2012-02-05-Actions and Their Repercussions
Topic: Actions and Their Repercussions
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Prolotheos
TR: Valdir Soares
Prolotheos: “Everything we do causes repercussions, either intended by us, or not. That is a universal law. No action taken by any creature in the universe is neutral, or circumscribed to its actor. That is the very essence of our expression in time and space. The same way you cannot take back words once they are uttered, actions, too: once put in motion, will follow their path and will cause other motions, like the fall of a dominoes chain. Repercussions are secondary actions that also affect people, things and situations, beyond the original or primary action’s goal or intention.
“When the Gods and the superior beings in the universe act, they are able to anticipate what would be the repercussions of their actions in the long term. The Gods, being infinitely perfect, act in perfection of purpose and all their direct actions are incapable of going awry by themselves. However, even Gods’ actions, when they enter the interactions of time and space with finite beings, whose action’s repercussions may reflect their limitations or imperfections, those primary and perfect actions may swing many times around the universes before accomplishing the perfect purpose originally intended for them.
“Human beings, however, rarely think about the consequences of their actions before acting. A good decision-making process finds the best way of acting, but should also include the thinking-ahead and projecting which undesirable repercussions these decisions might in the long run cause for others. While some repercussions can be anticipated, others, depending on third part reactions, are virtually impossible of being predicted. However, as a rule, human decisions should wisely leave room for foreseeable possibilities, and be acted out with discretion. Acting only after thinking of possible repercussions is to act responsibly.
“There are several reasons why human beings are sometimes unable to think about the repercussions of their decisions, which range from poor thinking to total inconsideration for others’ well-being. Most of human decisions suffer from immediatism – acting to achieve short-term results. Greed, besides being insatiable, is also impatient. Another human decision’s illness is emotionalism – making decisions on the heat of overwhelming emotions. Crimes of passion are amongst the ones to later cause most regret. However, the ‘old selfishness’ is mostly what makes human beings not think about their actions’ repercussion on others, because those with this personality ailment only know how to concern themselves with themselves.
“You cannot predict every repercussion resulting from your decisions. However, right there within you dwells a Spirit Fragment of God that can help you make decisions with others taken into consideration. Besides, have in mind that the Paradise Father is the Creator, Sustainer and Controller of all. Once you have made your best decision, do not entertain endless mental debate, which also brings dangerous inertia; act confidently knowing that you did your best, and know that your still limited, and less-than-perfect actions will eventually find their path into God’s all encompassing perfect will.
“I am Prolotheos, your spiritual tutor, glad to share these thoughts with you. My love is with you”.