2012-06-07-Malachi's Prophecy Is To Be Soon Fulfilled
Topic: Malachi's Prophecy
Group: Reflectivator Network
Teacher: Malachi
TR: Unknown
"Greetings dear brother, I intended not to trouble you during my attempt to convey you a visual message that had a far more elevated meaning that what you perceived, but as you continue your practices in message reception you will be able to obtain the messages with more fidelity.
What I prophesied millennia ago is about to start transpiring in this world so affected by the turmoil caused by spiritual confusion and ignorance. Our Lord will indeed come to this world to fulfill what was misunderstood by those that he communicated with during his life in the flesh.
“What is wicked and evil will be eradicated as it has never been, it will all be just like a bad memory, a scary dream that you all will be awaken from to greet the glorious morning of the resurrection of this world into a new one where love and mercy will flourish like one of the best gardens of flowers that this universe has ever seen. This world is to become Father's personal garden in Nebadon, and the flowers represented by the souls of those that will so lovingly and selflessly serve Him will truly be His precious possession, and their value in terms of experience and resilience to evil will be great indeed, not only to their brethren in terms of the lessons that they will share with them, but also in terms of the service that they will provide to the Universal Father in eternity, as well as to God The Supreme in the creations of time.
“With the assistance of dedicated souls to the Universal Father's will in this local universe, and especially of this world, I intend to complete the work that has been assigned to me, for Father's and my Lord's glory, before continuing on enjoying the fantastic lessons in spirit that I still need to learn, as well as the adventures of future service that I will undertake.
“I invite you and your brethren to stand up and serve and love, more than you have ever done before in your life, in the very difficult times that this world is about to witness, for indeed “the times that I long ago referred to are at hand”.
“What is not compatible with spirit, with Father's will, will be shed like dead flesh from a corrupting dead body, and a new flesh, a new and glorious body, will be put in its place. Do not misunderstand my words: there is no more patience anywhere in Uversa as far as the continuation of the existence of evil here is concerned, and Father's mercy towards it is about extinguished as well for, as our Lord once said, “would you give pearls to the pigs”?
“Strong are these words, but no more lessons in spirit or attempts to change the unchangeable minds of the wicked will be wasted, they will simply be removed as part of the cleansing work that is about to be performed in this world.
“May the eternal love of our Lord accompany you always, and may the divine light of the Universal Father illuminate your way."
Malachi lived about 450 BC, some 400 years later than Ezekiel (circa 850 BC). Ezekiel prophesied the coming of the Creator Son and Malachi prophesied the second return even before either event transpires. Malachi has been on Urantia frequently as an instrument of the Father's will to abide and abet the fulfillment of the days when God shall walk on earth. Malachi is nearly at the end of his ascension career in Nebadon as he must go on to the superuniverse regime of ascending training when Michael signals that all is done. This faithful servant of God has prepared Urantia for the great 5th epochal revelation that has come to us as the Urantia Book, and his work to obtain the best information possible for mankind on our planet will be superseseded by those now in the flesh who are dedicated to the will of the Father being realized on Urantia in the very near term.]