2011-05-22-Focusing Mercy
Topic: Focusing Mercy
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time together in oneness, in unity for the express intention of serving our Magisterial Son as he takes our heartfelt desires for planetary healing to occur and seeds them to where they will do the most good in the world. We thank you for weaving our hearts and minds together in your unity, in your oneness, that we might form this blanket of energy, sharing our love with our brothers and sisters in a way our Magisterial Son wishes to use them. We open ourselves now and we thank you so much for this gift of Monjoronson to our world.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my brethren. This is Monjoronson. I am here with you today to impart another dimension of my MERCY ministry to this world and to you, the inhabitants of this planet who are dedicated to Michael during this time of correction. We have been working in these fields of MERCY, you might call it, to impart this quality of divine love into your brothers and sisters.
As your world awakens from its spiritual slumber, more and more hearts will feel the call of MERCY: to be forgiving, be understanding and compassionate to those around them who have sustained more unlovely and ungodlike actions. This is the component of divine love that will truly heal your world. As the spiritual pressure continues to increase in the hearts and minds of Urantians, more and more people feel this urging within them.
Today, let us focus now on this urging your brothers and sisters are feeling. For some, it is causing great confusion in their minds and hearts. For others, it is a subtle call to change course, to begin to explore this multi-dimensional field of consciousness and spiritual awareness. And for others, they will simply not hear the call. They must await another time when they are ready to open their eyes to the reality of the Father’s greater plan. As you know, everyone has their own path to pursue and their own freewill choices to make.
Today let us focus on building this spiritual pressure of MERCY. As you focus on this word MERCY—seeing this hover over your heart centers, seeing it grow and expand its field around your heart and your being. Feel how much you want to see MERCY dominate this world, to be infused within the hearts of every living being on this planet. Take a few moments to feel your desire for this. We will add our presence into this and make adjustments into the field of planetary consciousness, to let this become more operative and inserted into the human heart. (Pause)
These qualities of MERCY are being directed toward those individuals who are, you might call them, the lowliest of humans, those who have struggled in poverty and great deprivation. Help them feel that they are not forgotten, have not been abandoned by the Father. The rampant victimization of human life into poverty, illness, destruction of civilization is such that these individuals need to know that they are not forgotten, as we build this MERCY template over the world, as we seed it into these places so that Michael’s love and upliftment can touch them and empower them in various ways. See this now in areas of the Middle East. Poverty and repression has long denied people their basic human rights—their basic divine dignity. So we ask you to feel your compassion for them and join with them in that desire for their liberation for MERCY to empower them in ways that will enable them to act collectively to ensure a better life for them and their children and future generations. Send MERCY to them now in this region of the world and other places where many serious kinds of deprivation have impoverished the human spirit. (Pause)
As we empower these individuals, as we build this MERCY circuit around their beings, we also ask you to focus on the word RIGHTEOUSNESS. Help them be infused with the quality of RIGHTMINDEDNESS. Help them to know, to intuit the truth. Righteousness is a quality of Michael. He is the pattern of—what you might consider to be—correctness or rightness, functioning as a divine being. Your brothers and sisters in certain places of the world have no template or pattern upon which to fashion their spiritual development. Let us help them by reflecting these energies from your heart out into the world; we are able to seed them where they will do the most good. You might also wish to envision Michael standing in front of you, radiating qualities of righteousness into you for you to use as we send this out into the world. See his RIGHTEOUSNESS holding the world in his hand as he infuses this into the planetary fabric, moving more in concert, in alignment with the Father’s will. (Pause)
We share these divine attributes with you for you to use as tools of love and change, to minister to your brothers and sisters in various ways. Each of you has wonderful talents and abilities to share with your brothers and sisters. You impart truth to them not only by your words, but by your heart energies of love. The more you ingest these qualities of MERCY that are a part of my being and come to me to receive more of them, the easier it will be to demonstrate loving forgiveness and understanding to your brothers and sisters who are lost and confused. Be patient with them, for there is a great battle going on within their minds for supremacy of spirit. For some this is a very, very difficult obstacle to surmount, because of the deeply-ingrained habits and patterns that were a product and legacy of the rebellion. The more you demonstrate MERCY and compassion to them, on some level, their heart will hear that call and they will know the authenticity within it. Help them liberate themselves from the cruel chains that have enslaved them for so many years.
We ask these things of you because you are the standard bearers of a new dispensation. The world needs to see actions of God demonstrated in and by and through you. Continue to receive our MERCY ministrations into your body. Let yourself become more infused with Michael’s truth. Sit with Michael each day and ask to receive from your Father what he desires to share with you to help you through this time. You do not perform these acts of loving service to your brethren alone. We are here with you. We are here to support you. We will expand your abilities, but you must be the one to demonstrate this in your actions.
You are learning the ways of spiritual evolution now, helping your planet return to the ways of functioning in the way that it was always designed to operate. You are the ones who are making this change. As you know, evolutionary worlds receive much support to evolve toward Light and Life. While you have had a history that prevented this for many thousands of years, you are in this remedial catch-up plan, the evolutionary time-continuum plan is being upstepped and accelerated. The more you divest yourselves of the material life and invest yourselves in the spiritual life, you will be able to receive these energies of light and life and you will be of more usefulness to Michael during these times of change.
As these words settle in, feel your own inner commitment to walk this path in greater faith, deeper hope, with fervent love for your brothers and sisters that the way be shown to them, so they can walk their path, the light in their hearts blazing the way. We will add more MERCY into you, feeding you during this time of change.
A great wave of light is impinging on the shores of Urantia. The world will never be the same. It is no longer standard operating procedure. A new world, a new way is being birthed. So ensure that you are taking time each day to thank Michael, Mother and Father in Paradise for what Urantia is undergoing now. It is a time of great celebration and joy as we watch the world return to its rightful place in the universal family.
Celebrate with us today as much as you can. Let your hearts be light and know you may see some catastrophic occurrences in the physical adjustments your world must make. Be not dismayed by them; know that this is part of the separating the wheat from the chaff, creating a better world, building a spiritual foundation , searing the roots of the rebellion, planting the seeds of tolerance, mercy, love, compassion and justice, loyalty and devotion to of truth.
The rebellion mindset will spawn many new glorious revelations of the Father’s plan. Sometime in your evolution career, you will be enthralled at this period of change on Urantia, and the ways in which you participated in the great planetary transformation. Remember this, my brethren in the coming days when you feel a sense of hopelessness, fear or confusion. Know that these mindsets are being outworked. They are fleeting shadows as a way of life as it is retreating into the echoes of the past.
Stay close to Michael, stay close to me, take time to spend with your Adjusters, ask your angels to safely guide you through this time and bring you new opportunities to minister love and mercy to your brothers. Receive us again and let these words sink deeply into your soul. Let our love, our compassion empower you each and every day. (Pause)
The resurrection of life is well under way now, beloved children. Michael’s truth, mercy and goodness is moving over the planet. My mercy is being felt deeply within the human heart. Go boldly into your lives and live truthfully, honestly, sincerely and courageously demonstrating the Father’s love in all you do. We are with you. We support your efforts. And we watch you as you make Urantia the jewel in Michael’s crown of glory. Good afternoon.