2012-01-01-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My peace be upon you, my children! This is your Father Michael. You have so much to look forward to as you move into another year; this one being eagerly anticipated by many. What will this year bring? To whom will you be introduced to share Father’s love and joy? What service opportunities will come your way? What new levels of self-mastery and growth will you attain? As you ponder these questions, know that your Mother and I are here to help you achieve those goals you set for yourselves, provided they are all in alignment with the plans for transformation in Spirit—both personal and for the world.
Starting a new year means new beginnings fresh with hopes and dreams that you hold within your hearts. We encourage you to allow those dreams and hopes to ever move to the forefront of your awareness, ever expanding you into the dynamic place where your hearts speaks to you. Here is where you will find all that you need to accomplish great things this year in Spirit, adding new threads of spiritual energy into the fabric of Urantian life. What will you add to this?
The changes we anticipate for Urantia are all seeded within your hearts. Activate them! Bring them out of your heart and mind into your planet’s material reality! We are here to help you become aware of them, so ensure you are doing your part each day to help these changes burst forth onto the physical plane. You have so much help to do this, you only have to ask and strive in the ways you feel guided. Look to the light of the new era now dawning upon your world, and know that your Mother, I, and your universe family are with you in many dimensions helping you bring into being the ways of Spirit.
Be in my peace, my children, and enjoy a blessed year in Father’s LOVE.