2012-05-28-Message from Gabriel

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Topic: Message from Gabriel

Group: Reflectivator Network


Teacher: Gabriel

TR: Unknown



"Scribe, commence transcribing what is required from you for the glory of the Universal Father and in His name! Faithfully and dutifully record the extraordinary events that you will witness for the benefit of the future generations of mortals that will inhabit the future sphere of perfection that this world will become, in beautiful harmony with the countless celestials that will come here to serve as well as to learn, for schools like the one this world will become are extremely rare in the entire grand universe.

Record the hard but glorious spiritual lessons that will be imparted and learned in this world, so thirsty for them. The sovereign of this universe and my Lord sends me again to announce his physical reappearance on Urantia, for all mankind to see, to fulfill a rare and unique promise that he made 20 centuries ago to those that served and followed him then.

What a great experience will be to serve your sovereign as he walks again in the flesh! His presence will be his gift and that of the Paradise Father to you all, for all the faith and valor that you have exhibited even in the total absence of the physical and spiritual guidance available in worlds not affected by rebellion. However, before the sovereign of Nebadon graces you with his physical presence on Urantia, many and profound changes will take place, so that those that will be alive to witness the greatest event in the history of this world, can truly comprehend its real significance.

As commanded by the Paradise Father Himself, the Magisterial Son of assignment will be arriving shortly to prepare the way for the return of Jesus of Nazareth, our sovereign Michael of Nebadon.

In order for the required preparations for Michael's return to be made as quickly and efficiently as possible, all those that are aware of the 5th revelation, especially those that can transmit and receive messages from the realms of spirit, are being invited by Monjoronson to assist him is such important preparation tasks.

Again, important and extraordinary events that will forever change the spiritual and physical aspects of life on Urantia are now very close at hand. Prepare yourselves to serve the Universal Father in unimaginable ways, and to help rewrite the history of this world."