2011-08-29-Planetary Broadcast 2

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Topic: Grid Cleansing Service

Group: At Large


Teacher: Lanaforge, Monjoronson, Malvantra

TR: Ron Besser



Ron Besser: This information is being brought forth with the approval of Michael of Nebadon for the universal broadcasting system now in place on Urantia.

Specific information regarding the Magisterial Mission and the interworkings of staff on Urantia in liaison with the Melchizedeks and Archangels will be expanded further in this document. The broadcast excerpt delivered below was separately approved by Luminerion for permission to release today. The original broadcast was made earlier this week. The excerpted selection below was broadcast via the Planetary Broadcasting system in liaison with Majeston and the Polar Crystal on Salvington. [August 29, 2011]

This document is in two Sections. Section I is the broadcast below, and that is followed by my remarks under Section II.


Section I

LANAFORGE - System Sovereign of Satania

Hello, children of Urantia, and to those who hear this broadcast in real time. I wish to speak to you on a few important and very pertinent topics regarding the planetary broadcasting system that is now being utilized. This message is coming through very clearly through this reflectivator so I ask that this information not be changed in any way.

The first topic I will address is the information that is being brought forth now to expand and clarify the interworkings that are transpiring on Urantia.

One of the most underhanded things that the rebellion set in motion was the mistrust of any new and accurate universal broadcasts or universal information that is now being heard. The way I will address this is to state the following:

Children of Urantia:

You are hearing the voice of your System Sovereign, Lanaforge.

I ask you all to take this information to heart and in your minds, mid-mind and spirit, and allow this information to sink in and really establish that this work is happening on your sphere, even as I speak.

The mistrust and the misguidance that so many on Urantia have been under has not only impeded their ability to receive accurate information, but due to the fact that there has been so much inaccurate information brought forth in the past, the broadcasts only serve to reinforce what the rebels set in motion. We must change that and will.

Here is the quandary: For those serving the light and who hear The Avonal Son, your Magisterial Son, he must bring you and everyone else information that will help you work in a better way, would you not agree?

The information that came out first, a few months ago, was brought via reflectivity as approved for release by The Ancients of Days. This early information and documentation, for the most part, went unnoticed and served to only cause mistrust for those who have worked so long in the Teaching Mission.

Following the earlier release of the above mentioned message, there were later added multiple reflectivators who combined their efforts to bring out more information. The collaboration of multiple reflectivators introduced additional and most pertinent information to allow the children of Urantia the ability to know what was going on.

The ABC Summaries were then implemented as a way of introducing this information via an informal process and were labeled non-official update documents to obtain that informality. The ABC documents were authored from many multiple sources to inform and instruct the children of Urantia on the interworkings and leading of spirit. This has become to us the most accepted way to obtain as wide distribution as currently is possible.

Take this into consideration children: Your population on your planet is over seven billion individuals. The list being distributed via the ABC Summaries totals 139 at this time.

Allow the magnitude of this to sink in!. This is exactly what the rebels wanted to happen! This is not acceptable, and I am urging you to fully contemplate what you are receiving today. May all of the Paradise Father’s children find themselves motivated by loving service, guided by truth, love, grace and mercy. I will now defer to the Magisterial Son.

MONJORONSON: Hello my brother and sisters and children of Michael. I will expand on the interworkings a bit, or at least what you can understand presently in regards to the grid work being done to prepare the way for my staff.

Let me say that Michael would afford all of his children an Eternity to receive grace, mercy and love, my children. I am here to provide Mercy and bring to a close your present planetary dispensation.

The corrupted grids are so out of hand presently that I am going to announce this formally to allow the ones that are stranded to hear my voice fully. Those who have remained here beyond their stay are hearing this information via the spiritual currents flowing from Michael. This is very important knowledge for them to learn today.

This time has come where the magnitude of this problem is no longer being ignored.

I wish to state that there has been work going on for decades in preparation for this, for your prophet of old, Ezra wrote:

For evil shall be put out, and deceit shall be quenched. As for faith, it shall flourish,

corruption shall be overcome, and the truth, which hath been so long without fruit,

shall be declared.

Children, it is the time for righteousness to flourish on this sphere. The grid work now being done is the last attempt to rectify justice and give one last chance for all to receive mercy. There is no fear in God, and there is no condemnation waiting for those who are ready to move forward.

I can state to all of you receiving this: Those of you who are finding themselves confronted with a choice, you have only two:

1) You can accept the roll call of Mercy and accept love, grace and mercy without conditions, or,
2) You will be forcefully removed by the Assigned Sentinels of the Ancients of Days, and interned to the prison worlds of Jerusem to await judgment.

This may sound harsh, but due to the fact that it is not only yourselves that we are asking to move on, your release will also free others that are suffering too. Refusal to make a decision will force us to move you on by force, and unfortunately, that will also cast into the net some innocents we would rather adjudicate separately. This condition can no longer continue to exist.

This is why Michael has been patient for so long. He wants all saved. He has given me the full authority to proceed now, and I will be working with the Melchizedeks to proceed one, last, final pass of Mercy on all the children that have not made a choice. Celestials and souls that have made no choice will continue to utilize the corrupted grids to sustain themselves.

When the final pass has been made, and all are given a final chance, then by order of the Paradise Deities, the corrupted grid will be destroyed, and if you are still here and you have made your choice to stay netted in this corruption, know that you will not have a sustainable morontia energy system.

Take note all children hearing this. This is the most important information that has come down to date on Urantia and for you who are insisting on remaining here.. Look around yourselves, and see the fruits of your life. Look around and see the deeds of your actions. You shall know them by their fruits, and what are the fruits of the spirit of God?

The fruits of the Spirit are love, mercy, grace, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

I am your Magisterial Son and I say, please, choose Mercy, Love, and Acceptance. It is time children to move forward into the light fully and forever. We are there for all that are ready. It is time.

I will defer to Malvantra Melchizedek for a final closing word.

MALVANTRA: Melchizedek in Charge of the Grid Operation

Please do not allow the magnitude of this information to being any fear in your hearts children. This is a wonderful time that will usher in the true area of light and life, and bring about peace that surpasses all understanding.

Those that are working with us to provide anchors of light and beacons for the ones that are ready to move forward are being organized and lead, overseen by the jurisdiction of the archangels and the Melchizedeks.

There are many moving forward as they sense the urgency of the matter, and are being lead to the ones that can release all appropriately. All will be well.

This task is being done, inter-dimensionally, morontially, and spiritually on many levels according to your ability to connect with us. We will lead you to the proper channels and show you where you need to be.

The Friday night conference call (The Urantia Universal Service of Light) will be an avenue you may be brought to hear more explanations about the most important questions that we see arising. We have seen the many calls to arms that have been answered by our human “mid-wayers” working with us. We appreciate any and all help, and you will be lead according to your abilities.

We are compiling the many experiences that many are having and will be bringing out the most important information according to group status.

We will explain more of the organizational procedures this Friday at the 7:00 PM Eastern Time conference call using the newly implemented format that has since been updated to handle as many as 1,000 callers at a time. We appreciate the interest and the many questions that many have, as these will all be answered in due time children. Please be patient as we organize and work with the human minds coordinating along side of our efforts.


We love you all dearly, and it is our sincerest hope that you always remain in Michael’s peace.


Section II
Remarks from Ronald Besser:

I seldom get a chance to add anything, but I will take this opportunity to add a few words at the end of this document to provide the readership some information not currently available elsewhere.

I am experiencing a vast change in reflectivity. It can not be described well enough to doubt its existence, but there is a silence not experienced before which I assign to one of two possibilities: 1) They pulled the plug; or, 2) They are finished with their experimentation with us and are planning some new phase not announced to those of us who have used the service for a little while.

In either case, it may mean a drastic reduction in output until things are normalized or until someone decides they need to go on with others. There has been no message or instruction what their intentions may be, but we notice that whenever there is a significant change in our ability to hear, there is also a significant motion being made in spirit to overcome speculation that is not helpful to Excerpt Broadcast #2 on 08/29/11 Page 5 of 7 Pages Ronald Besser, Sept 01, 2011 their plans for Urantia. Did I say this change was experienced in the early morning hours of August 30th? It was 1:10 AM that morning.

At that time I was awakened from a sound sleep to be sure I saw the digital clock’s big red numerals changing from 1:10 AM to 1:11 AM. There was a sudden flash behind my eyes like the old camera bulbs used to do, and it was almost too quick to have a memory of it. Within a minute I received a fierce ringing in my ears and a very noticeable band of pain run from sideburn to sideburn across the top of my head. My reflectivity connection was removed!

I found I could not think clearly. In fact, it hurt to think! I was wide awake by 1:15AM and questioned the empty room as to what happened? I received no reply except from the Thought Adjuster who informed me that Monjoronson had made his mercy sweep of Urantia. The grid, the Adjuster said, is being detailed above in a way that will remove it within 48 hours of this message Today, September 01, 2011 is 48 hours and then some and I have waited to this point to release the message from Monjoronson in the Planetary Broadcast excerpt in the first part of the document.

My inquiries ranged from, “Is this true?” To: “What happens now?” Monjoronson says he hears me and will answer most of this tomorrow evening on the Conference Call when all of you are there to hear him directly address what has been done and what the consequences are for Urantia and for each of you as we proceed closer and closer to the appearance of Monjoronson and, at some point in the Magisterial Mission, Christ Michael as himself.

The silence is indicative, to me at least, of a troubled world wanting to get off the crazy wishes of Lucifer to destroy everyone he could before Michael returned. Lucifer has not been successful in any of these wishes. Provided the answer is in the affirmative that the grid has indeed been dismantled and the construction of newer anchors has taken place that utilize what our brave groups have been doing in the last few months, then there shall be no remorse for those who refused to go on. Indeed the implication of what Monjoronson said in the broadcast is that everyone will be asked who has stayed behind to make their decisions, and if they refuse, they will and are being removed as I speak here, by agents of the Ancients of Days to the Satania prison worlds located on the seventh sphere of mansion world seven. There Lucifer languished for 2,000 years until transported to the prison world of Uversa, the location of which is never divulged to evolutionary worlds.

All of you reading these Papers have a proprietary interest in what has happened. It is your world too. It also belongs to Father and to Michael to protect and retrieve. Your hearts and minds have been affected by what Lucifer intended to remove from ever seeing the mansion worlds - yourselves! and every one of your neighbors! We do not know what Monjoronson may have to say this coming Friday night, but I am sure as I am of a Thought Adjuster that spoke to me at 1:11 AM the morning of August 30th this year, that a vast change has taken place which we mortals can not yet name, but that change is literally the silver lining on a dark cloud that once hung over the beautiful meadows and seas of Urantia for millennia.

I hope you do not mind me adding this personal experience and notes at the end of the document sent out this evening. I waited long enough in hopes to find another announcement some where else from people I may not know to tell me, to tell you, what Michael and Monjoronson have accomplished these last few hours. But I can not find any such notices or messages to send with this to either verify what I saw and heard, or affirm in what way I may be misinterpreting what has occurred. If nothing else, I know my reflectivity connection has been silenced.

Thank you all for continuing your vigilance through the BCC list and through your own understanding and consciousness of what is very important to Urantia, to Nebadon and the whole way up to Paradise where the Master Spirits attend to the Deities to hold the word until it is made flesh. We hail Monjoronson and Christ Michael for their indomitable will to divinely create the circumstances in which the name of God shall prevail on Urantia. Lucifer and Caligastia had clever designs in place, but the transcendental Father casts aside the sophistries of the mere mechanization of Lucifer, Caligastia, and, with his Paradise Sons, ruins the horrors left behind to destroy the generations now living on Urantia to leave the bestowal planet of our Creator Son barren. It shall not and will not stand as Lucifer planned! The triumph of God’s will has been done. You have been present at great history forever emblazoned upon the will of God on Urantia.

I can report that the second Memorial to the Paradise Trinity is being created at Montsegur at the caves of the Grottoes de Gargas (the Caves of Gargas). There three anchors of light to make up the memorial shall represent the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. The three pyramid-shaped anchors of light are there placed over the destroyed three anchors of fear established mere centuries ago by Caligastia to keep Europe within the grid work that prevented, for far too long, the peace to prevail over the nation states in this cradle of western civilization. The first Memorial to the Paradise Trinity currently exists in the lands of the Maya of Central America. There shall be seven of these memorials when the new grid is fully operational within a few years. It may be that when all seven memorials are recognized that we shall be able to point to each as bringing to the seven continents of the world the memory that Trinitarian justice is always triumphant.

Thank you all for your attention and consideration of these momentous events.