2011-10-18-Conscious Living and Human Love
Topic: Conscious Living and Human Love
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “Conscious living is living a life filled with peace and expressions of truth, beauty and goodness. Many in your world believe that the most religious persons are those who recite their prayers all the time or always read the Bible, the Koran or the Urantia book. However, the ones who truly grow in spirit in a conscious manner are those who consistently listen within and follow the guidance they receive from the Divine Presence inside their beings.
“You don’t have to acknowledge your Thought Adjuster (TA) because He or She is always working on your behalf. You just need to listen and adapt your decisions to the advice you receive from your TA. There will come a time when collaboration between you and your TA will be implicit. Your decisions and actions will be the decisions and actions of God, without you experiencing any sense of sacrifice by submitting your ego to the divine will. A life increasingly more spiritual is a life increasingly more free, fulfilling and productive. You may think that sometimes you forget about God, but the connection with your Celestial Father is constant and never interrupted. You will always have access to your Father and through this higher form of consciousness you can receive everything you need for an authentic life of learning and joy.
“An analogy that can be used to understand this implicit relationship with your Creator is the human love of a mortal couple. Consider a natural love that grows with maturity while both members of a couple get to know each other. At the beginning the two young lovers are constantly thinking about each other when they are apart, fascinated by the novelty of the feelings they are experiencing. They can be occupied with different tasks, but they constantly go back to remembering the subject of their affection and they spend a lot of time dedicated to their memories and yearning.
“After some time the couple decide to be together and become a family. They start living together and sharing even more than before. With time, their love keeps growing and the couple enjoys a relationship increasingly more intimate and they feel more and more comfortable together. However, the yearning and enamourment of the early days is gone. For some immature mortals this may be a sign that something is lost. However, this is the result of more stable and deeper relationship between two people — a more effective team — where those who once considered themselves to be two different people start to think about their partner and themselves as a unit, as one.
“Do not make the mistake of many immature souls that after moving beyond the initial enamourment they try to find it with other people, sacrificing the home they built and the opportunity to really get to know another human being in a more complete and fulfilling way. The relationship of couples is one of the most important experiences of human life and it can produce great spiritual rewards if explored and if given the best of yourself. The early enamourment is the resource that nature uses to overcome the initial inertia that human beings experience by abandoning their comfort zone of feeling independent and with no responsibilities to embark upon the effort of living with another person and striving for harmony. Mature souls should understand that this natural biological first push is only the initial stage of a deeper relationship and that it is up to them to cultivate their love to elevate the love of a couple to a true communion of spirits.
“It is adequate to provide a warning here to those who sacrifice a stable and mature relationship to pursue the emotions of the initial enamourment. The strength of this biological impulse diminishes with use and those who spend their lives jumping from one relationship to the next will find that each time they feel less and at some point they will be incapable of feeling enough emotion to attempt to start a true and deep relationship. However, even then the answer will be within their being and they will have to use the resources of their intellect and their souls to somehow overcome the lack of this biological catalyst and attempt that enterprise of eternal value in which a man and an woman emulate and experience what our Creator has experienced — the co-creation of another life by starting a family.
“As it is with human love, so it is with divine love. One day your TA and you will be fused with the thoughts and the decisions of a single unified mind. This will be the joining of the human and the divine in you and from that day on your Father and you will be as one, not like two different persons who want to be together, but as two beings who, for all intent and purposes, function as a single unit.”