2012-06-10-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My precious children, this is Nebadonia, your Spirit Mother. Subtle energies stream into your beings at all times, and you, as a human race, are awakening to them and learning what they are, what they mean and how they improve the quality of your life. This is part of my being, and it is my desire that my children of this world would grow in spiritual maturity to use these energies as they were intended—for the betterment of all life forms on the planet.
The more you desire to follow the WILL of our Creator and the creative design, the more you will be able to attune to these energies and learn how to use them for your advantage and the advantage of others. You will learn many lessons about them and how they follow certain principles or rules of functioning, replicating in various creative patterns that all enhance the quality of living for everyone. You will not be able to use them for your own self-centered gains; these energies are meant for all and to be shared freely and in accordance with the laws of creation under which the universe operates.
So my children, it behooves you to want to follow the divine path, and to make sound choices that are based on the principles of fairness, justice, compassion, kindness, tolerance, love, peace and equality. These are the beautiful attributes of our Creator Father, and when you truly and sincerely crave to be like your Father, you will grow in these divinity attributes and be able to use these energies to creatively express the wonderful personality gifts that have been seeded into your divine life plan. Choose wisely each day, and watch how the WILL of LIFE takes you into the eternal discovery of what LOVE is. Thrive in ME!