2011-04-23-Panel of Seraphim

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Topic: Panel of Seraphim

Group: Universal Service of Light


Teacher: Seraphic Guardian Anna

TR: Michael Xavier



On this 23rd day of April in the Urantian year of 2011 this lesson has been approved by a magistrate representative of the Ancients of Days of Uversa. It is in this cooperation with human intelligence and celestial that we can further bring forth revelatory information that will bridge the gap of human and celestial contact on the far flung spheres of time and space. It is the hope of all involved in the undertakings of Urantia in the universe of Christ Michael that you all be endowed with every tool necessary for teaching, even in this direct and approved method of human seraphic conjoint cooperation utilized in this applied method. So I say to all who come across this information, may your minds be illuminated as your all work to settle Orvonton in light and life. The Paradise Father guides you all. [Representative of the Ancients of Days Universe 7 Orvonton]


Michael Xavier: As always, I am asked to be guided always by the spirit of truth and love for the uplifting of the kingdom of God which dwells in all of us.

Seraphic Guardian Anna: Many of the celestials have questions for you Michael. They want to know how it is that we are so close and have maintained a working relationship throughout your progression on Urantia, especially in the times of uncertainty and misguidance in conjunction with all the impinging factors. When I say that you are helping not only human personalities that are traversing these things by utilizing your own experiences but also are proving to be a teacher to many of the celestial personalities who study these things to expand their knowledge. It is our greatest privilege and honor to be entrusted a mortal who can attain what you have, and we together can further explain how we have worked together to give application for study on these matters.

Michael Xavier: Let me preface any of this firstly by stating that I have found that we live in a wonderfully organized universal structure, and when the student is ready the teacher will appear. In receiving revelation from Gabriel through my adjuster I was given a vision of meeting Anna for the first time. I can relay this information or write from the spirit world to the physical, which is an endowment of spirit and is an ability I have come to understand all can receive through the proper intention and proper use. Let me start off by saying I really didn’t understand what was transpiring with me when I wrote the revelation, I just knew that there was something really strange happening. I was inspired to write and felt obligated to write it down. Once again this happened almost two and a half years ago, and I was under the impression that I was just further writing the revelation I had originally received from Gabriel.

Seraphic Guardian Anna: Without going into too much that is unnecessary, many Seraphic guardians sought the assignment with this mortal subject who went by the name Denny, who was essentially the personality that attained the third psychic circle. As you all know this is when basically the adjuster endeavors to morontiaize the mind of the personality during the remainder of the mortal life span, to traverse the remaining circles, and achieve the final stage of the divine human association before death. My mortal subject has fully embraced the Morontia form himself in the flesh as we now refer to him as Michael Xavier as you all know. Three seraphic guardians best suited for this mortal were selected and it was Gabriel that brought us to the mortal to see if he was ready and willing to choose, which we found out that he was.

Michael Xavier: I wish to clarify that Denny was the name I was given at birth, which I identify only with now as nothing more than a name or label. I feel I identify with the Morontia form which is in essence Michael Xavier now, albeit through the leadings of my adjuster. This was by far not an easy thing, and the application and guidance of my guardian of destiny proved to be encouraging and invaluable at times. I personally understand that I experienced many things and traversed many things as the personality I came into being as on this sphere but I realize now that this was more or less a vehicle for experience and the true form which was essentially my spirit form in an embryonic state within the body which was emerging . It is the way that I view it, coming from a human point of view. I can feel that you want more elaboration on this and on this topic I can say this. Having grown up here on this sphere I was taught that material life is the goal and that spirit was taboo or not talked about. I wasn’t brought up in a spiritual environment or church so I was completely unaware of spiritual matters up until about eighteen years of age, when I started to question these things. I felt a resounding love for the divine when I started to search but it seemed as if it was all in vain. I became distraught and kind of just fell into line with what was available, which seemed to give my soul the greatest satisfaction. What I wish to sum up is that, for the most part of my life I was taught and understood that the body was who we were and that the spirit life was not or could not be understood by mortals and that God was some far off being that would punish you if you didn’t follow everything that was outlined in one book. That never resounded with me, and I found a lot of problems with it. I didn’t find Father until I began meditating and that’s when I slowly began the transformation from indentifying with my body (Denny) to the cocooned spirit (Michael Xavier) my emerging Morontia form. That’s who I am true to heart. I feel more comfortable with spirit now so then the material world, even though it may still be balancing out a bit.

Seraphic Guardian Anna: From the moment I met this mortal of time and space I felt a strong affinity to him, and almost didn’t want to seem too eager to be assigned. As you all know spirit works with the mind to translate to human terms things that otherwise cannot be interpreted. Through Gabriel the three of us were brought to him in a way in which his mind could translate or understand these things, and through the direction and approval of Gabriel his was given a vision of spirit.

Michael Xavier: I am going to share with you all the vision I was given in meeting Anna, and maybe you can properly understand how it was she was assigned to me, and how we became acquainted.

Vision from Gabriel of Salvington given to mortal subject (Denny ) approximately 2 years fourth months prior to this lesson and transmission through the mortal mind that received these things.

[Preface to vision and clarification through a celestial Seraphic teacher who has been approved for instruction and clarification of this assignment of teaching, as recorded in the records of Uversa]

We are only using the most pertinent parts of this revelatory experience to help you all better understand how the seraphic guardian and mortal became acquainted. Remember that the spirit world translates in a way in which the mortal mind can understand so as to not cause any undue confusion on part of the mortal ascender. What is simplest in terms of working with humans of Urantia is always the surest way. Remember on Urantia you are dealing with minds that are usually incapable of discerning spiritual presences. In the case of this mortal subject he did not understand what was transpiring even when he reached the third circle of attainment, even while he was being assigned his seraphic guardian Anna .I will also be clarifying some of the questions you all may have regarding the revelation itself as I have experience in these matters. A question that many of you have is how this human is relaying this information in teaching format and working with the celestials and bringing forth this information to all of us. I will state this regarding the matter. This has been approved and sanctioned by the Ancients of Days for teaching purposes and furthering the celestial human association in the universe of Christ Michael, as recorded in the records of Uversa. The human entrusted and chosen for this has been fully tested spiritually and is of a spiritually inclined nature, one of whom has fully attained the circles and been through the mortal ascension even on the sphere of your residence. It was in every way his choice to undertake this work and is being guided by all the approved and proper channels of teaching for the furthering of the mortal celestial alliance. You may do well to remember Thomas Aquinas who also even known by mortals of that time an angelic doctor so to speak.

In regards of your further questions about Thomas I can state that {Thomas believed that truth is known through reason (natural revelation) and faith (supernatural revelation}

One of the things that can surely advance a human personality and expand the conscious understanding therein is always a profound faith in the unseen Father. To further elaborate the mortal entrusted in this task had displayed a faith which Urantia had not seen in quite some time. Any questions will be elaborated on by your specific channels of instruction. I will be adding explanations and clarification through this revelation, so please note any writing in paraphrases is my added notations. I would like to add that this is the direct revelation from the mortals own records and will be brought forth for instruction below and only the information that is pertinent to this lesson will be brought forth and elaborated on.


From the mortals saved documentation written in January in the year 2009 Urantia time.

“I want you to know that I appreciate your help and protection. Michael

[in this case the mortal subject had an affinity with the protection and love he felt from Archangel Michael. To further elaborate this was at a point when the archangel’s circuit was fully understood, and it was brought to the attention via this circuit to the celestials under Gabriel who were alerted of the spiritual adeptness of this mortal. I remind you all that it was in actuality Gabriel, the bright and morning star of Nebadon that visited this lowly mortal of time and space to assign him a seraphic guardian and bring him revelation]

It is an honor to have you by my side, you and your friends fought as bravely as I had ever seen in the battle of heaven.

[Further clarification: just as the seer John of Patmos had been given glimpses of the battle waged between Lucifer and Michael in revelation, so to this mortal had been given a rather lengthy and revelatory vision of this battle in the main revelatory process of Lucifer and Gabriel’s meeting in vision of when Lucifer unleashed the declaration of liberty at the annual conclave of Satania on the sea of glass. In conjunction with John of Patmos vision likewise the dragon was used to symbolize the representation of all the rebel personalities. The mortal was also further given vision of the conquering and binding of these rebel angels and personalities envisioned when Gabriel came down from Salvington and bound the rebel leaders. Michael Xavier, who is now assigned to bring forth this information, experienced many things on Urantia that we cannot further elaborate on at this time which are still being dealt with in the super universe courts of the Ancients of Days. The things will not be clarified to the students with questions regarding this, so please do not pursue questions regarding these matters. The only information that has been approved for clarification on these matters is the following statement. This mortal of time and space did indeed encounter rebel celestial personalities while in his ascension career. The mortal has been thoroughly tested against rebellion himself. Any other information regarding this will be clarified only when necessary in this teaching. This child of the universe through his faith and belief in his Father has been tested in every aspect. You would do well to remember that the power of faith amidst the most seemingly impossible situations your mortal subjects may encounter is the most powerful thing in all time and space.]

Gabriel you are a good friend and I want you to know that my heart holds much love for you.” I saw a smile from stretch across his face from under his hood. I turned my attention to Anna, who still was looking away from me. I wanted for her to look at me again, and as if she could read my mind she turned her attention to me again.

[You notice here that the personality immediately felt drawn to Anna, and to not impede his decision she refrained from making eye contact but felt a spiritual calling which caused her to react to the subject]

“I have something for you Denny.” She said walking over to me. My heart began to beat a little faster as she got closer to me. I felt as if nothing in my world or hers could harm me when she got closer to me. She had a smell which was that of sandalwood and a soft sweet perfume. Her eyes locked with mine and for a moment I felt that she knew everything about me, even from infancy. I felt unworthy to even look at her she was so intensely beautiful.

[This is where the mortal felt the first connection and power of grace which embodied the seraphic guardian for the first time]

“Hold out your hand.” I immediately complied in raising my arm. A silver chained necklace with a charm made out of intricate symbols fell into it, and immediately the numbness of my hand faded away and I regained all feeling. “This is yours. This necklace was created specifically for you by our Creator. It will allow you to see us when you need and it will also give you knowledge of the unseen world which coexists with yours. The fallen [rebellious spirit personalities] can see out of the world in which they exist into yours, but they do not know that in this power comes a price. It is in this prison that they cannot escape, and even though they can see humans they cannot exist as you do. Humans cannot see into that world, but with this you will be able to. I hope this brings you a sense of well being knowing that you can see us when you want or call on us when you need.

[To not taint the revelation in any way I have been instructed to carefully elaborate to what this actually means. I have been approved to give this explanation of clarification only for the reason of clearing what was transpiring when this meeting took place. Firstly the necklace represented protection and symbolized in this aspect a gift of spirit approved by Michael through Gabriel to be connected to the celestial world to be able to commune to spirit which the subject undertaking this still has. He was told by Gabriel that it was necessary to have this ability to be brought to a more accurate understanding of what was transpiring in him and around him. As clarified before there were indeed rebellious celestial personalities that were impeding on the mortal of time and spaces ascension plans along with many other unexplainable phenomenons occurring in the midst of ascension. All of the training that the celestials go through to be protectors and guardians of the mortals of time and space will never be understood until you receive your first real assignment and gain experience directly. Then and only then will you understand how much direct experience will teach you, for it is true, the best lessons and learning are from direct experience on the spheres of time and space.]

She brushed her hair out of her face and quietly started to walk back with the others. The feelings that I got when she was near me slowly started to go away as she got farther from me.

“Don’t go away. Don’t leave me.” Desperation filled my voice. It wasn’t out of anything other than the sense of protection she gave me that I wanted her to be right at my side. There were no impure thoughts in my mind. I was absolutely sure of one thing and that was that I did not want her to be away from me. “Please stay with me.” The words came out of my mouth without thought. [This is where the mortal made the intention of choice]

Gabriel walked over to where we stood. “He has chosen Anna and it is you that shall be his guardian. I must say though, I am quite shocked that it wasn’t Michael [One of the other seraphic guardians that sought assignment who took the translated form of Michael the Archangel in the mortal’s mind which is a popular angel on the world of the cross]

It was determined that you needed a guardian, but we didn’t know when or where you would be ready to choose. [This is where the mortal of time and space actually embraced the seraphic guardian amidst the three that were selected for assignment alongside Gabriel. The other two seraphic guardians were introduced in the beginning of this revelation, but for reasons of teaching we are going to focus solely on the relationship with the seraphim of assignment.]

“I am very happy that you have chosen me Denny. This is a great honor to me having such an essential role in this all. I felt a connection to you from the moment that I saw you, and I could feel that you had the very same feeling. You need not worry while I am with you.” Her voice was smoothing.

Then a light shot down from the sky above where we stood and shone brightly on me and the female angel. I could not see outside of the light but I was aware of my surroundings. In that light I became aware of much more than I could have imagined and instantly I knew all that she knew. I saw flashes of heaven, and saw her standing at the entrance to the throne of God and could feel all the goodness and light that was inside her. I could hear her thoughts and in that blinding light I heard her voice.

“We are now bound by the Creator. What you know I know and what I know you know. What you feel I feel and what I feel you do as well. We are one now Denny and you are what gives me life. If you die, I die.” The light faded slowly away and we stood with our eyes locked. A tear ran down my face. Gabriel walked over to us and smiled. “You have more surprises day by day child.”

[This is something you all wish for in assignment that will not be further elaborated on in this instruction due to the nature of understanding in the mortal mind. You may really only be able to aptly understand these things when they actually happen to you and your mortal subject, even though it is what you all are working toward. What we will focus on is the after effects of this personalities experience with this phenomenon of embrace and acceptance with the seraphic guardian of destiny, and the relationship and closeness therein]

Anna’s wings slowly opened as if she was welcoming me to her. [The mortal mind envisioned this seraphic guardian with wings, as is popular on Urantia] I walked forward arms at my side and pressed my body against hers. I rested my head on her shoulder and felt her soft wings along with her arms wrap around me. Everything surrounding me was completely washed away in her arms. I thought I had known love until that very moment, when a realization over came me. Anna loosened her grip, took the necklace from my hand fastened it around my neck. As soon as it was clasped I saw hundred of angels standing around us watching the events unfold. I was completely in awe.

[This spiritual endowment linked to his seraphic guardian of destiny was realized when he saw that there was many celestials not encumbered by time which essentially was a vision of all of the celestials learning and being taught from this experience in the not yet future. This means all of you, and this is hard for mortals confined in time to comprehend. To try and explain how this is possible to mortal mind unless you have actually been through it would be a difficult undertaking, but hopefully the mortals of time and space that come across this information will see a gleaming of the supernatural and eternal here away from the confines of time]

“You see. You are not alone, even if you at times may feel that way.” I knew what she was going to say before she even spoke, and in that realization there was an understanding. I felt invincible looking into her eyes. We stepped away from each other. You must go now. Just remember that I will be at your side and I am but a thought away.” [After the seraphic guardian had been betrothed with the mortal she encouraged him to go back from vision back to the world in which he resided or to wake up from revelation through the adjuster. Truly this is a magnificent and wonderful explanation from a humans view utilizing revelation to human mind, along with spirit, directed through a human explanation along with the help of the always faithful adjuster. This can further teach all of us from an amazingly different viewpoint. I feel all of the yearning here regarding the touching display and loving connection man and angel shared. It truly is an amazing thing to have this revealed to us. It is also good for all the human personalities that come across this information that many times you teach us as well. No amount of training can prepare your guardians for a direct experience with a mortal of time and space.]

Seraphic Guardian Anna: I wish to elaborate further that no amount of training that I underwent could have prepared me for actual universe assignment with an ascender of time and space. Direct experience for all of you will prove to be the greatest teacher. For many of you in study and preparation to be assigned will come to a point where you know that you are ready, but trust your superiors and teachers, for they will know when you are ready. I would also like to state that the relationship between me and my beloved is really not something I can convey in words. I love him so much that it would be hard for me to express this to anyone that hasn’t actually experienced it.

Michael Xavier: It is true; I would have never understood someone trying to relate to me exactly the nature of their own relationship with their guardian of destiny. Unless you have actually experienced it you would be hard pressed to understand the realization and connection you find within this very personal relationship. As for me and the relationship with Anna, I can say that we have been through a lot. She has encouraged me in my moments of despair. She has been with me when I cried for a home away from this sphere. She showed me a love that had eluded me my entire life, through service and patience and concern on her part. I can only try to make you understand how much I love her, and how close we both are. I don’t know if this is normal with other human celestial relationships, but it is based on a trust and faith that I know she is always there for me and will always guide me to the correct and proper way if I so allow myself her guidance. I know her voice as if I know my own human mothers; How I know this, I can’t really explain… I just do. The love she has shown me especially in the times when I was probably being most difficult and torn between the world in which I knew my entire life and the world emerging is beyond words. She is patient, understanding, and above all else loving. She has proven to always be there in my times of need. This is something I can only try to explain to those who have not experienced it, but when the human side of me seemed to be getting the best of me, she would always lovingly whisper to me that she was there, and lovingly encourage me, and never make me feel bad. If I dare say it, I really don’t know how I would have made it without her. I understand why it is you are assigned to us lowly mortals, and how invaluable you all are, and how you have been to me.

Seraphic Guardian Anna: You see how lucky I am. I feel the same way about him. I am not going to say that he has been easy to handle, because he has not always been. I love him and I wouldn’t change a thing about him. There really isn’t any way I could make anyone conceive of how much I do love him, and how our love grows day by day more and more as we take this wonderful journey together.


Michael Xavier: It is our hope that this information has proved to be helpful to all of you in regards to the relationship between a mortal of time and space and their seraphic guardian. I thank you all for your service and appreciate the invaluable service you all render.