2011-10-26-About Relationships
Topic: About Relationships
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “One of the supreme joys of life is the relationships you establish with your siblings in this world. Human beings are intimately related to each other. You share the same world and therefore the same opportunities for mortal experiences. Even more importantly, you all carry within yourselves the Presence of the Father, to express God in your own unique and individual way. Little by little you will understand that to have a clear idea of God, you must find Him in your siblings.
“It should be evident that total knowledge about anything is only possible through the combination of the minds and the experiences of all. You can get to know a lot about your world, but all the knowledge you might accumulate in your life pales in comparison to the union of all the experiences of all human beings, in all epochs and all places. You have personally gathered unique experiences and understandings, which you have achieved in your life and with the help of your Inner Guide. This knowledge can be shared with others, enriching their lives and experiences in the same way you can benefit from what others may offer.
“In the wide universes, knowledge and ideas are shared without restriction. Soon you will learn that everything you can share and every offering you make to others will be your contribution to the totality of experience — the actualization of the Supreme Being.
“Those who have already awakened to the realities of spirit during their life in the flesh enjoy more the relationships with their siblings. Others will need to wait to acquire this knowledge and grace on the Mansion Worlds. Once there, you all will discover the pleasure of meeting beings very different from you in function and origin and you will learn many wonderful things from them.
“One of the materialistic tendencies you will have to leave behind is the keeping of secrets, the reserving of ideas, experiences or understandings for the benefit of a few. On the next levels of existence, you will find yourself in an environment where all knowledge and ideas will be at your disposal to study, to learn and to grow. Nothing will be kept from you as long as it doesn’t adversely affect your progress. There is knowledge that can cause confusion if you try to grasp it before your being is adequately prepared. In these cases, your teachers and those who receive your inquiries will be wise to deny you the answers.
“This new realization will do a lot to improve the relationships with your siblings. Other souls will be moved by your intention of sharing with them what you know and also your intention of learning from them. It is the authentic and sincere interest in other human beings that will provide and attractiveness to your personality and make it so enchanting to the eyes of your neighbors.”