2012-03-18-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Ascending through the universe takes you to many new worlds and cultures, where you learn through loving and meaningful experience the ways and principles of our Paradise Father’s plans of creation. Living on a backwards world as you are now hardly prepares you for what you will witness one day—the joy and grandeur of it all! Yet in developing your spiritual intuitive abilities you are able to glean the glimpses of a wonderful reality while here on earth. It is through opening your heart to your indwelling Spirit that helps you “see” with the eyes of faith where you are being encouraged to step.

Many of you are now well on this journey and many are now just beginning to listen to the rumblings of Spirit’s call within their own hearts. Help your brothers and sisters by simply being there to listen to what they wish to share with you of their struggles and burdens. You do not have to carry their burdens for them, merely point them in the direction to go within and help them start their own stillness practice. Suggest, if they are open, that there is a great guide waiting to show them the way, and that by quieting their mental chatter and practicing this every day, their own inner divine presence will be able to send more loving signals into their awareness and feed them with new ideas and information to consider.

Help them step outside of their challenges by suggesting that their inner Spirit presence has the answers but they must be willing to listen and clear their own channels of confusion, doubt, fear. Help them appreciate that these emotions block their success and prosperity. Help them to the best of your ability and to the openness of their receptivity. You never know what seeds of Spirit you plant will take root and blossom within their minds.

I rely on you, my children, who have awakened to represent God to your brothers and sisters. We will, in turn, be there to support your efforts as you speak the words you are being fed. Together, we draw closer to your siblings in spirit to bring them the sustenance they truly need, and together we will rejoice in the how the Father’s presences in them begins to shine forth. Be in my PEACE!