2011-05-19-Self-power and Other-power
Topic: Self-power and Other-power
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, welcome--always and forever: welcome. Welcome to be with us. Welcome to help us know you are here and feel your presence right within us and all around us. We get together like this for wonderful company and to greet the two of you again, to open ourselves and just enjoy hearing from your perspective another chapter in the Owner’s Manual for Human Beings that we enjoy so much. So thank you very much. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, this is Michael. As always, Mother Spirit and I are happy to be here with you. Though you are all scattered about in space around this big continent of yours and out in the islands; for Mother Spirit and I, we’re all together. We have this wonderful kind of inner dimensional, or should I say maybe extra-dimensional presence. You can imagine it as being all spread out thru time and space, and all of our children are like little glowing spots right within us. Imagine you were space and all the stars you see were right within you. So we register you--you register within us, and it’s how you respond to us that does please us so much.
As we’ve said before, when you take time out of your busy lives to say hello and tune in to us and send us your love, that just warms our hearts. For yes, definitely, we too have a warm beating heart. So, my children, you are right within us and we are all around you. We are as close as your next thought, your next prayer, your next taking a moment or two to say hello.
Tonight as always I would like to speak directly to you, to your personality, to the essence of who you are, and give you some more tools, some more concepts with which to work on this reality that you find yourself in, right in your body and your mind and on outwards to that world surrounding you. This is what we have always tried to do, help augment your faith and trust in us by giving you the insightful ways to contact with us and feel us right within you. We can help you understand and delight in this human adventure you’re caught up in. As we’ve taught in the last few lessons, this reality is coming towards you, always. There is always something happening right within your own body and mind, right within the world around you. You’re caught up in a dynamic situation and it’s important how you relate to this. Essentially, your attitude is your willingness and your ability to relate to all that you are, and all that it is in the situation around you.
- (Self-power and Other-power)
Right within you, my children, you have this division, if you will, between Self and Other. Mother Spirit and I, and our Father’s presence within you, you can think of as this Other insofar as we are distinct from you. We are your creator parents and God is literally the Father of your personality--the essence of who you are. So another tool you can use to get a handle on the ungraspable living being that you are, you can think of having both Self-power and Other-power right inside you.
We’ve teased you with the notion so many times before, you do have an absolute reality whether you can realize it or not. Whether or not you might feel anxious for your very being: you are! You are an absolute cosmic fact. You have power. You have the power that was given to you by your Father, his power of creativity, his ultimate, absolute, and infinite power that he shares with you, and gives you a portion. This is also the unbounded potential you have that will carry you on from here, forever. This is your Self-power of creativity, of bringing something right out of your own self and trying it. You are the originator of most of your thoughts, most of your attitude, most of your desires.
True enough, a lot of these come from this living body you have. In one way you are sitting on top of millions of years of evolution in the physical, animal nature of you. Then there’s your whole mentality, your psychology, part of which you inherited from the society around you, your family, your friends, the culture you were raised in. But even this animal/mental part of you, this mind and body you have, my children; they are also spiritual as you experience them because it’s how you, as a personality, are interpreting and relating to them. You as a spiritual being have so much within your own power as to how you take things--even your own body, even your own mind.
So this is the Self you have been given by God with these powers of creativity, of originating something of your own right in time and space. You two are both like fountains right out in the middle of the air, constantly bubbling forth in ways you experience as reality, and so your life is a co-creation within which you with your Self-power are always a part. Philosophically you would say that you never experience any pure objectivity, any pure object. Yet this inner subjective reality gives you adaptability, flexibility, choice, freedom. This is the basis for your free will. You’re not just some automaton merely reacting to things. Even a narrow-minded, prejudiced human being is in the middle of a co-creation of their own making whether they are aware of it or not.
But also, my children, right within you, you have Other-power. The highest of this is your Thought Adjuster, God’s Mystery Monitor experiencing your life, taking on your life. This is the co-creator of your soul, this presence within you. We call this power, this Other creative power, a Thought Adjuster because it can actually make discreet thoughts; it can make suggestions. There is no one listening to my voice tonight, or reading these words later, who has not experienced the enormous gift of these thoughts. They’ve been with you, and a part of you from the very beginning. A large part of your understanding and your ability to deal with reality comes from this Other presence within you.
- (You and you Father Fragment)
In fact we’ve teased you so many times with the idea: the difficulty in isolating exactly what your Father Fragment is doing--what thoughts are coming from this divine presence, and what thoughts are coming from your own highest intelligence and consciousness, is because right on that borderline of your highest self is where you are touching and co-mingling and enjoying this Other-presence. In any case, it comes back to your personality, your Self-power of choice, as to whether or not you choose to embody and put into use whatever thought occurs to you, from whatever origin. So again: it’s your free will, for it is ever true that spirit suggests, it does not compel. If you will, in a humorous way: God did not go thru all the trouble of creating you and then setting you free, endowing you with creative spirit, just in order to tyrannize over you. This is God’s absolute gift, your freedom, your creativity that enables you to be free.
Still, that being said, you can most easily or precisely detect this Other input by the quality of it. Sometimes when you are really stumped and have no way within yourself of grasping the situation and how to deal with it, these are those bolts out of the blue. These are the ideas that can suddenly occur to you and seem to encapsulate and comprehensively deal with the situation. It’s at times like this you can say: Thank you, Father; I’ll definitely consider that one! This is a presence so close to you, so much a part of your soul, so much of your memory, so many of all the great ideas you’ve had all your life.
Another great power within you, yet less distinct from you, is Mother Spirit because you literally are using her kind of bestowed mind--Spirit Adjutant mind. She too is a creative spirit within you and all your wonderful abilities of intuition, being able to perceive things directly-immediately, and gather them in and hold them as little nuggets of knowledge. Then she augments all the ways that these are interrelated in your understanding. She helps give you courage, the ability to do difficult things, the ability to step off into the unknown precisely because you can’t see the end from the beginning, though you are compelled to begin again, and again. She augments your gregariousness and the way we enjoy these times we get together just for the sheer joy of them. There’s her Mind/Spirit of Worship, your thankfulness for existing, your appreciation of this life that you have. And then, ultimately, there’s your ability to use all of these abilities in wisdom, to bring all that you are to bear on the present moment. All of these innate abilities you feel are just part of being human, Mother Spirit is in you giving a little boost. So just by being aware and thankful for these, you’re sending a little blessing to her; you’re realizing her Other-power within you.
Then my Spirit of Truth is also a creative ability, a spiritual ability of my own, a kind of little nudge to help you along and keep you oriented toward the truth in this adventure you’re caught up in. This is a further ability for you to choose what feels good, what feels true, for we definitely know how you are being bombarded with a thousand and one versions of what is true, especially from of all your modern media. As you say, you have a gut feeling something is true. It’s actually an encompassing feeling, almost as if the truth is encompassing you. Or not.
- (God’s continuous creativity, and yours)
My children, tonight I want to keep my lesson a little short. There are many people out there, I feel, with questions to ask. I just wanted to present you with this gift of yourself and of your own Self-power, and that too, right within you and part of you, this Other-power. Think of how you can maintain a beautiful balance between them, to fully use them both: Self and Other. Essentially it’s how you can restore your appreciation of all that you are, and all you have been given, and are being given, of God’s continuous creativity. Because here comes another moment that has never been before, and will never be again. Not only is God constantly originating all of creation, so too are you. This knowledge, this wonderful feeling of all that’s happening, and all that’s coming out of you, gives you the ability to respond to it. For yourself, this might be your ultimate power because it connects you with everything else, especially those other people coming toward you, looking to you for response, for love, for support, for fun. Will you, won’t you join the dance? Will you, won’t you spread God’s favor and God’s gift, spread it out to all those you meet by giving them power, by recognizing their unique personalities? Recognize that they too are children with the same creative power from the same Father. Now if you have any questions or comments.........
Student: And fun is important too. I like that. And I like knowing who I have to thank for all my wonderful knowledge, memory, courage, wisdom. Sometimes I feel an overabundance of all of that, and I say: Wow!--you know? It’s almost like I’m unprepared. But I’m definitely ready once I balance myself and realize the good place that it comes from--which is God. So thank you for illustrating where those wonderful gifts come from.
- (Creativity in a restricted body)
Michael, I would like to ask you something. Stephen Hawking struggles with Lou Gehrig’s disease. He has such a great mind, but he speaks like a machinist, or like someone who feels very much alone. He recently said about God: “He made a human being with whom one can have a personal relationship.” I’m reading what he was also quoted to have said: “When you look at the vast size of the universe and how insignificant and accidental human life is, that seems most impossible.” Yet when we ever chance to see pictures of this incredible mind, we see he doesn’t look very happy.
How can one have so much of the creativity that you speak of, that we’ve been given in abundance--especially in this person in particular? How can he be more animal than spiritual, and then how can we--if we ever were fortunate enough to encounter such a human: how can we convince someone to even believe, to think of what real power it is to connect with God?
I really believe that if he only believed a little bit, say the size of a mustard seed, he would be somewhat cured; anyway, as to say, he would be more flexible and then realize more freedom. He’d probably be much more comfortable, more joyful. And so basically my question is: so that how does it happen that such an intelligent mind, while he’s building, building, building in one arena--such a gift of Mother Spirit, constantly dims the truth and chooses to be more animal? And again, when you see that, how does one gently nudge someone whose had a lifetime of, I guess you could say, of being crabbed in that little space that he’s in--that wheelchair, and he’s all hunched over; and yet he has so much potential. Where do you start?
MICHAEL: Yes, my daughter, you start by just turning on your empathy as fully as you can; being one with him as much as you can; just to take him aboard to feel as much as you can, to feel what life is like for him from the inside-out. This gives you at least some inkling as to what he’s experiencing, of what he’s going thru.
- (Being with someone)
As we’ve said so many times, the difficulty sometimes in a person realizing their own co-creativity--the fact that they themselves are a spiritual being? It’s too familiar. It’s how they are taking everything, even the room they’re sitting in.
As I’m talking to you now, as you look around that oh-so-physical room with walls and chairs and everything: it is how you are taking it. For as you know, if you have a really, really severe toothache or stomach ache, it all changes, even your own body. You realize that you are, out of your own creativity, how you are able to identify that. You can even identify with almost anything. This is the basis of all your joy of going to a movie and identifying with the characters there on the screen, or identifying with a political party, or a religious group, or with a national group. All of these abilities your personality has in order to seek and find identity.
For someone who is very crippled physically, you can just help them to compensate, help them get as much enjoyment out of their mind and what connection they do have. But ultimately, yes, he is, just as you my daughter are, flying that vehicle. He’s in there making these choices. You can just do your best to be in there with him, to really relinquish yourself. The blessing of self-forgetfulness is to be totally with a person like this as much as you can, and give him, give anybody in that situation, as much as yourself as you can. Set yourself aside and really listen. Set aside any fear you might have. Take this person in and give them yourself. Acknowledge that they themselves are co-creating and responsible for what is happening to them insofar as how they take it. But beyond introducing these concepts, these powerful tools of understanding, it’s up to them. That’s their freedom.
Student: Yes, Michael, I understand. The most powerfully radiantly healthy person I ever saw was a homeless man. As I gazed at his face--he was at a church altar rail, he was worshiping; and you might say: he’s not powerful at all! But he sure was! (chuckling) And when I looked at him, it was almost as if the sun was on his face, he was so radiant and beautiful. And so: that was something…Wow!--really powerful when I saw him.
MICHAEL: Bless you, my daughter, for being able to recognize that. Wasn’t that a marvelous thing?
Student: Oh my gosh, it was awesome to see him. I didn’t even know he was homeless. It was like I was almost blinded for a moment, and then when I turned back to the altar and looked again, he had gotten up to move. And then that’s when I noticed that he was sort of shuffling away. And Wow!
- (The marvelous, marvelous thing of courage)
MICHAEL: That’s that marvelous, marvelous thing of courage. One definition of courage is: that this—whatever--this spiritual quality--this spiritual power, just lets you do things that would otherwise be impossible. It’s wonderful to see it shining out of someone’s face when it seems like there is almost nothing else there. It’s their final courage: just beaming some joy at you. Thank you, my daughter. Be in my peace.
Student: Thank you, thank you.
MICHAEL: Is there someone else with a question or comment? (long full pause)
Well, my children, if there are no further comments, we will wrap this evening up. I am always a little reluctant, as I feel some of you are too, to break this stillness, to disturb anything so precious. Yet, as I’ve said before: its equally wonderful to know that nothing ever really disturbs the stillness. Sprit is all-inclusive. Everything embraces everything and is not disturbed by it. It is the very background of consciousness.
Mother Spirit and I do hope that you can feel us within you, even though we are so subtle it is very rare that we would actually speak aloud in your mind. As I’ve said tonight, it is our Father’s input, this other presence right within you, that can actually give you thoughts for your consideration, to accept or reject. It is up to you. Sometimes it is so hard to distinguish these thoughts except for their sheer appropriateness. It is such a blessing when you do recognize them, as well as those little nudges from Mother Spirit and myself.
- (This is love)
Those ideas from our Father when you so desperately need them? They may drop into your consciousness like a reverse bombshell--something that goes off, but then just kind-of calms everything. Once again you have power, power to do something riding on that thought, that understanding, because it’s real, because it works. This is not a token of love, my children, this is love itself: when you give another what they truly need. When you give yourself. And what a glory. What a glory for you and for them. Even though you may be a hobo kneeling at the rail for communion, you can just beam your love out there.
So thank you for being here. Thank you for being the occasion. Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you: be in my peace. Feel it. Enjoy it. Good evening.