2011-04-25-Implicit Trust in Father's Care
Topic: Implicit Trust in the Father's Care
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “It is by living in the present moment that true peace can be experienced. Mortal beings naturally have a tendency to think about what could be, what could happen, or the changes that tomorrow might bring. A little foresight is always necessary, but an exaggerated fear of the unknown is one of the influential factors that slows individual spiritual progress in this world.
“Living in the present is much more than a simple human decision. You could say today that you will forget your childish anxiety about what could happen to you, but you will notice that frequently these recurrent worries from the past do come back. Living in the present is the result of the level of faith a creature has mastered.
“Only live in the here and now, those who have implicit trust in the Father’s care and who in their minds hold an image of the universe as a friendly place, created for their growth, exploration and evolution. This trust is only made possible by opening the heart to the divine influence of the Thought Adjuster – the presence of God in each human being – and by letting yourself be transformed from the inside by this guiding light. You can only trust in the Father if you take the time to get to know Him first.
“To know God you only need to listen to Him, to let His still voice within you become more prevalent in your life. Just as little children learn to trust in their earthly parents by living with them, and by the experience of receiving their care, the human children will also learn to know, trust, and love their celestial Father. And as it happens with the children of loving and caring human parents, God’s children very soon develop the desire to be like their Father, to emulate His divine grace, and become reflections of this Father for their siblings. This is true adoration.”