2011-05-01-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is your Father Michael. There is a Spirit of Truth within your beings that connects you directly to my presence. As more light shines upon this world, this connection will vibrate more resoundingly within your mind and body, opening new places within your awareness for my peace and presence to help guide you through the times of planetary transformation.
This is indeed a time of rejoicing as the human heart truly awakens to the power of SPIRIT that is at the core of all LIFE. You have been sorely contained from using this energy, but now the time is right for all the world to learn its ways—to cast off what has constrained the heart in a form of enslavement—and to demonstrate that in your relationships and interactions with one another.
You will be accompanied by me as you and your world undergoes this transformation. You will receive grace, insight, peace of mind, assurance of heart that I am with you. Go boldly into this time of transformation with gladness and hope, and feel me stir within you a new vibrancy and dynamism of the LIFE FORCE that is God’s LOVE for all creation. Be in my peace!