2011-11-24-Teachers from on High
Topic: Teachers from on High
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Mentori
TR: Lytske
Mentor: “Dear one, the subject of never-ending eternity, which is so busying your mind, has been planted there by us. There are many of us waiting for minds to open up, so we may instil some clarification and insights which will assist you mortals ‘to grow into’ more wisdom. We are groups of Teachers from on High, called Mentori. We are mentors, we are teachers.
“You see child, what we are about is the never-ending business of helping the populace of this planet to progress beyond the mundane, so a step in evolution can take place, rather than spiritual stagnation, which so many are beginning to fear. Yes, there is more to life than to eat, drink and be merry.
“There are many seeking souls out there, who are looking for greater substance to life, yet they remain at a loss as to how to acquire this essence to their inner life. Tirelessly they chase after temporary pleasures, books, films, which are someone else’s ideas, not realizing that the greatest Guide and Holder of their divine blueprint lives right within them, closer to them than their breath.
“I have some news here, although this may long remain unclear to you, that the capacity for growth, and the gathering of worthwhile information, will ever expand in eternity depending on your free-will decisions, never ending even beyond your attaining perfection in this ages-long quest.
“With worthwhile information, I imply it to have value and meaning for your next eternal task, as the gathering of experiential wisdom in service continues forever. It does so if you are willing to recognize the Creator of all, who is all knowledge and desires, to experience all your potentials whilst you turn these into actuals.
“This is my news for today, that if and when you elect to think about, and act upon the Creator’s will for you, you will do your share of making this planet a better place to live on, for even this troubled planet, and all who dwell upon her face, occupy special places in the heart of God.”