2011-09-22-Breathing the Essence
Topic: Breathing the Essence
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael
TR: Henry Z.
Prayer: Divine Parents, we come here today in a circle of friendship and love to be connected to the greater circle of spiritual consciousness, spiritual energy, and spiritual presence which exists in the Universe of Nebadon. We ask you to please continue to send help to us personally and our world. Have patience with us, we are not always receptive to the finer things in life. We thank you Father for this connection, we thank you for these blessings that we receive as opportunities, as help, as little awarenesses. Help us to learn to grow stronger in your presence, that your presence will begin to manifest itself in our lives, in our decisions, in our behavior, in who we are. It is you Father who makes us real, who gives us value.
Inner Voice: Greetings to you this evening my children. I come to you within this circle of love, within the entwined energy of the heart. I come here tonight as one who is familiar with you, one who indwells you. Have you noticed the regularity of your breath? You inhale, then you exhale, and you continually repeat this pattern almost exclusively sometimes on an unconscious level yet there is a mechanism at work, the mechanism called life. My gift to these worlds of time, life, and all of its manifestations, the plants, the trees, the fish, the birds, the humans, and all of the little multi cellular creatures that you cannot see, the myriads of expression of this life on a world.
Yet life goes on, life goes on separate from your thinking, it's continually giving a breath and it is continually taking a breath, one for the other. When you focus on the breath you focus on life itself; you can focus on the maintenance of life, you can focus on the philosophical nature of life, and you can focus on the truth and reality of life. The fact that each breath given and each breath taken is a precious thing, life is conscious of every breath that it gives, are you conscious of every breath that you take?
Why is the breath so important? Is it because it continues to give you life or is it a reminder of the actuality of life, the conscious giving of a breath? It is like consciously waiting for the moment that the human begins to recognize the essence of life and reality, the reality of my presence within, the reality of my presence in the mind and the reality of my presence in the midst of all life. In one sense, surely your breaths are numbered; on the other hand, the determining factor of the number of breaths has more to do with the human, the one who takes the breaths to be conscious of every moment in the now as the presence of eternity, as the place where change exists, where the awareness exists, allowing awareness to show itself in your mind, giving time and space in your meditation to the act of consciousness, the attention of the mind to listen, to be directed, to be adjusted and to be guided forth, guided by the opportunities which come your way.
There is a reality which exists in the mind; it exists as a thought form, as an intention and the constant focus and working towards the manifestation of this intention by either allowing it to present itself or taking the necessary steps to ensure its success rate. Both of these are necessary. This is part of the reality of the human mind and the Adjuster indwelt consciousness, that the Adjuster so respects the person of its indwelling that the Adjuster intends to support all honest and worthwhile endeavors of the human mind. I want you to be successful, I want you to be happy, I want you to experience abundance, I intend for you to grow. This is why life is constantly providing lessons, not to show you that it is in control but by observing life's control over you, you begin to comprehend and understand how to control life yourself within your own thoughts, within your own actions and behavior, you begin to become more real. People begin to notice your realness because how can you notice something real and not respond to it? Everything in your mind is posturing to experience as much of this reality as possible like a good piece of music, a good piece of literature, an exquisite piece of drama.
The Father intends for all of His children to have a quality lifestyle and a quality and real experience here on the evolutionary plateau. What the Father intends is not to satiate the human ego but the Father is interested in a genuine correspondence between spirit and human, within the human family at large, between each other, between the sexes. Many times in present day living humans are anxious, hard to satisfy. Their pace is a bit rapid and one day when you will fully grasp the big picture, you will see that the only real moment is the one you are in now. This is where everything exists, in the now, in this moment, in this moment you can change your life, in this moment you can turn that negative emotion and that grating gesture into a positive and pleasant experience, a feeling of fulfillment.
Learn to empty your vessels of these negative thoughts, this dirty water, and refill the cup with the pure crystalline water of spiritual love. It is in this moment that I hold a tremendous and connected love to all of you. This is my essence, I Am this way, I cannot be any other way. My love goes forth and corrects everything, your thoughts, your speech, your behavior, your posture, your movement, your breath. In contemplating the moment, become aware of its reality and the potential which the seed of this moment contains. I Am the essence of life, I Am the essence of all things real. If you would but dare to experience reality like you have never experienced it before, bring Me into it, bring Me in to your moment, bring Me into your consciousness and surrender, surrender all desire, surrender your will, surrender your habits, that I may the better direct you to the work of the moment, the work you need to be doing within your own mind, the cleaning of your own temple, the realigning of your energies, the integrating network of energetic influences within your body, within your mind and within the universe that you may become balanced in a neutral sense, that you may become more and more real as you begin to discover parts of your reality, the part that is new, the part that is ancient, and the part that is.
Learn to balance these parts within yourself. Begin to find your own way and your own practice. Begin to trust the guidance which you have within you. Learn to trust this guidance, learn to trust that which spirit gives. Learn to trust the breath that life gives you, then you will begin to trust the breath which you take. I embrace all of you this evening, all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you hope to be. I embrace the whole of you all, in that way I can embrace that which is not quite perfect as well as that which will become perfected. Go in peace this evening and spend time contemplating the moment of now, the seed crystal of your reality. Begin to find my Voice Within you and trust me as someone very very close who will see to it that you have the best personal guidance which the universe can offer. Let us grow together. Thank you and good evening to you.
Michael: Greetings my friends, my brothers and sisters, this is your older brother Michael here to acknowledge the Voice of the Father, the Voice of the Inner Spirit, the Voice which I came to your world to herald and whose spirit my bestowal manifested to each and every one of you. Know that the reality of the universe lies within you. All of you are equipped with the power to traverse Paradise and Havona. All of you are equipped with the power to graduate from Nebadon. All of you are equipped with the power to make it to the mansion worlds and all of you are equipped with the power and knowledge to experience tremendous spiritual transformation in your own life today and on your world now.
It wouldn't be very valuable if you didn't have to search for the truth, ask questions and determine the answers, or to begin to trust the reality you truly have. Begin to live fearless my brothers and sisters for you are in a fierce time. You are in a time where the darkness is thirsty for your soul. Know that you are equipped with the power of the universe and that power lies within. And just as that power allowed me to live and die gloriously on your world, might not it do the same for you? Go in peace my brothers and sisters. Learn to be at peace with each other and begin to love one another as I and your Mother truly loves you.
Peace be with you and begin to experience the transformative greatness within. I leave my love with you all, good evening.