2011-12-15-Towards Oneness
Topic: Towards Oneness
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved One: “This is the day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is the song which ideally ought to be in the heart and soul of every human on the planet. This would be a first class rejoicing for the life that God bestows upon each thing or being, as God’s life energy streams through the most minuscule cell throughout all of creation. Even the mightiest star systems share this energy with you.
“This zero-point energy once set in motion on Paradise streams forth continuously by the instigation and grace of God. There is no ending, and there has never been a beginning. The material universes exist by fiat of God.
“It may take on different forms as this life-force always adjusts itself to the task at hand, which has first been formulated in the minds of the Universal God, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. Therefore, even though humans may think in terms of diversity, and how true this is, there is also unity in this wholeness of creation of time and space, as all is projected from Paradise.
“There exists complete oneness in all manner of things. However it is up to each individual to discover that they are part and parcel of something unimaginably greater than his or her mind can conceive or begin to comprehend. There will always be more to discover in this safety of Oneness, and it behoves each one, man, woman and child, to think about how they are connected to each other in this Oneness.
“Is life lived with an increasing conscious awareness of this connectedness, or is life lived with nary a thought about the continuance of life itself?
“In a short-lived mortal existence, humankind may dream up all sorts of schemes, some of which might even harm someone else, but all ought to be aware that every intent, thought and action has their repercussions in that fabric named life. Yet, never mind how skewed things appear to be from time to time, rest assured that the plan in the mind of God always, and in all ways, will wins out for good.
“With right intent the soul will grow and mature instead of withering and dying as the human gives thought to its nourishment, which can only be had in the Silence of the human heart with resulting positive actions in the outer life. Oneness with the Creator is experienced in the inner life and the fruits of the inner spirit are made visible through the actions of each individual.
“Please consider how you can magnify your fruits of your spirit in loving service to each other with acceptance, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness and love, as you are all moving to this Oneness.”