For the air is soft and mild. The currents so pleasing and gentle.
My dear ones, my dear ones, you are the eagle that flies, that flies so high. You soar and glide among the air currents of this world. The whole world looks to you! This whole world looks to you now! You have aspired to greatness and you have achieved your goals. The Father Eternal and the child of God working hand-in-hand. There are so many down below that have not learned how to fly. Will you teach them? Will you teach them my children? Please don’t let them languish alone on the earth when the air is so inviting and warm.
Upon the sky you fly as the Spirit of Truth is your tail wind. It helps you to navigate the channels of the air where the jet stream can be found. If you take that jet stream you will be brought to your destination much sooner. For what is it that we are all aspiring to my children? Light and life! Light and life! Light and life! You are planting the seeds for just such an eventuality. Will you believe in yourselves? Can you see in your mind’s eye such greatness? Do you believe that you can aspire to this goal?
Tap the infinite love that exists within all of your hearts. Open the spigot and let the waters of everlasting life flow! Let the majesty and glory that is the Eternal One fill your own hearts. You are becoming goodness personified. You are all becoming the greatness that you seek. Open wide your hearts and share that greatness, share that goodness with your brethren. Oh, can you see it my children? If you willingly aspire to greatness you will see the skies overhead clogged. For there will be eagles soaring everywhere. The whole world will be flying high where the eagle flies.
Up, up, up they rise. From circle to circle they aspire. Inwards to the Center of all things they journey. They glide and they soar upon the currents of the Eternal One’s majesty and glory. Fledgling eagles becoming fully grown and mature. When you reach the circle of eternity on the shores of Paradise you will ride upon eternal currents. The Father, our Father at the center of all things will say, “Look, look my children, do you see it?” “Another eagle has arrived.” The Father cranes his neck and lies upon His back. The Eternal One shall say “Fly mighty eagle fly, for I am the crag that you alight upon.” “Soar upon infinity and glide upon eternal currents.” “Rise, rise, rise mighty eagle and follow the jet streams of my majesty and glory.” “Aspire to greatness and soar, soar above the universe so high.”
My dear ones aspire to greatness and fly above the universe so high. All the universe watches as the fledgling eagles learn to fly. Fly, fly, fly my dear ones. Aspire to greatness for all of your brethren look to you now for greatness. Will you teach them dear ones, will you teach them how to fly?
I am your Father Michael inspiring you all to achieve greatness. Always and forever be in my peace.