Topic: Progress
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monmacion
TR: Tiahuan
Hello my friends! This is Monmacion. Thank you for gathering, and as ever, I am encouraged to witness your enthusiasm that you find living in this new dimension that is unfolding upon your world. Little do you realize just how potent an influence you are in your respective arenas of service, and less still do you realize how long we have watched and waited for you, and I speak to you as representative of your generation. How long we have waited for you to break through these various barriers that have held you and your population in bondage to fear.
As you will recall, in your earlier days of spiritual exploration, the tentativeness with which you might have extended your hand in faith unknowing of what awaits you. Let me assure you (that) your hands have been grasped by those of us who long to join you; who have spent years training you and preparing you to do this work of which we have spoken at length.
Your confidence in the pursuit of what you know to be true and good and beautiful, that which is representative of our Father in your lives, your practical living circumstances, is what is the great labor that has been expended, and, of course, it will always be present. However, I want you to realize how happy we are to witness your progress such that enables us to be emboldened more fully and readily to join you hand in hand as it were. But as you know, your world is reeling from this adjustment that is required truly for this reunion to unfold as I know you desire, and your desires are but a reflection of ours. We are at one in this.
The labor of our love that is our Father working in and through you, guiding you through decades of experience and so much practice of learning to trust your own connection with this higher frequency whereby we do enjoin you in spirit. And so we have labored side by side as it were even if not to the liking of some who would prefer a material presence to actually do this work for you. We can never do this. This would deprive you of the single greatest thrill of living, the adventure of walking with our Father in and through your material world and thereby yielding opportunities for growth that could never exist otherwise.
Michael’s desire has been to manifest himself in and through you and so his presence is growing so bold and strong, strong enough to encourage us, and an encouragement that is a reflection of your own.
You have heard of plans for upgrading your mind. Well, let me say at the outset that these plans are a result of your labor. You are earning these tools with which to transmit ever larger frequencies or larger bodies of spiritual intelligence at ever higher frequencies. It is this that has been earned that you are being given. This is not some magical overlay though it will have great effect to magnify what you have already brought to bear upon your world. With enhanced mindal circuitries, your soul growth will be facilitated more readily, and so, momentum begets momentum, and we move from plateau to plateau in ever ascending levels of attainment.
Once Michael said, “put out of your minds any notion of distance between yourselves and Paradise”[1] for it is the intention of the Creator Son to manifest Paradise in this, his bestowal world. And of course, you look forward to visits from those who hail from Paradise, but I would remind you that you hold within you this light of Paradise, and you are manifesting it increasingly. It is just such practice that enables us to draw ever nearer, and to adjoin you in person. This would not be possible otherwise.
Your spiritualization, as has been said many times, is the prerequisite to our materialization, and so my friends, carry on. You know that you are homeward bound. You know that the way is open. You yourselves are these advance guards crashing through the walls of resistance, oh, not with the lances of anger and injury, no, but the hands of love and the arms of mercy. It is this property of your light that is opening the doors before us, and are you surprised by the receptivity, the willingness of persons to hear the truth?
I remind you that you are walking with Michael in a way that the apostles would not have been able to envision. They walked with him in person, truly sharing every moment together. He has assembled a corps of those who are consciously walking with him in every moment of their lives by this extended presence of his bestowal spirit, and it is this spirit that is leading this initiative. He is the architect of the Correcting Time.
Magisterial Mission
Your Magisterial Son awaits his moment of coming, in which he can take his rightful place in person with you, laboring with those would not be so disoriented by the presence of Paradise in person upon your planet. No, you would not be jaded by this association, by the sheer wonder that is to be expected of Agondonters suddenly coming into their own, their own home where Paradise is present. It is this presence in you that has been generated by the exertions of your souls’ labor that draws this light evermore upon your world.
Do not despair when you witness these things falling apart that are necessary to be be put aside, for the ways of this world are to be forgotten, the ways of isolation, the ways in which persons seek self-preference, their own selfish gain at the expense of their fellows. This practice will disappear, and it is your labor that is manifesting such a light as to dispel this shadow of isolation that lingers upon your planet. But look around you! You behold in every quarter now evidence of this outbreak of light in your personal spheres of influence and throughout the world. You are adjoined by your fellows working in common cause for this coming of light upon Urantia.
Let yourselves explore these additional attributes of mind. Do not be afraid any longer to experiment, to push the envelope as it were, as you have already done so well. For it is your willingness to stretch that has brought you to this current place whereby you behold this new horizon that awaits us all.
My friends, I know you are weary and it is late, but let us be confident that there are many sessions that await us whose exploration you have only begun to touch. Feel free to call upon me anytime. I am eager to work with you in evermore close a manner. So be at peace my friends. Carry your confidence that is simply the confidence of our Father in you and of you; confident in the capacity of mortals such as yourselves to overcome all things that stand in the way of our walking together on earth even as we do in worlds on high.
Good night my friends.