Topic: Progressive Faith
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is full to see each of you here this evening. I am in a position to see the bigger picture of your lives and I am inspired to see how you each press on. I am in understanding how faith can become stagnant and life shows itself as meaningless.
You that have been long time believers in our Father and Michael’s Mission will find that you need to put work into your faith-foundation. There are so many phases we go through as agondonters and now that our Mission has had time to grow, many of our long time believers become somewhat stuck in the earthly mire while grasping for a branch of faith to hold on to.
We could take the Master’s spiritual practices for example: He always had time alone with the Father every day away from his brethren—just to take time to shed his earthly worries and allow the Father’s light to reach His soul. This is aligning your will to the Father’s will. This is help in the events of everyday living. The Master would pray with words in the mind, but also He took time to simply listen. I can tell you that when you take time to listen to Father your material ears may not hear it, but you take in information on a soul-level and there you understand.
It is difficult in this fast-paced world to set aside the demands of the ego and make effort to surrender. I can’t express how important surrender is in the spiritual life. To release earthly worries, desires, resentments and regrets is an opening to receive healing and new energy to face what is to come before you. You find it easier to do the right thing when you are strong in spirit.
When we think about the individuals we know that are so close to the Father, we find they have spiritual practices that keep their faith renewed and refreshed. We have taught for many years the stillness and its importance to receiving understanding from Father. We have taught the method of transmitting-receiving and how this is a gift to all, not just a select few. We have taught that the material life is fleeting and that experience with other mortals is extremely important as far as spiritual growth goes. We have always taught that. Live your mortal life to the utmost and keep your feet on the ground. Work, play and have a balanced life.
There is not need to look for the man behind the curtain. These are the exercises agondonters must practice to have a fulfilling relationship with Father and the celestials. We cannot say, ‘Oh, I have read the Urantia Book and I am done.’ Healthy spiritual lives always rely upon practices that keep it living, keep it from stagnating. Spiritual practices keep reminding us that almost everything has meaning and Father will always bring about an ultimate good. This is helping mortals to lessen their fear and strengthen their faith.
When we are faced with destruction and we can express our sorrow, our disdain, our despair, but we must keep pushing through the rest of the scenario by saying ‘this situation is now in the hands of our Father.’ How blessed are we to be in His wonderful family. We must take a positive outlook on even the most disturbing things. We must press on through the ugliness to our belief that Father brings about an ultimate good. With faith we can relax, we can let go of our fears and rest upon the fact that we are so loved and cared for.
We would do well to make effort to try to see a positive outcome in every situation. Even if you never see the outcome, you still have faith that with God all things are possible, with Him all things have meaning and we are on our way to Him. We are not to live in anxiety and fear, but to remain observant and know that Father is watching and helping our every move. He takes care of us better than anyone has ever taken care of us. If we are willing He will strengthen us to face any obstacle, but we must do our part in spiritually exercising our minds, every day practice. It is not for Him that you practice, no, it is for you to have a healthy communication with your Father.
This week I would suggest that every day, even if it is for just a short amount of time, do some meditation, some stillness. Make your prayers short and your surrender obvious. Let Father know you are still fully committed into doing all you can in this mortal vehicle. Also, take a little time for study or fellowship; it puts you in a frame of mind that assists you in everyday living. That is all for this evening. Mary sends her love, as do I and we will discuss this further next time. Our love goes with you. Until next time, Shalom.