2012-05-27-Message from Michael
Topic: Message from Michael
Group: Reflectivator Network
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
My beloved sons, I once again extend you the invitation to serve your brethren, just like I extended it to my apostles so long ago. I will be with you every step of the way; I will not let you falter. And when you feel that you are doing the toughest walk of your lives on your own, know that I hold you in my own hands, and that our Father holds us all in His hands. My dear children, the times that you are about to live will not be by any means easy, and the work to be done in the name of the Universal Father in order to heal this world will be very difficult indeed, but it will be nevertheless very glorious indeed. Your sacrifices will be remembered by those that will find their inner strength and inspiration in your actions, to do Father's will, much like Paul found his inspiration based on Stephan's heroism at the time of spreading the good news until his very end.
Help so many others remember that the Universal Father loves them all will all the love that only the Creator all can muster. My brave apostles, even in the face of desperation, as you walk in the shadows of the valley of death, do not fear or have any doubts, but rather become the guiding light of your brethren, and bring them all home.
Use Father's inner presence in you as your constant and unfailing guide; just be still and listen. To all who will consecrate their lives to do Father's will on Urantia, especially during the trying times that await just ahead, I will grant my authority to call those that have always served me in the realms of the spirit, so you can call for their advice and assistance in order to accomplish your tasks. I love you all and hold you in my arms. I leave you know with my blessing and that of our Paradise Father. Take the time that you have left before it all starts to unfold to seek strength inside of you, in Father's infinite love and mercy.