2012-05-23-Personality Circuitry
Topic: Personality Circuitry
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Monsanloran, Monjoronson, Machiventa
TR: Donna D'Ingillo, Leoma Sparer
Session 1
May 23, 2012
Michael: Peace be upon you, my beloved children. This is Michael. There are many attending you now. In a few moments I will withdraw that your Melchizedek teaching corps may impart information into your conscious mind for you to imprint upon in the coming days.
We are delighted that you are now conjoined in the physical dimension, as much of the circuitry that you need for the further establishment of my kingdom upon Urantia can begin in more earnest. You are co-creating new patterns: new patterns of new energy with me and with your devoted Mother. I am leaving indelible marks upon you now that you may continue to be as I am and grow in the revelation of the Father within you. As you grow you will be called into more devoted service to my children of this world who have great need of what you can provide to them.
Enjoy this time together; delight in one another, and above all, serve the Father within you. He delights in ministering to you, opening you to greater fields of love and creative expression. Be in my peace, my beloved children.
Monsanloran: Greetings my brethren. This is Monsanloran Melchizedek. We are tethering you to many circuits of light that are necessary energies to fuel your bodies with more of the light that emanates from our Father Michael. As we impart information into your minds, we know that your bodies will also imprint upon these energies that they may cooperatively conjoin together in a unified field.
We will spend a few moments engaged in your circuitry that your apparatus, mindally and physically, may imprint upon what we are sharing with you. Some of what we imprint upon you will become more consciously know to you in a, what you might consider to be, shorter time frame. Others will await upon your further experiential development. Irrespective of what it is and how it is, it will reveal itself into your conscious waking thoughts.
We ask you to open your hearts with as large a feeling of desire as you can muster. Let us seed into you an expanded conceptual frame of reference that will draw more thoughts in your mind into a harmonious blend. Receive us now. (Pause)
Each of you is becoming better equipped to imprint and encapsulate that which we provide to you. Soon it will be time to lead your brothers and sisters into further instruction. Each of you has a very personal and unique way in which you impart this. We delight in observing how it is you use your co-creative energies to help your brothers and sisters. The schools that we provide to you during this Correcting Time are vastly different from how you have learned through your current educational system. When you engage with the Melchizedek schools, you are learning in the living laboratory of experience. Your circuits are impressed with that which you are ready to understand and embody in conjunctions with your indwelling Father Fragments.
We look to you to do great works in the name of Michael in service to this world. But as you know, you do not do this work alone nor are you left ill-prepared. For this is a continuation of the many years of training that you have been guided to receive and perceive. So as we continue to bring in those components of what it is you require – to become more unified as a living energy system, a living personality system on the planet – there are more who will step into the circuit to share themselves with you. Their love for you is beyond your human acknowledgement. Simply receive as best you can and let your energy systems reverberate in the melodies of divine LOVE. (Pause)
We will continue to minister to you throughout the time of your co-creation together in the coming days. You have much to incorporate, much to co-create together and to share with one another. We share in your joy. We share in your time of celebration as you embody that which this world needs now. I will withdraw from the circuit in this manner. You will continue to receive and expand in the Father’s will. Good afternoon.
Monjoronson: Greetings, my brethren. This is Monjoronson. The time is coming when my energetic signature takes greater form upon Urantia. This form, you might say, is an overlay of energy that your world needs to continue to change course and move into the circuits of LIGHT. As you all have been imprinting upon my energy signature for several years, you are becoming what you might call larger containers or vessels of divine MERCY.
Part of your time spent together can be directed at imprinting upon me as a unified field of intention for the three of you to act as one intention, heart, mind and soul to receive me. This is a somewhat challenging concept to inlay into Donna’s mind. Albeit it has to do with the three of you becoming more exponentially anchored in my energy signature – that you would share in that presence and essence of my personality with one another of how you imprint upon me, to be shared with one another.
The energetic sharing among humans of divine presences helps to anchor more of those personality energies onto the planet. It is this personal energy that your world needs. The impersonal circuits of light are well established. Now it is time to allow these personal circuits to thus be, you might say, energetically flushed out, so that there is this balance of impersonal and personal energy circuits infused on the planet. As you may well imagine, this will take some time for these personal energies to gain the proper balance. It is coming together. Are there questions?
Student: What this brings to mind to me is how the Supreme is built – the addition of our own personal higher energies and thoughts added in with all of the divine to build the Supreme. Is this in alignment?
Monjoronson: Yes. This is a component of the construction and the experientializing of the Supreme Being that is underway upon Urantia. There are other, you might call them, energetic commodities that are also being supplied into this cosmetic godhead growing upon this world. It is not so important for you to understand all of the functioning those ingredients that are added. What you provide that is so integral is the desire to do the Father’s will first and foremost in all dimensions of your lives.
Part of your universe training will be to come into an experiential understanding of that which does grow the cosmic Supreme Being throughout the superuniverses. Each level of your ascension journey will afford you experiential training and understanding of these various components. But the fundamental ingredient of it all is the desire to do the Father’s will and to make that the single most dedicated priority of your life, no matter at which phase of development you are in your eternal life. Does this answer your question?
Student: Yes, thank you. It is a very beautiful answer. What I want to respond with is that, yes, I might have previously understood that on an intellectual level. Right now I am feeling that energetically in my whole being on every level. It is a wonderful thing to feel my own being falling inward to the collective consciousness – the collective being of Urantia which also feeds into building the Supreme Being. It gives me such a heightened understanding feeling experience of my own value to the Supreme Being – my own value to all that exists and to that of every other individual that adds to the collective, and the beauty of being in Father’s will so that we can contribute more effectively for everyone else. Thank you.
Monjoronson: We are most pleased that this is part of your experiential understanding at this time. It is only through experiencing these ideas that you truly embody that which is of the Father and is the Father.
Student: It is so beautiful when it does happen; when we do experience it.
Monjoronson: We do so encourage you to truly savor this to the depths of your being.
Student: I am. I also can more fully now experience how this contributes to the labyrinth that I built co-creatively with the divine. What my own existence contributes to that is that it is indeed a co-creation. It continues to create and build and build and becomes more each day for those who will enter it. I am so thankful for that.
Monjoronson: The Father recognizes your dedication. You are so loved and appreciated and valued for what you do in service to Michael and his beloved world.
Student: Thank you. I could not be doing any of it without all of you.
Monjoronson: You will never have to. (Pause) We will end this transmission at this point and give you time to absorb these energies. It is important that you allow these energies to anchor into your physical dimensions. We encourage your physical activity today to help these forces of LIGHT around you to become physically infused at the most minute level of your being. We will continue to minister and monitor your developments as you progress through this time together. Enjoy yourselves as you learn how to be in the Father’s will in ease, grace, light and Michael’s love. Good afternoon.
Session 2
May 27, 2012
Monjoronson: Good morning, my beloved children. This is Monjoronson. Let yourselves come together as ONE to experience me in an expanded yet unified manner. Envision yourselves as all conjoined in a field of light. The tethers connecting you are very strong. I will infuse myself over this form. Receive me. Drink deeply of what is now coming into this circuit.
What you are co-creating with me is a cell, if you will, of personality. This cell of personality has a frequency rate to it that touches the personality threads of other individuals. It is not so important to conceptualize this in your minds but to simply receive deeper imprinting of our conjoined natures that divinity may converge on humanity, with this spiritual gravity, bringing the human nature into a more God-like arena.
In a short while when you are all conjoined with your other brethren, your energies will set a higher water mark, if you will, for your brothers and sisters to begin to imprint upon, that their desires – their heart energies – may draw into this bigger form. Keep your mind at rest and your thoughts at bay. Drink deeply of my presence. (Pause) As divinity conjoins with humanity, the desires of your heart swell that you may embody those qualities that I delight in sharing with you. Then when I am with you in physical form, you will have a better sense of knowingness of me – a deeper level of trust – a deeper commitment to assist me in the rigors to come.
These are the labors of love – a deeply transformation and committed type of love that your Urantia text discusses as Father-like. In imprinting yourselves upon this energy, your bodies will grow in that which is truly the nature of the Father: through the action of the Spirit, through the pattern of the Son. (Pause)
Now I will take my leave and again rejoin you in a short while. I thank you for coming together to do this sacred collaboration, most of which you truly do not yet understand. Therefore our appreciation of your efforts is doubly meaningful, and will greatly serve your status as Agondonters in the ages to come. Good bye.
Session 3
May 29, 2012
Michael (Donna-TR): Good evening, my beloved children. This is Michael. I am very pleased with how the three of you have come together to receive what is being shared with you by our Magisterial Son and with the Melchizedeks, who will soon be with you.
As you know, it is relationships and patterns that move the Father’s creative plan into motion and fruition. Therefore the relationships that you embrace, foster and build are the foundational rocks upon which your soul grows. We are tapping into your circuits with ourselves that you may grow and become the unique selves – or cells – of the Father’s matchless infinite and superb personality. This is part of the exploration of the mystery and the majesty of the Father.
I will pause here to allow these words to settle into your minds and hearts that you may feel the stirring within your souls of what it means to grow in this relationship-building time within the personality circuit. (Pause)
You have learned much and are gaining experience in the manipulation of what you call energy. Your thoughts, based on your desires and intentions, are all becoming more magnetized, you might say, into the power of will – the WILL of our Paradise Father. We use these terms to help you understand what it means to be a productive cosmic citizen, and to encourage you to experiment along the way as you journey to the Father.
Now it is time for you to truly experience what it means to collaborate with us in terms of building relationships that will heighten your spiritual fragrance and keep you in good standing as a member of the universe of Nebadon, a citizen of the superuniverse, and truly a child of all creation. There are many personalities who will wish to connect with you in the times to come of your life. As you explore these relationships, developing your bonds of friendship—camaraderie—you will increasingly grow in your souls’ development and comprehension of the social fragrance that is also a very important part of being a citizen of good standing in the cosmos.
Your Thought Adjuster, who represents our Father in Paradise in and through you, desire these relationships with others. When you come together in groups of two or more, do allow some time for the bonding – the kinship bonding between you and the other person or persons – that you may grow and expand in this circuit of personality. This will shower you with more love – more love than you can possibly imaging at this time.
The bond of oneness that you will feel with one another will be one of those delectable morsels that will truly satisfy your soul. Already you have an appreciation of what your friendship means to each one of you. Now think about how this will make you feel as you open yourself to others who are around you. You have begun to taste the personality deliciousness, if I may call it that, of your celestial helpers. You have barely scratched the surface.
Now as the circuits of Urantia become more clear and the energies of separation, mistrust, suspicion and cynicism begin to leave the planet, you will find yourselves more magnetically drawn to want to be in relationships with others and grow in your deepening, expanding and broadening desire to share yourselves with others and to receive what they can share with you. This bonding will be yours to enjoy all the way to Paradise.
So my children, my beloved children, feel your desire to bond with me even deeper. Let your Mother in that She may breathe her breath of life into you more deeply. Let me come in and infuse into you more of my Love. Receive me now, dear children. Receive your Father. (Pause)
Now in your mind’s eye, envision the three of you as one cell of energy. As I step into the circuit, let us all come together in that oneness of the First Source and Center, and the personality, the actual personhood of Father. (Pause)
My children, this is another way to share yourselves with one another. You have been raised in an environment where it is socially acceptable to talk about yourselves – what your lives are like, what you experience, what your opinions are, what your likes and dislikes are. But I say to you that this type of sharing of soul-to-soul is far more satisfying and will build the bonds of love between two or more in a more spiritized manner – especially if you conjoin with me and ask me to enter into your sharing and grow with you together. Not everyone you meet will be comfortable with this. For those who are ready to experience and practice this, you will be mightily pleased, and feel a deeper connection because you are already beginning to perceive this level of sharing that you have experienced in your time together.
This form of communion is not as socially acceptable in some of your quarters, so it will require you to step out of your comfort zone and to begin to practice this. Even if that person may not be quite ready to open himself or herself up to this, you may certainly practice this by asking for that person’s Adjuster and yours to commune together and send that signal – that thread of love from your heart to that person’s heart – and say ‘I desire to feel you, to know you, for you are my sister, you are my brother, and you have something important to share with me and I have something to share with you.’
You are learning as little children that it is safe to share. Why would you want to horde your personality gifts to yourself? It is unnecessary. It is a self-centered way of being. This is the tine to let go of that and to live as I did as I was here as Jesus – in that state of selflessness that is less inclined to focus on your own sense of self, with the desire to join in this grouping of SELF and cells that are of the Father.
As these energies continue to move in you, we will give you time to allow these thoughts and these circuits to become more indissolubly linked into your energy systems as they imprint upon your soul as you continue to grow and share with one another. I leave you in my peace. I delight as I watch you grow in my love. Good evening.
Machiventa (Donna-TR): Greetings, my brethren. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. In the coming days you can expect some heightened circuits to be constructed within you and around you. You may experience a period of mild turbulence, you might say, in your thought streams for awhile as your bodies attenuate to these energies. But we anticipate that the turbulence will only be a mild sensation.
You have come together to bring in those necessary energies of light of the Father, with new patterns of personality, you might call it, bonding. They are so important in these transitional times. I know that you may have some questions about the nature and scope of this personality bonding. But I invite you to allow some time for your indwelling Father Fragments to seed these ideas into your minds that you may come to your own heightened awareness of what is being shared with you. You have been receiving much input from the Melchizedeks, from the Magisterial Son and from the Father. We do not wish to overload your systems but to help you gain from these times of personality bonding that you would be fully equipped to collaborate with us in the time soon to come.
With that being said, I will leave you and encourage you to continue to collaborate with one another in the ways that you are being prompted. But most of all, truly relish this time together. For it is this savoring of sweet enjoyment that will help your energy bodies attune to the deeper currents of love that will overtake you and fill your hearts with a passion so bright that you will be able to do great things in Michael’s name. With that, I withdraw. Good evening.
Monjoronson (Leoma-TR): Greetings, my friends, this is Monjoronson. I welcome and heed your intention to spend more time and attention on cultivating the personality circuitry with me. In the few previous days, without your direct intention you have undergone some intensive experiences of the more socialized bonding of your personality as you worked as a team to interpret and break free some of the newer patterns of what you call energies to come through for the transformation of Urantia and its citizens. You saw this as an exercise of helping your friend Donna to undergo her transformation process. Yet it was much more than what met your eyes and senses at the time.
You are learning on a very active level how to operate together cooperatively, synergistically and on multiple levels of energy sharing. It is this higher level of binding now, if you will, that I wish to cultivate further while you are yet physically in each other’s fields.
While your energy fields, as you term them, are now blended into one with Michael, I now interject my own stream of personality presence and pattern that you may more fully incorporate this into your own beings. For the next few moments, please receive in this way. (Pause)
As you incorporate and integrate these new patterns of personality within your individual beings and within your collective being, you will experience heightened senses of personality connections of mental, you might think of them as telepathic, interpretations of knowingness between you. While at the same time you will grow in your capacity to perceive my own pattern of personality growing within you.
At any time you wish, even after you are physically parted from each other, you may return to this oneness of being – either individually or the three of you communicating together at the same time to re-engage your attention to integrate more of this patterning along with my presence. As you have previously experienced in many similar endeavors, your proximity is helpful on a human intellectual level but it is not required or necessary on the higher spiritual levels of sharing. (Pause)
Again, we understand that you likely have many queries on what is taking place and what this means to you. However at this time, we admonish you to simply receive, absorb and incorporate these new patternings into your beings while disengaging your intellect, probing to understand. To receive and absorb on the maximum level it is helpful to relax your mind and take it out of the equation as much as possible.
Continue to receive in this manner until you feel it tapering off. For now I take my leave, though I remain in this circuitry with you for a time longer. Thank you for your beautiful devotion and receptivity to what you are as yet unable to grasp of its meaning. Good evening.