2011-12-06-Lighter Bodies, Greater Minds
Topic: Lighter Bodies, Greater Minds
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel, Aaron
TR: George Barnard
Mathew: “This is Midwayer Mathew. I am back with you now, and I will hand you over to your Teachers, Samuel and Aaron.”
Samuel: “This is Samuel. Aaron is with me here. We have decided to answer a question that was asked of you during the last few weeks about your existence on the Mansion Worlds. A short time after you arrive on the Mansion Worlds, safe and sound asleep, your soul ensconced within the four-winged Seraph, you will be given a new body. This is your morontia body, manufactured or re-created precisely as you were at a mature age, or even better if in your mortal life you suffered from inherited ‘difficulties’ or damage through accidents or illness.
“Such a new body is made from lighter materials, which in the present state -- your physical state on this earth -- would be difficult to see. However, that body made of finer material, longer lasting organic materials, and materials presently unknown to you, allows for the support of a series of new mind endowments, additional to the ones you have now. These additional endowments will allow you to see so very clearly your Guardian Angels and many other celestial personalities, although certainly not all personalities.
“Your body will be capable of lasting many years, lifetimes really, without showing any major changes. And even though new arrivals on Mansonia One may perhaps be there for a relatively short period of time, that body, practically new, will not be of any use when that individual progresses, and is transported to Mansonia Two. Again, he or she will receive a new body, and improved mind endowments once again. Also you will find that more and more as you move higher and higher on the Mansion Worlds your new body will be lighter to make up for the fact that the Mansion Worlds are bigger and bigger as you move on from Mansonia One all the way to Mansonia Seven.
“You will find that on each world as you move on, there are elements in existence that are unknown to you on your world, and amongst many of the structures that are built there, there will be those that are made from crystals entirely. That is our short message for you.”
Aaron: “We thank you for your time. We thank you for your work in transmitting these messages to others. We love you all. This is Aaron. We both say goodbye for now.”
George: “Thank you both, Mathew too.”