2012-01-22-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Tokens of affection that you share with your brothers and sisters discloses your spiritual fragrance. When I walked on earth as your elder brother Jesus, I freely shared affectionate words and embraces with my brethren, even shocking people with my openness to love in spite of social and traditional constraints. This openness brought about much public scrutiny and controversy as people did not understand the nature of what I was demonstrating. I share this with you today, to help you appreciate that it is in bold actions aligned in the will of God that creates hardy souls capable of moving beyond the conditions of your culture to rise to new heights of Godliness while in human form.

Be strong in your abilities to share love and do not hesitate to step out of your comfort zone to demonstrate that you are learning your lessons of love. Be courageous and know that you have ME within you, loving who and what is before you. You do not love alone, you have ME to expand your capacities. I only ask that you take action, children, and to love, love, love as best you can each day. As you grow in your abilities and understanding of what is LOVE, you will be delighted at the spiritual fragrance you exude and what you attract.

Be in my PEACE!