2012-04-14-Harmonizing with Jesus' Personalized Adjuster

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Topic: Harmonizing with Jesus' Personalized Adjuster

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we are very grateful to gather here in your love and to receive more of what you wish us to have in terms of our planetary transformational recoding. You know the condition of our minds and bodies, and you know what we need now for us to continue to make progress in communing with our Adjusters and being about the Father’s business and healing our beloved world. Thank you for coming into us now and speaking the words of encouragement we need to hear and building us in your circuits of life and love. We are always so grateful that your will is being done in and through us. Thank you.


Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. My peace is upon you. This is Michael. Today it is my delight to bring to you a greater infusion of the energies contained within my personalized Adjuster as these energies now harmonize with your own indwelling Father Fragments and help you encode the Paradise language more deeply into your energy systems. There is much change energy stirring upon Urantia. What you will receive today is part of the necessary recoding to help your overall mechanism correlate and integrate within these new circuits of change—of life.

Settle into your hearts, my children. Settle into that intention to receive more of the spirit spark and morontia threading that you now need to continue to progress in accordance with the divine plan within you. Each one of you has a template, a plan, a pattern, for the life that the Father wishes to express through you. As you know, much erroneous information has resided in your DNA and has diminished your capacity to receive these leadings from your indwelling Father Fragments. Therefore, it is necessary for a major outworking of these old codes that you would be able to increasingly harmonize with the Paradise patterns within you.

Feel your desire for your divine birthright to be activated within you. Your Mother and I will move in you now. Simply focus in your heart. Feel your desire for your divine birthright grow stronger within your consciousness that you may increasingly align with it more and more each day. Receive us now, my children. (Pause)

My LOVE is available to every living being on this world. Now it is the moment for my children of all various constituents to receive this love. LOVE is an energy that so few people truly understand on this world. While your conceptual frame of reference will expand about what love is over time, it is more desired by me to feel this LOVE, to have your circuitry expanded that you would perceive more deeply within your being. Allow the experience of my LOVE to move in you now, that over time your Adjusters would help you understand a deeper meaning and value of what LOVE is and what the power of LOVE is able to accomplish. (Pause)

The will of our Paradise Father is now bearing down on Urantia through the portal of my own personalized Adjuster. He harmonizes with the Adjusters of this world. As you may well imagine, this is quite a momentous undertaking, as the Adjuster circuitry upon this world increases in scope and status. My archangels, my seraphim, now stand upon this world to help these circuits align, to free the minds of the citizenry of this world from the legacy of rebellion. Much change is anticipated. Some of you will live to see great changes in your human lifetime. Doubt not about what is occurring. Simply continue to open yourself to me, to your beloved Mother, you may imprint more fully upon our personality presences and become more balanced in us, in our love, in our ways. I have touched you deeply now, children. You may thrive in us. (Pause)

The WILL of the Father is now converging upon Urantia to remove the distortions in your planetary consciousness. Soon you will see more material evidence of this. We are here to prepare you to be safe, steady, and stable in us—in our circuits—that you may help your brothers and sisters who will be thrown off balance because of the truth that is emerging from the years of deception perpetuated again and again. We have called you forth to be the way-showers and the heralds for the upcoming era of Light and Life. We impress upon your minds our presence to embolden you to speak truth, to radiate light, and send peace to the hearts of your brethren who will be quite dismayed at what they witness. So fear not; be light of heart! My presence converges more powerfully upon this planet and liberates my beloved children. Be in my peace. I will withdraw now that you may spend time with your loving Mother and receive her words. Good day, my precious children.

Nebadonia: Greetings, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Many angels attend you now to weave in these circuits of Light and Life into your structure of consciousness to impinge upon the delicate framework of your electro-biochemistry to move more deeply into your cellular structure. Drink deeply of these circuits; they are yours. The restoration of your divine inheritance is our gift to you. It is yours. As we have encouraged you time and again, you must step up to receive. Sometimes it will be necessary to receive moment by moment to strengthen you. Patterns of the past outwork themselves from your cellular memory, liberating you from the grasp of the rebellion, from the grips of error and sin. Drink deeply as I stir in you now, my children. My love is ever flowing through you. Allow your body to recode and what your Father and I are conveying into you now. (Pause)

There is a new dispensation occurring upon Urantia now. The energies of this dispensation are new. It will take a period of time to be fully encircuited upon the planet. Mark my words: the changes that are coming to Urantia are ordained by the Father in Paradise and are inevitable to help Urantia to secure its place in the circuits of the universe. You, who will witness these changes, are being called forth to perform mighty acts of service during the time of harvest and healing.

Spend time with your celestial teams each day that you may be more fully encircuited in what you need to steady yourselves in these new circuits that you may be more fully about the service work that your indwelling Father Fragments wish to conduct in and through you. Each of you has a unique part to play. We invite you now to open up to a part of your being wherein your Divine Life Plan is contained, to be more fully attached to it, that your Adjusters may guide you more expertly in the demonstration and embodiment of it on a material level.

The circuits of Light and Life are so beautiful, my children. Let your inner vision expand so that you may perceive the beauty and the majesty of what the creation of Light and Life on a planet means. It is a joyful co-creation. Yes, it is arduous at times. There is labor to be performed. But the prevailing attitude within these labors is joy. The fruits of the spirit that are created and demonstrated are love, peace, compassion, harmony, equality, tolerance, fairness, justice, and mercy. We send you out into the fields, upstepped, fully equipped to minister in joy, in the creative design and plan. Receive my joy, my children, that this may be more fully encoded into your bodies: the joy of life, the joy of creation, the joy of being in the Father.

Now I invite you to expand your inner vision to the Father in Paradise. Spend a few moments in worship, in appreciative praise of His LOVE and GLORY, of how He touches the lives of every living being throughout the far flung universe. As you do this, we will continue to minister to you that you may become more attuned to the circuits of worship to bring you into deeper coding of LOVE and PEACE. (Pause)


Allow your hearts to reflect His GLORY. You are His GLORY—your selves and your cells. Drink deeply of this energy that the presence of the Father on Urantia may be witnessed through your lives. (Pause)

Take a few more moments to thank the Father and then let your energy fields come back to the presence of the room.

Beloved children, fear not the time of change upon Urantia. Walk boldly in the light with truth radiating in your heart imprinting upon your soul. The harvest time is upon you, and we ask you to go out into the fields and radiate the Father’s LOVE to your brothers and sisters, and glory in what is now proceeding forth from Isle of Paradise with the LOVE that embraces Urantia as she returns the beloved embrace from her universe family. I love you, my children, and I wish you a most blessed and joyful good day.