2012-02-05-N.Idaho TeaM
Topic: Growth
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, LIGHT, Unknown, Charles, Michael
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
Elyon: Hello friends, I am Elyon and I want to seize on some of the threads of your conversation, particularly the part you mentioned about having to start, having to begin, having to put yourself forward to break the lock of the stationary and transition. That is really such a significant aspect of your ascension career, is that one be willing to break the lock of stagnation and be willing to move and it does all, in the end, depend on your free will choice to make it so. That is why you are so important as co-creative beings, you are the point where the rubber meets the road, the fulcrum can be applied and the leverage utilized to make manifest that which is of your choosing.
This ability to be able to extend beyond your comfort zone makes you powerful and potent co-creators. The ones willing to go out on the limb and step forward into the unknown always find themselves rewarded [but] likewise may always entertain the doubts, the uncertainties about the process. But you all have been engaged with this process long enough to know of its validity and your own individual experiences with it and we have grown down this path together as it has been my pleasure and privilege to be with you. I now step aside to allow this platform to be accessed by others, thank you.
Light: [Cathy] It is Light here to encourage your continued activity of enhancing our connecting portal. We have indeed created the structure, we have polished and extended. You have given much energy for the operation. All of this is good. In the process, your group has enhanced the ability of individuals to interact with this structure. We encourage you to experiment with our creation, the possibilities are endless and we are the ones to begin the discovery of uses of this structure. Be encouraged to use your own ideas to manipulate the forces and focus the energy to areas of need. You are aware of need and have the ability, the tools to manipulate this tool. I also am endeavoring on this side to join in this effort. Know that I am always joined with you in spirit and in love.
Unknown: [Henry] In order to become more powerful with anything, is your ability to empty the vessel you have and fill it full of the power you wish to exhibit. If you are to become a being of love, it is important to relinquish all which is not love and to receive a full measure of love within your being and it will become more practical to be a being of love. The same with light, one must be able to fill all of the space which is in darkness within with light to make it possible to anchor this light into your being-ness and to know you are being depleted of that which you possess that you may be able to refill the vessel.
This is true with all things in life. You must fill yourself full of the things you want to become. To become a being of truth you must live in truth, your life must reflect truth. Most of the time, that which you seek must be accessed through a neutral stance, a balanced and neutral position. The charge of life is more important than the result of life. In all conscious reality, observation is a tremendous part.
Service, Commitment
Charles: [Mark] Greetings to you all, I am Charles here, I have a few words [for] you of encouragement to see yourselves in a long term relationship with donating your energies for the good of the project, that is, expanding your view to this association and relationship to be one of more long ranging and of longer duration. In fact, you signed up, as you know, for a long term commitment to your projects and to your own individual careers, so these donations that you make so faithfully and lovingly may be utilized in so many different ways that we will look forward to working with you and directing energies as they are most fruitfully applied. It is a pleasure to work with you for such a project that is before us but which continually evolves and changes and no matter what the specifics may be. The intentions of service are the same; the details change, the focus does not. We are focused on our desire to be of service and therefore we shall be directed and aimed in that direction. Thank you for the opportunity to have a few words with you today. I bid you all have a good week.
Michael: [Cathy] I am here to add encouragement in this discussion. In my time on your world there were times of doubt, especially before the baptism. I was unsure of the path, the will of the Father. I learned to experience, to take a step, to begin without a full knowledge of the result. My human mind could discern only partly the final results. I felt the remainder rested with my Inner Guide from our Father. It became natural for me to rest in the assurance that truth, beauty, and goodness will come from the Father's will. I spent much time in what you know as the stillness, connecting with the Father's will. This habit became transforming for my human self as it was reaching for the divine self that was emerging. In the same way, each of you has the ability to reach out to your Divine Guide and search for the will of the Father in your daily interaction on this world. Always will you be supported by your Mother and myself.