2011-07-23-To Inspire
Topic: To Inspire
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Mentori
TR: Lytske
Mentor: “It is a pleasure to come to you this morning and find you open and receptive to a few words of mine. My name matters not, as I have come to inspire you and to prepare you for another development within yourself.
“This may amaze you as you might think that this is why you have your Beloved within to help guide you.’
“This is true. However, lately your thoughts have been about how you can come closer to the Holy Spirit, and be inspired by Her, so perhaps you will be better able to help others with a comforting presence, as people will sense that wonderful peace within you – a peace they may lack.
“Allow me to assure you that all are capable of this inner peace, if only they would give themselves the time to tune within where their beloved Thought Adjuster is working silently in the background to help uplift their thoughts to a higher and more peaceful level.
“I just desire for you to be reminded of this, as all have this precious Spark from God within. It is literally true, that the Kingdom of God is realized in each one who makes time to start looking for this most precious connection to God.
“Many people will be assisted when they may chance to read and accept these words, which will undoubtedly go out to the 11:11 lists in various languages.
“The more people we can get to wake up to this most precious and valuable realization, the more these ones will find that inner peace represents ‘that pearl of great value’. They too will find themselves to be inspired from moment to moment if they so desire. All it takes is to give over, willingly and knowingly to their God within, some part of their mind, so they too can begin to practice in greater consciousness their connection to The All That Is.
“This is all that is required. It is truly all so simple once this precious connection has grown more solid through a daily and persistent practice to seek for one’s Spark from God within. Each will be inspired every step of the way, depending on their personal willingness and dedication, and herewith they are led to the starting-gate of their spiritual development, so they can run their own race.
“What a great gift this is, for when they find God, they have found everything! Thank you.”