2012-03-31-Q and A with Michael

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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are very grateful to spend time with you today that we may receive your words of wisdom and counsel, and of course, more of your energy presence in our bodies. So we open our hearts now to receive you in whatever way you know is in keeping with our highest good that we may flow more in your will and be filled with your grace and beauty. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings my beloved children. This is Michael. Your Mother and I delight when you come to us with your human concerns and life situations that we may impart higher truths upon you mind and energies for your heart to help you handle the situations of your lives in a more Father-like manner. As you all understand how much change is being orchestrated on the planet, keep in mind that your beings are undergoing many changes as well. It is quite normal to have fluctuations of emotional equilibrium; to have some of the concepts that you have long held to be outworked to glean higher and new truths via your indwelling Father Fragment.

Sometimes you become overly concerned that you are not growing or making fast enough progress. And yet I wish to encourage you and to remind you that this is simply not the case. Each of you is well cared for and your indwelling Father Fragments are perfectly guiding you, helping you discern those Spirit signals when conditions are ripe within your mind and heart.

You, in discerning these signals prepare your minds and hearts through the practice of stillness. Some days your reception will be clear and seem to be stronger than other days. Do not become overly concerned if some days are better than others. This is all very normal as your bodies are being attuned, and many adjustments and circuits are being made into your energy systems to help you. Do not expect too much consistency during this time of change, but keeps your hearts and your spirit eyes focused within, and spend time each day receiving and offering your appreciation to the Father within. This will help you more than anything else for it is your attitudes that continue to deepen your spiritual path, to deepen your understanding, and to allow those insights that are necessary to be gleaned in your perceptions.

So before we begin with our discussion and dialogue, simply receive your Mother and Me. Focus in your heart, feel that need of a child to be with your Mom and Dad and receive us now, my beloved children. (pause)

During this time of change I encourage you to monitor your thoughts so that you catch yourselves when you worry about your growth or the future of this world. Do you trust me my children? Do you trust in my love? Do you trust in my plans for Urantia? If so, then why do you worry? Why do you concern yourselves with the future? Stay in the present regardless of the emotional state you experience, and when you worry or doubt, simply ask me to step in and to share my peace with you. It is really quite simple my children, but you must train, and continue to remember, what is you need moment to moment. These are some of the challenges of being human on this world during this time. And you may always call upon my personalized Adjuster to help you with any human experience that is beyond your ability to understand or handle at any given moment. So you see, there is much help available to you, more than you can truly use at any given moment. But you must remember to access this sacred portal within your being, within your heart, to move beyond the discomfort, pain, worry, confusion or fear and allow what you need to begin to emanate forth and upstep you emotionally, mentally and physically. So continue to receive for a few more moments and then we will pursue our discussion. (pause)

Now if there is something you would like to pursue with me, please bring that forward. Take a few moments to gather your thoughts and share with me what is pressing on your heart and mind and I will comfort you. Who would like to begin?


STUDENT: Hello, this is J. Michael, it’s a joy to speak with you this way which I haven’t done for a long time. Today I had a call from someone I haven’t met and I heard a story from this person that completely contradicts some information I’ve had over the past couple of weeks and both of these sources of information involve a person very,very dear to me who happens to be in difficulty right now. I want to know if it’s important for me be able to distinguish which of these stories that are diametrically opposite is the correct story because it effects someone who is so very dear to me. I haven’t had much time to go into stillness; I spent a little bit of time today but didn’t receive any insights as to which story to believe. Is it important for me to know which of these stories is true? And will I receive the information from my Adjuster? Thank you very much dear Michael. I speak with you every day and with Mother too and I am so grateful for your help.

MICHAEL: Thank you for your question, my son. What you are pondering is a matter of perspective. Each individual views a single situation through the eyes of their own understanding. That understanding is based on many factors. Any time you have conflicting information such as you articulated in this situation, you have correctly ascertained that it is important to go into stillness and to ask for that which is true to begin to come forth. It may be helpful in terms of your discernment to look at the situation and observe it in this manner: if there is a situation regarding one person and two other people have their particular take on it, see these three energy fields of the individual concerned and the two perceivers.

As you observe this scenario, appeal to your Adjuster and appeal to the other parties’ Adjusters. Ask for the harmonization and fraternization of all the Adjusters, and simply wait. It may take some practice but over time what you will begin to perceive is that a higher understanding can come forth. And you may begin to appreciate how one person perceives the situation and how another person perceives the same situation even though they are diametrically opposed. This is not to say that there is not truth contained within any individual’s perception, but the degree of truth is a relative factor, and here you are trying to discern the highest truth. So in making the appeal to these Adjusters, you are allowing for information to come forth to help you perceive a quality of how other people are perceiving, what some of their limitations are, what some of their strengths might be. This will expand your field of understanding and help you broaden your qualitative measurement you might say, of understanding of what is happening in any particular situation. Does this help, my son?

STUDENT: Immensely, I thank you so much Michael. I’m deeply touched by this. Thank you so much.

MICHAEL: You are most welcome my son and be in my PEACE.

STUDENT: Hello this is H. I’m very happy to be on this call today and I would like to ask you if you could go deeper into what you said before to remember to call on you when I’m in a strange or difficult situation because that reminds me of something that happened today when I was upset by young boys and I had the experience that when I’m really emotionally upset I can’t remember to call on you. It’s just not there. Later when I’m going down again it’s OK but that moment is not easy. Thank you.

MICHAEL: Thank you for this question, my son, for this a very pertinent situation for so many of your brothers and sisters. When you are in a state of emotional disturbance, the emotions seem to take over and you become an agitated flow of energy, it is important to recognize that you are agitated. It is important to stop what you are thinking about, what you are feeling, and take some slow and deep breaths. The body is in a state of excitation during emotional upheaval. There are many neurotransmitters and bio-chemicals coursing through your system that are feeding various levels of emotions.

So the first thing you do at this time is to breathe and breathe deeply and slowly until your body feels more composed and relaxed. Then that is the time to ask Mother to expand you in my PEACE. Once you begin to feel peaceful, you are ready to receive more insight. One of the things you may consider doing at this point of feeling peaceful is to come to me and say “Father, I’m experiencing this situation in such and such a manner. I ask for you to help me see it through your eyes. What am I missing here? What do you wish me to see? How do you wish me to perceive this? Help me to perceive this as you perceive this.” And then simply wait. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply for as long as it takes until you begin to glean a higher truth and a broader and more spiritized perspective. You may need to practice this many times until it becomes more naturally habitual so that when you are in the state of emotional excitation you have the thought that says yes, I need to stop and breathe deeply.

Most of this will be based on your willingness to go within and receive a spiritized version of what you are perceiving, and no one can do that but you. It is part of your training, learning how to control the emotional and mental channels of your mindal currents so you become a master of your mind and not the other way around. Does this help, my son, or do you need further elaboration upon this matter?

STUDENT: No, thanks very much. That helps a lot and I’m looking forward to other situations where I can train this. Thank you.

MICHAEL: You are most welcome, my son, and know that there will many situations that will give you ample opportunity to practice and become a master of this. And be in my PEACE my son.

STUDENT: This is L and I have a question about prayer for others. I’ve been reading some transcripts about that recently. I can’t remember which personalities were involved, but I think I read somewhere that it’s not necessary to pray for the same person and situation over and over again; that once is sufficient. I wonder if you could talk to us about that.

MICHAEL: Thank you for this question, my daughter. Prayer is a means of communication, of supplication, and while it is unnecessary to continue to repeat your desires, it is important to add what you might call heart energy into the petition. There is in each prayer an intention; you are asking for something. And the more fervent the desire for that outcome, that is the qualitative part of the prayer. The quantitative part is in adding this desire over and over into it, compounding it many times over so that both the quality and quantity of the prayer become more cohesive and unified. This builds what you might call a light matrix that attracts more spiritual magnetism to it so that when you continue to feel your desire for this prayer to be realized you are adding a vital component to it. It is not necessary to repeat the request but that you are focusing on the request and feeling how much you want the Father’s will to continue to flow into the situation. Do you understand my meaning or shall I further elaborate for you, my daughter?

STUDENT: No, I think I understand what you are saying but I’m wondering if adding additional heart energy...how that effects the petition. Does it affect it in terms of the timeframe in which the pray is answered or the overall effect of the petition?

MICHAEL: There are certain factors involved here because you are operating in a manner to draw the Father’s will into any particular situation and especially if you are praying for another individual. That individual must be prepared what the prayer is intending as its outcome. You do not always know what that other person’s spiritual status is, nor how that person’s Adjuster is ministering to that individual’ s heart and mind. So be not concerned with the time element as such and know that within the Father’s will all things are possible. Does this help my daughter?

STUDENT: Yes, it definitely helps and I just have one more brief question: should the person you’re praying for be told that you are praying for them or not?

MICHAEL: Again, it is a matter of their receptivity. This would be something to take to your Adjuster and in your stillness, as you focus in your heart, ask for that individual’s Adjuster to liaise with yours and to help you discern whether or not it would be effective to inform that individual. Some people will willingly and appreciatively be able to receive you prayer petition and sometimes others will not. So, let this be done on an individual, case by case basis which will also give you the added benefit of learning how to lease your Adjuster with another person’s so that you become more adept at discerning the Father’s will. Does this help my daughter?

STUDENT: Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for being available for us in this way. It’s just amazing. Thank you.

MICHAEL: It is my delight to assist my children so they may grow in understanding of the Father’s will. And be in my PEACE, my daughter.

STUDENT: Michael, this is J.

MICHAEL: Good day. my son.

STUDENT: I have...this may be more of a curiosity but I was quite struck recently when, I don’t remember if it was DR or Michael with him at the time, said that he was not feeling well; he had a cold and Monjoronson said to him when you breathe deeply believe that you are, or think about, you are breathing the body of God into you with each breath and your cold will be gone soon. And it was. And I tried that myself just very recently when I got a cold which is a terrible annoyance but I found that I was healed a lot quicker than normal and I said to myself several times that I am breathing the essence of God with each breath. I read in the Urantia Book that when you were on the earth you were essentially never ill. Is this a form of self-healing that we can put to personal, good use or am I just imagining things?

MICHAEL: This absolutely an affirmation and visualization that you can use my son, and I am glad that you brought this question to the forum today. You know from reading the Urantia Papers that there is a particle of light that is called in your text the ultimaton. This very tiny particle of physical matter contains light and it is a part of the body of the Father. What you are invoking and allowing to flow are these light particles that have the ability to increase the vibratory rate of your body, thus helping your immune system to strengthen and to function more in the way it was designed.

Your world is very polluted at this stage of its evolution. There are many toxic chemicals in your environment that you are exposed to every day. This was not the case when I walked upon Urantia. Earth was pristine and my natural immunity was heightened even further through my communion with the Father as I began to understand the natural order of creation and the spiritual laws that governed it. So my situation was not the same as what you face.

However, in doing this every day whether you are ill or whether you are relatively healthy will continue to stimulate the flow of the ultimatons into your body and help your body maintain better states of health, providing that you care for your body properly with exercise, nutrition, hydration, rest and stillness. The vehicle in which you inhabit—the physical vehicle—was designed to provide you with a stable and suitable environment for the Spirit to function, albeit there have been many impediments on this evolutionary journey due to the rebellion and subsequent Adamic default. Nevertheless, much is being compensated for during this time of planetary correction. So as you invoke the body of God coming into you, know that part of this correction is such that we are making available higher frequencies to come into your body through many means to help stimulate your immunity and provide you a better, more stable physical environment for the Spirit within you to communicate. Does this answer your question my son?

STUDENT: Yes, very fully, thank you.

MICHAEL: You are welcome, and be in my PEACE my son.

STUDENT: Michael, this is L and I’m so happy be with you in this forum today, Thank you. My question is about my meditation experience. Very often I’m finding that I have trouble staying what I call consciously aware or awake and that often happens also in many of the CCC calls where we’re with Monjoronson or with you and I very often am unable to stay consciously aware and I resurface over and over again; it might happen half a dozen times in a half an hour. And I’m just wondering what is happening. If you can speak to that and do you have suggestions about what I may need to do to address this in my meditation time. Thank you.

MICHAEL: My daughter, there is no need to be concerned. Your super-conscious mind is being highly stimulated at these times. And so, you go out, as you might say. You are being suspended into a higher state of consciousness so that what is now being imparted is able to make a deeper impression upon the super-conscious mind, thus enabling your indwelling Father Fragment to use it more effectively.

So be not concerned about this, and know that this is actually a very good thing that is happening, for you are being upstepped in various ways because of your desire and your receptivity. It is quite common for people to question what is happening when you do not always understand, but let you mind be at ease in knowing that the super-conscious bandwidth, as you might call it, is being imprinted upon and expanded to enable you to eventually glean many new and correlated aspects and dimensions of the Father’s creative plan and designs. Does this help, my daughter?

STUDENT: Yes, thank you very much. I’m happy to hear that because so many times I thought maybe I was just falling asleep and missing out. So thank you for that assurance.

MICHAEL: You are never missing out when you practice stilling your mind. It is only a matter of time before those emanations will be able to be used by your Adjuster to help you perceive what came in hours or days ago. And be in my PEACE my daughter.

Are there any further questions today my children before I leave you in this manner?


Thank you for your participation with me today. As always your Mother and I are very pleased with your dedication to your spiritual paths. Truly, if your brothers and sisters, who have yet to awaken, could appreciate how you have grown through your efforts and diligent practice, they would be inspired to do the same. So I leave you with this thought: Beam the LIGHT of the Father within you outwardly to all with whom you engage. Let your light and love become so bright that it will help others awaken. Your brothers and sisters are in such dire straits now. So much confusion and fear is at the surface of their emotions and thoughts. And you can do much to quell the mind by your own peace and you receive that peace by staying close to us. We are your Source, we are your Parents. We will always keep you well equipped with spiritual power. And neglect not to focus on us when you are engaging with your brothers and sisters that your hearts may emanate the LIGHT of the Father and bring others into our family. And with that I bid you all a good day. Remember to live in LOVE and thrive in my PEACE.