2011-11-27-Dedication to Stillness
Topic: Stillness, Dedication
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved One: “Dear one, it is first and foremost your willingness to listen and to answer my prompts. It is a lesson of sorts for you to take dictation of. For me it is a token of your dedication, since you promised to be my mouth-piece whenever I desire to have a word with you, and these little nuggets of wisdom you may then pass on to others.
“Allow me to remind you that these words can only come when you are consecrated to give me your wholesome attention, without your thoughts intruding, so you will not lose the thread of what is my desire to convey to you.
“It is important that when you are in these precious moments of Stillness, and you are as it were ‘catapulted into the presence of God’, that you begin to realize what a special Gift it is to be touchingly enveloped by God's grace and mercy. Yes, so unconditionally loved and accepted that the old sorrows and grief of the past slide away into nothingness, and a feeling of utter blessedness arrives.
“These moments are so very healing and nurturing. These precious moments are growth for the eternal soul, which, already in this mortal life, can reap a rich harvest of peace and joy. You have shown yourself willing, and you have dedicated yourself to these early morning moments, whilst the world still sleeps around you. At first it was considered a necessity, your having to do this to enrich yourself. So, self-interest was your motivation. Over time, your habit of early rising has resulted in so many blessings you cannot begin to think of starting your day without the habit of meditation you have cultivated over the years.
“A rich harvest of inner peace and inner joy is awaiting all who would likewise dedicate regular time to coming into the Stillness of their hearts to reap untold benefits in communion with their Creator God always waiting for his children to come to Him and be loved beyond measure.
“Please continue to dedicate your time to personal soul-growth and reap such untold riches in benefits as you cannot begin to imagine. Stillness stabilizes the human system and facilitates ongoing healing, as all healing starts from within when all systems cooperate in harmony and balance.
“Please remind yourselves of this. All healing comes from within. Just open the door thereto with love, praise and thanksgiving to the Eternal One.”