2011-10-23-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Light as a Bridge
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Metatron, LIGHT, Charles
TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
Metatron: [Cathy-shared personal message] You have an inquiring mind and it will lead to false conclusion. We have already verified that Metatron is helping increase the energy on the planet. This is in full compliance with the request and plans of Michael and Monjoronson. As the light increases, the mortals of the planet will feel the effects. It may not be as traumatic for those of you who have had a gradual exposure to increased spiritual levels and energy signatures. To the uninitiated mind, the effects will perhaps overwhelm the coping capability. We are taking every precaution to protect and guide all on the planet. The predictions of disaster and death are greatly sensationalized. Be in assurance that all will be protected whether their bodies survive or not. All will be the will of the First Source and Center, all will enhance the Supreme and the development of Urantia. Be in faith and assurance as you pursue your activity. Take only normal steps to insure your survival in the physical sense. Your group has indeed been located in areas of less danger and have [a] high chance of survival in a traumatic earth shift or volcanic [occurrence]. Hold fast to a vision of light and continue to build the portal for use by all.
Light: [Cathy] I am with you in the effort to increase the utility of our portal. It is most beautiful to perceive the entire project as a flow of light that is increasing in volume and utility. I am in connection with you as we raise the level through input of intention. This facility is already in use and is most effective in connecting your level with ours. We on our side are also adding to the quantity and flow of light. As you increase the capacity available, together we can accomplish much to aid in Michael's plan. I love you all, my family in spirit.
Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you this morning, this is Charles. It is good to be here in this circle to enjoy the conversation, the concepts that you deal with and how you all see and understand change. Everyone is always in a different space than everyone else. Everyones movement towards the center to become one is not the same. The motion may be in the same direction but all are unique and in various positions of experience, in various positions in terms of dealing with the work at hand.
It is good to encounter the differences and build upon the differences rather than view the differences as defense advantages. In a spiritual sense, the building of bridges between opposing camps allows a pathway to be used by others within these camps who may chance to meet in the middle to some common understanding. Understand that the differences are surface differences, that underneath the surface most all are the same, right below the particulars. To get back to a deeper understanding of responsibility and choice, truly one must begin to discover within the consciousness of the mind the presence of a greater reality, a greater understanding. So, life is like class in the morning and work in the afternoon. You must continually challenge yourself to a greater sense of who you are and who you are becoming, how to achieve that, how to stay in balance and health, and how to help others who are seeking to grow and become who they are and have a sense of understanding.
The use of light will begin to reveal many things that at first you did not see and did not understand. Light by its very nature will begin to illuminate; you will be able to find more creative expressions of light. I like the idea of the light bridge, building bridges of light for people to meet. A lot of times the chasms created by polarization is too deep to traverse. It is easier to walk on a beautiful bridge of light to greet another and discover something about themselves that they did not previously understand. Because the light is always in the middle, both sides polarized are always in the darkness. Their coming together creates light, the meeting in the middle. The tasks are at hand, the understanding is intact. My peace I leave with you. Have a wonderful week, thank you.