2011-11-20-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Dear children, this is your Mother who speaks! A transitional culture is now being birthed on your world, and many individuals are being prepared to foster this shift in the way life is lived upon Urantia. As individuals who have opened their hearts to the voice of Spirit within, you are all being trained and guided for some thrilling service to help your world heal. Are you prepared by focusing on the LIGHT that lives within you to shine forth? Are you monitoring your thoughts, helping yourselves move more into faith and hope? Are you turning your back on the fear culture that some people still persist in perpetuating? Are you taking time to renew yourselves in spiritual communion each day with your Father and me so your own Indwelling Spirit can communicate more effectively to you?
These are the preparations you can make each day to help you move into this transition time gracefully and in joyful anticipation, knowing that you are participating in a wonderful time of change. You must be ready for this now so those who assist you in the unseen realms can bring those people to you for you to minister the good news. The time is right, and the hearts of many are ready to hear what you have to offer. Listen to their concerns and pleas, and help them appreciate that there is something inside of them that wants to guide their progress through their problems and bring them into resolution.
You know the validity of what you have experienced in your spiritual growth. Now it is time to share what you have learned, and to teach others where to find their own internal source for all the answers they require to lead fulfilling and satisfying lives. Take chances, take risks in reaching out to them for you never know when you will be able to soothe a hurting psyche or calm someone’s inner turmoil. Live in my peace, that you may radiate it to your brothers and sisters in great need!