2012-01-08-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Many hearts are ready to open to the call of Spirit Within now, and all is in readiness for the ways of LOVE to become emblazoned within the human mind. What role will you play in the unfolding of the great awakening of the heart? How do you wish to help your brothers and sisters who have still to respond to what their hearts are striving to speak to them? The way of service is open, and all acts of loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy are necessary to help this beautiful world continue to change course on its trajectory into universal consciousness. Your efforts are most valuable and appreciated, as you are the ones who will be inaugurating the new era of upon Urantia.
My hand ever guides you into this realm of loving service, helping you achieve what your hearts imagine and desire. Know that I am pledged to walk with you through this time of transition, prompting you in ways that will stimulate the spiritual potentials waiting to spring forth from your hearts. You are ready! You have been prepared! Help your brothers and sisters in the best ways possible, and you shall be rewarded by that supreme satisfaction that comes from being of spiritual assistance through your loving ministrations.
My truth and peace lights your way, and in the days to come, ensure that you have returned to the well of spiritual nourishment to maintain that composure and courage necessary to walk through this time of change. Strengthen your hearts in your Mother and Me, and know that we are with you as grace fills your world and brings it home to our universe family. Be in my peace!